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Former Member
According to a well placed source who spoke under anonymity.... Duane Edwards voted in favor of Kissoon's dismissal and how hypocritically protest in support of Kissoon.
The council the source said, is comprised of 10 members of which 5 are known government officials. The other five include the Student Society President as well Kissoon who represents the University Workers Union.

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Originally posted by albert:
According to a well placed source who spoke under anonymity.... Duane Edwards voted in favor of Kissoon's dismissal and how hypocritically protest in support of Kissoon.
The council the source said, is comprised of 10 members of which 5 are known government officials. The other five include the Student Society President as well Kissoon who represents the University Workers Union.

Stop your childish gossip and lies!

I understand that there was no formal vote since the built in PPP majority of 5 (with Freddie absent) carried the day by acclamation.

Anyone (credible people, not albert) know differently?
Staffers and Faculty members of the University of Guyana came out in support

Several prominent persons came out in support of Freddie Kissoon.

Staffers and Faculty members of the University of Guyana came out in support of lecturer Freddie Kissoon, protesting what they deemed the wrongful termination of Kissoon’s contract.

The protest was held yesterday outside the administration building, UG.

On Monday Kissoon was formally told that his contract was terminated with immediate effect by the University’s Council.

He was a Political Science Lecturer who functioned in that capacity for 26 years. The University Council has not formally given a reason why Kissoon’s contract was terminated.

Social Sciences faculty member Hector Edwards said that staffers have taken this issue very seriously. According to Edwards the concern is really over the inconsistency of the treatment of Kissoon. He said that faculty members know of similar issues which were dealt with differently. “There is no justification,” Edwards said yesterday.

Kaieteur News was further told that the termination of Kissoon’s contract could be seen as the start of the dismantling of the university.

Edwards said that faculty members have taken a stand since their voices need to be heard. He said that Kissoon’s situation is just one of the issues that have been bothering the staffers and faculty members. And with classes re-starting on Monday, no one has been identified to carry the lesson which Kissoon would have been teaching.

Meanwhile the Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCT) in a press statement yesterday said that the termination of Kissoon’s contract is a dangerous and worrying development.

According to the YCT, they believe that the PPP/C controlled decision making body, in the Kissoon situation, and has created more doubts in the minds of the people that, this minority regime will work to promote a Guyanese society where characteristics of a democratic government will be an illusion.

“Mr. Kissoon, who is notoriously known as a staunch critic of the PPP/C government, like he was of the PNC government, has on many occasions, expressed what many describe as fearless views which go contrary to the views of the PPP/C. This current action of sacking Kissoon, many felt was bound to happen as the PPP/C seems to relish in the posture they project; that posture which intimates that it is a party which has zero tolerance for dissenting or differing views,” the YCT said.

“Let us demand a full and impartial disclosure of all the allegations, if any, made against Freddie Kissoon and strive to see whether those disclosures, are justified or real. The burden is on those who instituted the dismissal to prove that the non-renewal of Kissoon’s contract to lecture at the University of Guyana is without malice, contempt and divisive practices,” the youth body added.


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