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Originally Posted by Chief:

This video should be a "must see" for every member of Congress here in the US.

Hey kuli bhai, when yuh forfathers were busy worshipping idols, God in his infinite wisdom created the Middle East and on to this day is the same ppl there and doing the same things. Findings new ways to kill their neighbours.


Dey suh dutty, dey even get ppl who have nothing in common wid dem to be involved in there muderous ways. They even migrated to the west, seeking a genisis. But that thing for killing never departed from them-their demons corrupt who ever that comes in their paths-even foolish converted indoes.



Originally Posted by Chief:

This video should be a "must see" for every member of Congress here in the US.

The US Congress don't give a shit about anti-Israel sentiments coming from British MP's mouth. Muslims are threatening innocent people in the streets of England, they should start to curb that problem before they lecture Israel. 

Israel has a right to protect itself from terrorists neighbours. Let us not forget their attempt to exterminate Israel who then gave them a good trashing. Enemies of Israel shake in fear at the very sight of an Israeli army. Peace will only come when Israel's neighbours respect Israel's right as a country and citizens as an integral part of the region. Uncle Sam will always support Israel. Get used to this fact.
Originally Posted by Chief:

I have no quarrel with Israel right to protect itself neither do I have any quarrel with the right for Israel to exist.


If you paid attention to what the Jewish Brithish MP is saying , it's the atrocities that Israel is  carrying out in the name of right to exist and right to protect themselves.

What about the muslim atrocities upon the west?

Originally Posted by Chief:

This video should be a "must see" for every member of Congress here in the US.

This guy is a nut case.  UK is a democracy which allows such divergent views.  In Egypt, Mubarak would be pushing broom stick up yuh battie and in wahabistan they would be slitting your throat.


With the bold attacks recently, the UK needs to rein-in views which can lead to violence.  These mullah sympathizers and racial mullahs need to be silenced.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

These radicals are like the "foot soldiers", the nation of Islam is largely behind them, don't fool yourself.

I do not post much on here but everyone once in a while I see a post to which I respond are a racist and a religious bigot. your intolerance is especially shameful because you were born in a multicultural and multi-ethinc country...

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

These radicals are like the "foot soldiers", the nation of Islam is largely behind them, don't fool yourself.

I do not post much on here but everyone once in a while I see a post to which I respond are a racist and a religious bigot. your intolerance is especially shameful because you were born in a multicultural and multi-ethinc country...

You opinion, certainly you don't read much.


Ask Chief how many quietly supporting the Taliban destruction of the statues in the Hindu Kush.  He is on the inside, he knows of what he speaks.


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