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UK supports Guyana in Venezuela border controversy

April 28, 2015 1:15 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

British High Commissioner, James Gregory Quinn. [iNews' Photo]

British High Commissioner, James Gregory Quinn. [iNews’ Photo]


[] – The age old border controversy between Guyana and Venezuela needs to be approached differently if a solution is to be met, according to newly appointed United Kingdom High Commissioner to Guyana, Gregory James Quinn.


He noted that the Good Offices approach, which was established by the United Nations as a mechanism to assist in resolving Venezuela’s continued claim on a portion of Guyana’s Essequibo coast, has not been as effective as it was intended to be.


“I think it is probably time for a new approach…because the Good Office approach hasn’t actually produced a result and this now has a real impact because the maritime border hasn’t delineated it does have potential impact on Guyana,” the UK envoy told reporters recently.


The High Commissioner pledged the UK’s support of Guyana in this matter and when questioned whether the UK can offer more than just its declaration of support, he responded: “there are other options within the UN system which we can consider as a way of finishing this once and for all and we wouldn’t be seeking to impose ourselves to say what we think is the best way of doing that, but certainly if asked.”


Only recently government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its intention to opt out of the UN Good Offices process. In explaining the country’s decision and its desire to request a judicial settlement, Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett pointed out that the


process yielded little results over the last 25 years.

She said Guyana was examining other options while at the same time suggesting that Venezuela remained comfortable with the current process. These other options will eventually have to be decided by the UN Secretary General.Venezuela

According to Article 33 of the UN Charter, in addition to “Good Offices,” the other options include the resort to mediation, facilitation, dialogue processes, arbitration and judicial settlement. However, all, except judicial settlement, have already been tried.

This most recent development in the territorial controversy arose just after the Venezuelan Foreign Minister objected to the exploratory drilling for oil by the American company, Exxon Mobil, in the concession granted by Guyana.


Venezuela claimed that the area is its territory despite the fact that the drilling area is deep within Guyana’s maritime economic zone. In response, Guyana’s foreign affairs ministry stated that it requested the Venezuelan government to desist from taking any actions that could only result in hindering the development of Guyana.

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Not so long ago we had a conversation on border issues between Guyana and Venezuela, and the GNI experts weighs with their opinions. Well, here we have it. The U.K. is backing Guyana as well as the United States. Any further opinions?


UK High Commissioner believes sugar industry should be sustained

April 28, 2015 11:03 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

United Kingdom High Commissioner to Guyana, James Gregory Quinn

United Kingdom High Commissioner to Guyana, James Gregory Quinn


[]The United Kingdom’s newly appointed High Commissioner to Guyana, Gregory James Quinn believes that the sugar industry is an important fabric of the Guyanese society.

As such, he is of the view that investments should continue to be made in the industry to ensure it survives. He noted that what has occurred and affected the local industry ‎negatively should no longer be the focus; instead stakeholders should look at ways in which they can sustain sugar.


“Sugar is a vital industry for Guyana, the same way rice is a vital industry and gold is a vital industry,” he told reporters recently.

According to the UK envoy, looking at viable solutions for the industry’s sustainability is critical if government is to stop giving subsidies to the ailing industry.

“Moving on is key and one way in which this can be done is to figure out how to make the sugar industry here as good and as efficient as it can possibly be in light of what is quiet a low sugar price and challenges to sugar industry ‎globally.Sugar

“But there is always ways in which you can ‎improve the efficiency of industries to make sure the return need is as good as possible and I think that’s what we need to look at going forward.”

High Commissioner Quinn also announced that the allocations of European Development Fund (EDF) will be done more strategically towards the industry as against being paid to the consolidated fund when it is released.


Meanwhile, he also spoke about the concerns over the continued withholding of the last tranche of the EDF to Guyana, noting that it was a decision which was taken by the European Union and not the UK.

“It’s not my decision to release the funding, it’s a decision which was made in Brussels…the UK is but one country of 28 EU member states, we can’t block things by ourselves…the decision not to disperse that last tranche of money was one that was made by the 28 member states in Brussels.”


He could not say when that money would be released. Earlier this year, the EU announced that it has temporarily put on hold its two latest partial payments, Euro$28.9M for the local sugar sector and $14.8M for sea defence works.


The EU had said that the hold on the payments would be done until all eligibility criteria, including budget oversight, are satisfactorily addressed.


“Sugar is a vital industry for Guyana, the same way rice is a vital industry and gold is a vital industry,” he told reporters recently.

According to the UK envoy, looking at viable solutions for the industry’s sustainability is critical if government is to stop giving subsidies to the ailing industry.


If the sugar industry is vital to Guyana and its export partners, then we must support a government that is willing to subsidize GUYSUCO and bring is back on its feet.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not so long ago we had a conversation on border issues between Guyana and Venezuela, and the GNI experts weighs with their opinions. Well, here we have it. The U.K. is backing Guyana as well as the United States. Any further opinions?

There is a standing agreement with all former colonies that in situations of threats, the UK government will defend the said former colony.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not so long ago we had a conversation on border issues between Guyana and Venezuela, and the GNI experts weighs with their opinions. Well, here we have it. The U.K. is backing Guyana as well as the United States. Any further opinions?

On what is the UK backing the USA?


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