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UK to free up stalled aid – Quinn

With monies for infrastructural and other projects stalled since the December 2018 No Confidence Motion against the APNU+AFC government was upheld, the United Kingdom (UK) is swiftly pursuing measures to have those disbursed to the Irfaan Ali government to recommence the process, even as it looks at other areas to lend its continued support.


“Assistance that was on pause, we are very keen for that to restart. I am due to see the Minister of Public Infrastructure in the next couple of days because we are very keen to have that process restarted,” British High Commissioner Greg Quinn yesterday told the Stabroek News, as he wraps up his tour of duty here, which has lasted five years instead of three.

He was referring to projects here which fell under the United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Fund (UKCIF). Under the Fund, the UK’s Department for International Development provided up to £300 million in grant financing from January 2016 to March 2020, to several Caribbean countries including Guyana. Guyana is to benefit from £53.2 million (around $16 billion) with the funds to be applied to six major infrastructure programmes, including waterfront development, water supply improvement and solid waste management. The CDB has been designated by the UK government to design, develop and implement the programme in collaboration with Guyana.



'Water supply improvement'?I thought that van west did that already.

Why everyone wants to give us what we already have?

What we need:

Fishing trawlers (200) and 3 canning plants.

to plant tea and more coffee beans with two processing plants.

We need to grow our own wheat, potatoes, garlic. and yellow peas.

We need to feed ourselves now that we have lots of revenues coming oil.

Thank God, Ali is the President.



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