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Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Why is it every time we see our Amerindian brothers and sisters at a government ceremony they are always dancing and jumping up
Why can't they just be there just like us instead of a human display for our entertainment.

Wanting others to be 'just like us', is what has screwed up the whole world.

Your mind might be too small to realize the world is diverse and Guyana is no different.

Politics in Guyana for the past 49 years has got the entire country in trouble, because everyone want others to be 'just like us'.


The Amerindians in Guyana are displaying their rich diverse culture and when we fail to do so, we lose an important part of our traditional life.


You might be part of this example. Our ancestors were taken to British Guiana  and were not allowed to practice their language and religion, because the British wanted them to be  'just like us'.

Many of us are from African and Indian heritage, but how many of us practice  the rituals of our ancestors, that was taken away by others, who wanted us to be  'just like us'.


An experience I had with much anger for the British. One evening I was walking among the street people  of Kolkata and I was very upset that I looked like them, came from that country, yet I could not speak their language, because someone wanted me to be 'just like us'.


The Canadian Indian Residential School System was instrumental in wanting to make Canada First Nations People 'just like us'. They failed miserable and left generations as a broken people. With numerous challenges to cope with daily life.   


Have a diverse mind and embrace others as they are, because even if we try to change them, they will never become 'just like us'.   

This is deep-deep stuff, Tola bai. Highly appreciated.

You know Gil, sometime me write stuff here and na  know where it comes from. Maybe me spiritual side.

I don't remember much of grammar in primary school, like how to use 'have' and 'has' in a sentence.

But like you, travel does open our minds, when we don't stay in five star hotels.

Thanks for the compliment, sometimes I don't think its really me.  

Me now rememba why me fail grammar in school.

Dat day, me and Bibi decided to skip school and play all day unda the carrion crow bushes. No further comment, we were only eight.

Me lend she me arithmetic book that she never returned, but it was worth it.


Whea you dea Bibi gyal..  Maybe a grandma now.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

I do not see any comment here about hating or liking indians. One dude asked why are amerindians dancing...well because they are happy.


I reminded him he should be complaining about dancing at diwali fairs since that is most culturally out of context not dancing here. One is for vicarious display to a bunch of leering drunks and the other in celebration.


The point is that is disheartening is you see indian hating and not the awful disgusting racist commentary from most indians here


By the way, I hold my indian credentials high. I am as Indian as any of you having lived in the culture most of my early life and I I can sing Om Jai Jagdish Hare with the best. I also attended hindi night school at the mandir with the local kids because that is who I am. 


What I hold in contempt is the low class coolie dalit biliousness coming from  bigots like Skeldoape an Yugli believing they along know what it is to be indian. Theirs is the disease to be excised from the culture.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

I do not see any comment here about hating or liking indians. One dude asked why are amerindians dancing...well because they are happy.


I reminded him he should be complaining about dancing at diwali fairs since that is most culturally out of context not dancing here. One is for vicarious display to a bunch of leering drunks and the other in celebration.


The point is that is disheartening is you see indian hating and not the awful disgusting racist commentary from most indians here

I see thing my way. You would notice that I carefully stated "Indian Hating Indian Brigade". That means that I was not referring to you. Hatred between races, religions, etc. have been around for as long as man has been around and you see that here from both sides. I was clearly not addressing that.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

I see thing my way. You would notice that I carefully stated "Indian Hating Indian Brigade". That means that I was not referring to you. Hatred between races, religions, etc. have been around for as long as man has been around and you see that here from both sides. I was clearly not addressing that.

Note, many indians were conned into indentureship by arkatis. The brits used similarly bent indians on the estates. The first five ministers sworn in as Parliamentarians in Burnham regime were Indians. The point being that people seeking after their own self interest always exist in every culture.


But that is not the disease. It racism is.



Originally Posted by cain:

Haul ayou aass, Putagee Hatin Everybody Equally Brigade comin through.

Bro, Portuguese in Guyana were also a different breed. They married into both Amerind and Black culture liberally. They even made a few inroads into Indian culture  Alyhu rass mixed up as any of us. My Amerind grand mother has Jewish Portuguese in her . Most of the Portuguese in guyana have blood lines from various parts of Spain ( basque and Galatia) and Portugal. At least the names indicate that. There was also a lot of mixing going on in the Madeiras before the Diasporic shift to the WI.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

I see thing my way. You would notice that I carefully stated "Indian Hating Indian Brigade". That means that I was not referring to you. Hatred between races, religions, etc. have been around for as long as man has been around and you see that here from both sides. I was clearly not addressing that.

Note, many indians were conned into indentureship by arkatis. The brits used similarly bent indians on the estates. The first five ministers sworn in as Parliamentarians in Burnham regime were Indians. The point being that people seeking after their own self interest always exist in every culture.


But that is not the disease. It racism is.



Of course racism is a disease. So are other forms of bigotry. The observation I made is of Indians behaving like it is a crime to be an Indian. I see it. You don't have to.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Careful, Kaz, a mirage is not the real thing. It's an illusion you're looking at, that so-called Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

The ability of an Indian to criticize or poke fun at his Ilk is a virtue, a sign of maturity, a confidence in himself and bhais. Definitely not self-hate. Like every other ethnic group, we have shortcomings and must be open and honest about such. If me as a coolie man cyaant laff at me mattee coolie, who me go laff at?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Careful, Kaz, a mirage is not the real thing. It's an illusion you're looking at, that so-called Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

The ability of an Indian to criticize or poke fun at his Ilk is a virtue, a sign of maturity, a confidence in himself and bhais. Definitely not self-hate. Like every other ethnic group, we have shortcomings and must be open and honest about such. If me as a coolie man cyaant laff at me mattee coolie, who me go laff at?

You are fully within your rights to believe this if you so wish Gilly.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Careful, Kaz, a mirage is not the real thing. It's an illusion you're looking at, that so-called Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

The ability of an Indian to criticize or poke fun at his Ilk is a virtue, a sign of maturity, a confidence in himself and bhais. Definitely not self-hate. Like every other ethnic group, we have shortcomings and must be open and honest about such. If me as a coolie man cyaant laff at me mattee coolie, who me go laff at?

Gilly bai, I always say 'Laugh at yourself first, then you can laugh at others'.

Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

I see thing my way. You would notice that I carefully stated "Indian Hating Indian Brigade". That means that I was not referring to you. Hatred between races, religions, etc. have been around for as long as man has been around and you see that here from both sides. I was clearly not addressing that.

Note, many indians were conned into indentureship by arkatis. The brits used similarly bent indians on the estates. The first five ministers sworn in as Parliamentarians in Burnham regime were Indians. The point being that people seeking after their own self interest always exist in every culture.


But that is not the disease. It racism is.



I wish the East Indians would settle this issue of their indentureship. Either the belief is that those pple were conned or the british grapped them and put them on ships-similar to Africa slaves. 


The consideration should be heeded what was really going on India in that era. It is always good to tel a sad story of the bad bad white man. 


From all accounts, I think a great many EI choose to leave India. Throughout Africa they are found, in Fiji, in Mauritius, and God knows where else. It is an Indian thing to move from lace to place. All of us posting here moved frm Guyana. Perhaps, bcz of the PNC, the PPP, crime, etc, etc, The whiteman din force us onto the plane.


Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by cain:

Haul ayou aass, Putagee Hatin Everybody Equally Brigade comin through.

Bro, Portuguese in Guyana were also a different breed. They married into both Amerind and Black culture liberally. They even made a few inroads into Indian culture  Alyhu rass mixed up as any of us. My Amerind grand mother has Jewish Portuguese in her . Most of the Portuguese in guyana have blood lines from various parts of Spain ( basque and Galatia) and Portugal. At least the names indicate that. There was also a lot of mixing going on in the Madeiras before the Diasporic shift to the WI.

Columbus lived in Madeira on his father-in-law sugar cane plantation-he was a jew. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Seeing things where there is none problem


"What you are describing could be a visual hallucination or a delusion (a mistaken belief). In either case there are many possible causes. Sometimes sensory loss, in the form of vision and hearing loss, causes people to hear and see things that are not there. There are also medications that can cause hallucinations or delusions or medications that are not being prescribed or taken properly. It could be a sign of some form of mental illness or a symptom of some form of dementia." 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Seeing things where there is none problem


"What you are describing could be a visual hallucination or a delusion (a mistaken belief). In either case there are many possible causes. Sometimes sensory loss, in the form of vision and hearing loss, causes people to hear and see things that are not there. There are also medications that can cause hallucinations or delusions or medications that are not being prescribed or taken properly. It could be a sign of some form of mental illness or a symptom of some form of dementia." 

You sound like a shrink.

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Careful, Kaz, a mirage is not the real thing. It's an illusion you're looking at, that so-called Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

The ability of an Indian to criticize or poke fun at his Ilk is a virtue, a sign of maturity, a confidence in himself and bhais. Definitely not self-hate. Like every other ethnic group, we have shortcomings and must be open and honest about such. If me as a coolie man cyaant laff at me mattee coolie, who me go laff at?

You are fully within your rights to believe this if you so wish Gilly.

Thank you, brother.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Careful, Kaz, a mirage is not the real thing. It's an illusion you're looking at, that so-called Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

The ability of an Indian to criticize or poke fun at his Ilk is a virtue, a sign of maturity, a confidence in himself and bhais. Definitely not self-hate. Like every other ethnic group, we have shortcomings and must be open and honest about such. If me as a coolie man cyaant laff at me mattee coolie, who me go laff at?

Gilly bai, I always say 'Laugh at yourself first, then you can laugh at others'.

Skelly, I know you have a thick skin.

Warria seh he see yuh in a Springlands trench but when he mek fo pelt he discover was a manatee.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

I see thing my way. You would notice that I carefully stated "Indian Hating Indian Brigade". That means that I was not referring to you. Hatred between races, religions, etc. have been around for as long as man has been around and you see that here from both sides. I was clearly not addressing that.

Note, many indians were conned into indentureship by arkatis. The brits used similarly bent indians on the estates. The first five ministers sworn in as Parliamentarians in Burnham regime were Indians. The point being that people seeking after their own self interest always exist in every culture.


But that is not the disease. It racism is.



I wish the East Indians would settle this issue of their indentureship. Either the belief is that those pple were conned or the british grapped them and put them on ships-similar to Africa slaves. 


The consideration should be heeded what was really going on India in that era. It is always good to tel a sad story of the bad bad white man. 


From all accounts, I think a great many EI choose to leave India. Throughout Africa they are found, in Fiji, in Mauritius, and God knows where else. It is an Indian thing to move from lace to place. All of us posting here moved frm Guyana. Perhaps, bcz of the PNC, the PPP, crime, etc, etc, The whiteman din force us onto the plane.


Siggy, this much I will say for now: For better or worse, Indians have been a migrant race for over 2,000 years, even before the Buddha. Lots of Indian descendants reside in Malaysia and Indonesia. They were not shipped there as indentured servants. The descendants of indentured immigrants in the Caribbean have been moving on in increasing numbers since the 1950s to the UK, US, Canada and me nah know wheh else.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Careful, Kaz, a mirage is not the real thing. It's an illusion you're looking at, that so-called Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

The ability of an Indian to criticize or poke fun at his Ilk is a virtue, a sign of maturity, a confidence in himself and bhais. Definitely not self-hate. Like every other ethnic group, we have shortcomings and must be open and honest about such. If me as a coolie man cyaant laff at me mattee coolie, who me go laff at?

Gilly bai, I always say 'Laugh at yourself first, then you can laugh at others'.

Skelly, I know you have a thick skin.

Warria seh he see yuh in a Springlands trench but when he mek fo pelt he discover was a manatee.

Me gotto tell dem people ah Botanic Gardens, dem missing a manatee, or is Skelly now the attraction ?

Skellybai, whea Warria dea, like he gone pan holiday, or de man sick.  

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

I see thing my way. You would notice that I carefully stated "Indian Hating Indian Brigade". That means that I was not referring to you. Hatred between races, religions, etc. have been around for as long as man has been around and you see that here from both sides. I was clearly not addressing that.

Note, many indians were conned into indentureship by arkatis. The brits used similarly bent indians on the estates. The first five ministers sworn in as Parliamentarians in Burnham regime were Indians. The point being that people seeking after their own self interest always exist in every culture.


But that is not the disease. It racism is.



I wish the East Indians would settle this issue of their indentureship. Either the belief is that those pple were conned or the british grapped them and put them on ships-similar to Africa slaves. 


The consideration should be heeded what was really going on India in that era. It is always good to tel a sad story of the bad bad white man. 


From all accounts, I think a great many EI choose to leave India. Throughout Africa they are found, in Fiji, in Mauritius, and God knows where else. It is an Indian thing to move from lace to place. All of us posting here moved frm Guyana. Perhaps, bcz of the PNC, the PPP, crime, etc, etc, The whiteman din force us onto the plane.


Siggy, this much I will say for now: For better or worse, Indians have been a migrant race for over 2,000 years, even before the Buddha. Lots of Indian descendants reside in Malaysia and Indonesia. They were not shipped there as indentured servants. The descendants of indentured immigrants in the Caribbean have been moving on in increasing numbers since the 1950s to the UK, US, Canada and me nah know wheh else.

dah wah a seying, our people been on the move even before AD. suh, all dis thing about conned and kidnapped, is nah fuh everybody. a lot came on their choice. imagine, just to travel beyond the brahmaputra and ganges was forbidden, but yet there were intelligent  men and women who dares 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The country suffering and the government see fit to putting 66million to rebuild a truli leaf structure.  Not sure how this cost is justified. 

BG, do you know what happens to a people when they lose their culture, like the indenture labourers from India ? In Guyana, almost 200 years later, they are still looking for a forward direction.

They became a broken people like Canada First Nations People's experience in residential schools, where the British wanted them to conform to British culture. They also screwed our minds in Guyana.  

You might not knew this, because you might have already lost your culture.


Rebuilding this place have deep meaning for Guyana's AmerIndian people.


The PPP and some Indians have a culture of stabbing each other in the back, the new government is trying to change this and unite the races, or Guyana is screwed.

Jagdeo preach coolie power, what will he do with the other races, where should they go ?    

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Seeing things where there is none problem


"What you are describing could be a visual hallucination or a delusion (a mistaken belief). In either case there are many possible causes. Sometimes sensory loss, in the form of vision and hearing loss, causes people to hear and see things that are not there. There are also medications that can cause hallucinations or delusions or medications that are not being prescribed or taken properly. It could be a sign of some form of mental illness or a symptom of some form of dementia." 

There is also the scenario of either not recognizing something or worse yet pretending it doesn't exist.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
To Redux: I am not referring to you sir. My comment is addressed to the seemingly Indian Hating Indian Brigade.

Indian hating brigade?? where?

Just look. Don't be lazy. Or worst, in denial. Although you are fully within your rights to be either.

Seeing things where there is none problem


"What you are describing could be a visual hallucination or a delusion (a mistaken belief). In either case there are many possible causes. Sometimes sensory loss, in the form of vision and hearing loss, causes people to hear and see things that are not there. There are also medications that can cause hallucinations or delusions or medications that are not being prescribed or taken properly. It could be a sign of some form of mental illness or a symptom of some form of dementia." 

You sound like a shrink.

Not surprised that you would be impressed judging from your more recent very rudimentary posts.


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