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The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted Friday, the fifth edition of the resolution entitled “The role of the United Nations in promoting a New Global Human Order”, sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Guyana to the United Nations.

The resolution was agreed by consensus after several rounds of informal consultations and raised more than 50 co-sponsors, including from CARICOM, CELAC, African, Asian and Arab countries.

The present resolution builds on the previous resolution adopted by the General Assembly in 2010 and on the Secretary-General’s Report presented earlier this year.

The Secretary-General’s Report reviews recent trends in inequality and their implications for economic and social development, drawing on current analytical and empirical research into the causes of inequality. The report concludes with a number of recommendations for addressing inequality at all levels, in particular within the United Nations framework, as a contribution to ongoing efforts to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.

At Friday’s session of the General Assembly, George Talbot, Ambassador of Guyana to the UN, introduced the resolution, which had been updated and revised in the context of the current realities.

The resolution emphasizes the continued and growing importance of the need to address inequalities at the multilateral level. It provides a platform for focused intergovernmental consideration of the question of inequality.

In that context, the resolution highlights, inter alia, the need for mainstreaming inequality in the activities of the UN, agencies and programmes, and the progress in efforts of many Member States to address inequality.

It requests the convening of an informal thematic debate of the General Assembly to address the issue of inequality in 2013 and encourages appropriate consideration to the need to reduce inequality in the elaboration of the post 2015 development agenda.

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You mean Guyana succeeded in getting passed a worthless GA Resolution no one will ever read much less implement?


A triumph for our Canecutters I'm sure.


I'd be more impressed if they could get a GA Resolution which recognized our territorial borders.


The resolution emphasizes the continued and growing importance of the need to address inequalities at the multilateral level. It provides a platform for focused intergovernmental consideration of the question of inequality.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Jagan's IDEALS are alive and well.


Fortunately for us Dr. Jagan himself is dead and in hell next to Bhowgie

Bai, yuh wutliss no ass.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Jagan's IDEALS are alive and well.


Fortunately for us Dr. Jagan himself is dead and in hell next to Bhowgie

Bai, yuh wutliss no ass.



I remember raising a glass to Bhowgie's jhumbie on hearing the news of her much anticipated departure for hell.....Now if only Satan can now see fit to call home Free Lunchman to his well deserved spot in hades. Inshallah!

Originally Posted by Observer:

Joker, please bite your tongue.  This dark talk of jumbie, hell, etc. makes me think you've been to hades, or are you the Archangel who later became Satan?    


Hades? Well I did visit Georgetown a few times recently. Same ting :-p


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