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General Assembly Applauds Ahmadinejad Speech


September 26, 2012 12:04 pm

Delegates at the United Nations General Assembly applauded the speech given by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Wednesday.


The U.S. delegation announced Wednesday morning it would not attend the speech. In a statement to CNN, the delegation said, “Over the past couple of days, we’ve seen Mr. Ahmadinejad once again use his trip to the U.N. not to address the legitimate aspirations of the Iranian people but to instead spout paranoid theories and repulsive slurs against Israel.”

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Ahmadinejad: Arab Spring will spread to Asia, Europe, Africa and America

September 26, 2012 | 12:12 pm
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During his speech to the United Nations this morning, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke about the second coming of Jesus Christ, which would bring about a “bright future for mankind” and bless humanity with a “Spring” that had already begun.


“Now we can see and sense the sweet scent and the soulful breeze of the spring, the spring that has just begun and doesn’t belong to a specific race, ethnicity, nation, or religion,” he explained adding that it would sweep "Asia, Europe, Africa and America."


“He will be the spring of all,” added Ahmadinejad. “The justice seekers, freedom lovers and the followers of heavenly prophets.”


“Let us join hands and clear the way for his eventual arrival, with empathy and cooperation, in harmony and unity. Let us march on this path to salvation for the dirty souls of humanity to taste immortal joy and grace,” Ahmadinejad continued.


“Long live this spring! Long live this spring! And again and again long live this spring.” he concluded.


Muslims believe that Jesus (Isa) will return in the midst of wars to join the righteous until a universal society of Islam exists and Jews and Christians join with the Muslim community.


The interpretation varies, but is based on the following verse in the Quran: “And he (Isa) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.”[Quran 43:61]


The Saudis are so invisible and yet they claim to be the 'leaders' of the Muslim world.They have not voiced their opinion on anything recently. I guess US dollars can buy silence.


The Saudis are so invisible and yet they claim to be the 'leaders' of the Muslim world.They have not voiced their opinion on anything recently. I guess US dollars can buy silence.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

The Saudis are so invisible and yet they claim to be the 'leaders' of the Muslim world.They have not voiced their opinion on anything recently. I guess US dollars can buy silence.

The Saudis are just lazy *****s that reproduce like rabbits (actually more like rats).

By Saudi I mean the house of Saud not the Arabians.


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