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World leaders laugh as Trump claims his administration has accomplished more than any other in US history

Donald Trump UNGAWorld leaders laughed at President Donald Trump during his remarks at the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. John Moore/Getty Images

  • US President Donald Trump's speech at the UN General Assembly got off to an unusual start when world leaders and diplomats laughed at his claim that his administration has accomplished more than any other in US history.
  • Responding to the laughs, Trump said, "Didn't expect that reaction, but that's OK."
  • Trump has had a troubled relationship with the UN since entering the White House.
  • At time he's characterized the institution as ineffectual and even unnecessary.

World leaders and diplomats laughed at President Donald Trump's speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday after he claimed his administration has accomplished more than any other in US history.

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country," Trump said, prompting the laughter.

Responding to the laughs, Trump said, "Didn't expect that reaction, but that's OK."

CNN Politics
 "Today I stand before the United Nations General Assembly to share the extraordinary progress we’ve made. In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country,” Trump says as he begins his speech at

Trump often criticized former US President Barack Obama's approach to foreign affairs and claimed the world was "laughing" at the country under Obama's leadership.

In 2014 Trump tweeted: "We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect!"

But Trump's bombastic foreign policy has faced significant criticism at home and abroad, and polls have shown a that majority of Americans surveyed feel the US has lost respect worldwide under his leadership. Trump's unilateral approach to foreign affairs has marked a stark contrast from his predecessor.

Correspondingly, Trump has had a troubled relationship with the UN, an institution he's characterized as ineffectual and even unnecessary. He's drawn ire from the UN over his attacks on the press and decisions such as withdrawing from the landmark Paris climate accord, among other issues.

Trump used his speech on Tuesday to tout his administration's accomplishments, decry US adversaries like Iran, and touch on issues over which he's long expressed concern, such as global trade and mass migration.

Demerara_Guy posted:

World leaders laugh as Trump claims his administration has accomplished more than any other in US history

Donald Trump UNGAWorld leaders laughed at President Donald Trump during his remarks at the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. John Moore/Getty Images

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country," Trump said, prompting the laughter.

Responding to the laughs, Trump said, "Didn't expect that reaction, but that's OK."

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Trump has definitely become a clown worth laughing at. I guess this is the first time in US history that such an incident occurred. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Trump will cut off funding.  Then let we see dem laff!

You sound as if America is feeding the World, the Germans were having a field day as the expense of Dumb Trump. He only has one speech written  and the one at the UN is the same as his campaign's.


Why is Trump even hosting these people in his country?  They come from their sh**hole countries to eat, drink, and be merry.  Get the best secret service protection in the world.  Then make mockery out of America. And go back to their sh**hole countries and beg America for money.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is Trump even hosting these people in his country?  They come from their sh**hole countries to eat, drink, and be merry.  Get the best secret service protection in the world.  Then make mockery out of America. And go back to their sh**hole countries and beg America for money.

The person making a mockery of America is your dam Idiot President.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will cut off funding.  Then let we see dem laff!

You sound as if America is feeding the World, the Germans were having a field day as the expense of Dumb Trump. He only has one speech written  and the one at the UN is the same as his campaign's.

America is the largest fund donor of the UN.  I never said he fed the UN.

Trump wave coming to Canada, watch out!  It's rising and rising fast!

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is Trump even hosting these people in his country?  They come from their sh**hole countries to eat, drink, and be merry.  Get the best secret service protection in the world.  Then make mockery out of America. And go back to their sh**hole countries and beg America for money.

The person making a mockery of America is your dam Idiot President.

How does an idiot become a billionaire And President of the United States? I dare you to become anyone of those..

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How does an idiot become a billionaire And President of the United States? I dare you to become anyone of those..

Check the information and you will gather that he was an employee in his mother's business as his father passed-away when he was young. About 1971 he became president of the company formed by his mother.

Also of interest is to understand the relationship between him, his two sisters and brother.


The Germans weren't laughing at Trump. The Germans along the rest of the world were laughing at Trump. I bet he is plotting how he can take revenge for being humiliated in front of the whole world. America is the laughing stock of the world. Remember when Trump said that because of Obama the world is laughing at us?

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will cut off funding.  Then let we see dem laff!

You sound as if America is feeding the World, the Germans were having a field day as the expense of Dumb Trump. He only has one speech written  and the one at the UN is the same as his campaign's.

America is the largest fund donor of the UN.  I never said he fed the UN.

Trump wave coming to Canada, watch out!  It's rising and rising fast!

 No Trump wave coming here. Canadians are not stupid. I got fooled by that clown but no more following a jackass.

Let him bray to the amusement of the world. 

Bray Big Orange Bray, the word loves the amusement. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Trump will cut off funding.  Then let we see dem laff!

He should, and then watch dem govern shithole countries. Dem rednecks would be more than happy for that-imagine how much money they can get to share amongst demselves. 

yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will cut off funding.  Then let we see dem laff!

You sound as if America is feeding the World, the Germans were having a field day as the expense of Dumb Trump. He only has one speech written  and the one at the UN is the same as his campaign's.

America is the largest fund donor of the UN.  I never said he fed the UN.

Trump wave coming to Canada, watch out!  It's rising and rising fast!

 No Trump wave coming here. Canadians are not stupid. I got fooled by that clown but no more following a jackass.

Let him bray to the amusement of the world. 

Bray Big Orange Bray, the word loves the amusement. 

Banna, you are simple minded, blow with the wind.  Trudeau days are numbered.  He and his possey are jokers. Trump wave is already there.  


You are blowing smoke. Canadians are not dumb. They love the amusement from Trump. I got out of a business meeting with some friends today and 100 percent of them were having a good laugh at Trump.

I am no donkey to follow a clown. I have bigger fishes to fry.

Some people pockets are empty but they talk fat or should I say farth ? Money talks and BS walks.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is Trump even hosting these people in his country?  They come from their sh**hole countries to eat, drink, and be merry.  Get the best secret service protection in the world.  Then make mockery out of America. And go back to their sh**hole countries and beg America for money.

The person making a mockery of America is your dam Idiot President.

How does an idiot become a billionaire And President of the United States? I dare you to become anyone of those..

The guy is the leader of a cult, no different than Jim Jones. That deviant stated he grab women by their Pu---y is No leader or role model. Why are you infatuated by one personal wealth when it was given on a Silver Platter, he is known for not paying trades men and lawyers.

 Many American are suffering from Buyer's Remorse for voting for Trump, big surprise at the Mid Term in November, He is telling his supporters if he gets Impeached, he blames them.


Trump says sexual misconduct accusations against him "absolutely" affect how he views Kavanaugh allegations — live updates


  • President Trump is holding a rare solo press conference in New York after the United Nations General Assembly. This comes as his Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, faces increased scrutiny ahead of a Thursday hearing with one of his accusers. It's only the president's 5th solo press conference since taking office.

    While Mr. Trump met with the world's top leaders Wednesday, it was domestic politics that dominated headlines, as attorney Michael Avenatti released a sworn declaration from Julie Swetnick, who claims Kavanaugh was "present" when she was "gang raped" at a party in high school. Kavanaugh is expected to testify, along with his first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, before the Senate Judiciary Committee after 10 a.m. Tuesday.

    At the U.N. on Wednesday, Mr. Trump said he will be meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un soon, announced he supports a "two-state" solution in the Middle East, and claimed China is attempting to interfere in the midterm elections.

    Follow Trump's press conference live updates:

  • "They weren't laughing at me, they were laughing with me"

    Mr. Trump was asked about an incident the day before when world leaders laughed, after he declared his administration had accomplished more than perhaps any other.

    The president declared coverage of that event fake news.

    "They weren't laughing at me, they were laughing with me," Mr. Trump said.

  • Trump says he rejected one-on-one meeting with Trudeau

    The president, in response to a reporter's question, said he rejected a one-on-one meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau because he is unhappy with how Canada is treating the U.S. on trade, and Trudeau doesn't seem to want to change his approach.

    "We're not getting along at all with their negotiators," Mr. Trump said.

  • Trump says it doesn't matter how long North Korea denuclearization takes

    The president said he told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to get into the "time game" over denuclearization in North Korea.

    The president said that, whether denuclearization takes two years, three years, or five months, it doesn't matter.

  • Trump says he would "certainly prefer not" to fire Rosenstein

    Mr. Trump said he would "certainly prefer not" to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, amid speculation that he might.

    The two men are set to meet Thursday, the same day as the Kavanaugh hearing. But the president said he may delay his meeting with Rosenstein slightly, so as to focus on the Kavanaugh nomination process.

  • Trump says sexual misconduct accusations against him "absolutely" affect how he views Kavanaugh allegations

    Mr. Trump, pressed insistently by CBS News correspondent Weijia Jiang, admitted that the accusations of sexual misconduct against him from multiple women "absolutely" affect how he views the allegations against Kavanaugh.

    The president went off about how "women who got paid a lot of money to make up stories about me. We caught them and the mainstream media refused to put it on television." Their accusations, false ones, the president said, certainly affect his view of the Kavanaugh allegations.

    "Well it does impact my opinion you know why, I've had a lot of false charges made against me," Mr. Trump said.

  • Trump says if Kavanaugh allegations are true, he could ask him to withdraw

    Mr. Trump was asked whether there would be any situation under which he would have Kavanaugh's nomination withdrawn.

    "If I thought he was guilty of something like this, yeah, sure," the president responded.

  • Trump declines to say whether he believes the women are lying

    Mr. Trump declined to say whether he believes the women accusing Kavanaugh are all lying, saying he would need to watch their testimony Thursday.

  • Trump asked why he tends to stand by the accused, not the accuser

    CNN's Jim Acosta asked the president why he tends to side with the accused, and not the accusers, such as in the situation of failed Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore.

    Mr. Trump said that women could be accusers, too. The president said that any women who are invited to testify should be able to.

    The president said that he "could be persuaded also."

  • Trump blasts "false accusations" against Kavanaugh

    Mr. Trump, asked if any of the women are lying and if there is anything that could encourage him to pull Kavanaugh's nomination, said, "I won't get into that game."

    But he went on to tell those present that Kavanaugh is exceptionally qualified, and declared that the accusations are "false."

  • Trump says Democrats "laugh like hell" over slowing Kavanaugh nomination

    Fox News' John Roberts asked the president if there was an opportunity missed in not having the FBI further review the allegations against Kavanaugh.

    "Well the FBI told us they've investigated Judge Kavanaugh six times, five times," but "here there was nothing to investigate," Mr. Trump said.

    The president then went on to say Democrats are carrying out a "con" job in pushing the allegations and allowing the process to slow down. Mr. Trump said that behind closed doors, Democrats "laugh like hell."

  • Trump says interest rates raised because economy is doing so well

    Mr. Trump expressed his dissatisfaction that the Feds have raised interest rates, but said that happened because the economy is doing so well.

  • Trump, starting early, talks trade

    Mr. Trump took to the podium early, touting his trade talks with Japan, and updated trade agreement with South Korea.

    Mr. Trump also said the U.S. is doing well with negotiations with Mexico. With Canada, he was less certain, saying the U.S. would say what happens.

    Mr. Trump also criticized Chinese tariffs on U.S. goods, even as the U.S. continues its trade spat with the country.

    "China is not open, but we're open to them," Mr. Trump said.

  • A solo Trump press conference is a rarity

    Mr. Trump's number of open-ended presidential press conferences -- in other words, not in the four-question format of joint press conferences with world leaders -- can easily be counted on one hand.

    He did hold a lengthy press conference after his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, taking a surprising number of questions for more than an hour.

    But it's unclear exactly how long the president will take questions Wednesday night. On the White House schedule, which is not at all exact, it's scheduled for roughly an hour. Reporters are likely to focus most of their questions around Kavanaugh, with hours until Thursday's highly anticipated hearing.

    White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, in announcing the press conference Wednesday, said Mr. Trump would discuss the U.N. summit and "news of the day."

  • Trump calls latest claims about Kavanaugh "ridiculous"

    Mr. Trump, in a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, declared the latest accusation about Kavanaugh "ridiculous," and blasted Democrats for the way they're handling the nomination process.

    "I think it's ridiculous," he said. "It's a con game that they're playing," Mr. Trump said, referencing the Democrats.

    "They can do to it anybody ... other than perhaps Prime Minister Abe, because he's so pure," he added.

    The president's remarks were in respect to claims made by Julie Swetnick in an affidavit made public by her attorney, Michael Avenatti. Swetnick is the third woman to come out with negative claims about the president's Supreme Court nominee.

  • Trump blasts "low-life" Avenatti today

    President Trump took to Twitter Wednesday afternoon after Avenatti released Swetnick's declaration. Without naming Swetnick, Mr. Trump eviscerated Avenatti, calling him a "low-life" who is good at making "false accusations."

    Avenatti is the attorney representing Stormy Daniels, the adult film actress who alleges she had a sexual encounter with Mr. Trump more than a decade ago.

    "Avenatti is a third rate lawyer who is good at making false accusations, like he did on me and like he is now doing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He is just looking for attention and doesn't want people to look at his past record and relationships - a total low-life!" Mr. Trump tweeted.

Last edited by Former Member

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