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Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Is there any evidence that Israel played a role or directly involved in Iran's nuclear scientist assassination?

British Empire All But Admits Responsibility for Killing Iranian Scientists; Sets Up U.S.A. as Target
January 17, 2012 â€Ē 8:35AM

Sir Rupert Murdoch's Sunday Times of London published a British Empire declaration of war against Iran, using its puppet state, Israel, as the cover to claim credit for the Jan. 11th killing of Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan and the other nuclear scientists, going back to the first such assassination in January 2010. The gloating article is called "The World Inside Mossad's War on Tehran," and it describes a minute by minute account of the surveillance of Roshan, and how the attacks are planned and carried out in the "heart of Tehran" by Israeli agents, who can strike at any time.

"For Israel it was a classic assassination mission. 'What is seen in espionage films as a simple operation is a result of hard work, many months of intelligence gathering and a well-trained team,' said a source who released details, impossible to verify, to The Sunday Times.

That said, the Sunday Times has now officially announced that Israel is carrying out a covert war, so they raise the question, "the worry is, how will Iran respond?"

The Times writes:

"Since its foundation in 1948, Israel has used assassination as a national weapon, striking targets abroad ranging from Palestinians who killed Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, to enemies on the streets of Amman and a Hamas leader in a Dubai hotel room in 2010," writes the Times.

"Now Iran is the target. In the past two years assassins have attacked five scientists in the state nuclear program, killing four of them. Mossad, the Israeli external intelligence agency, is widely believed to be responsible....

"There has also been a series of mysterious explosions. Last November a blast hit a military base used by the Revolutionary Guards, killing General Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, head of Iran's ballistic missile program."

The British game is play up the Israeli role—which is actually orchestrated by the British "mother"—knowing that if Iran can be provoked into counter-attacking, it will be against the United States, and U.S.-strategic assets.

At the same time, the Brits have inserted themselves, through their puppet Obama, deep into the policy and decision-making process about war against Iran and Syria. In May 2011, just after the Navy Seals assassination of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan, Obama made a trip to London where he set up the U.S.-U.K. Joint Strategy Board, which is an integration of the U.S. National Security Council and the corresponding British council. Then, two weeks ago, British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond made his first trip to the U.S. and signed, with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta a statement of intent on aircraft carrier cooperation, where British pilots will be eventually flying off from U.S. aircraft carriers since the British Empire eliminated its carriers long ago, due to austerity.
Originally posted by Henry:
The Brits need to stop the emergence of the Asian economies as the new world center. The best way to do that is to drag the US into a war with Russia and China. The fact that this would go nuclear doesn't bother Britain's Malthusian elite. The Israelis are just a pawn in all this.
So you think the Israelis are puppets the puppets and not as many think, that they control the US government.
That's correct. The demands for war always start with the Brits, who generally use a "moderate" tone, and then begin to reverberate among the krazy factions in Israel and the US. I think I should point out that some of the most outspoken opponents of the war drive are to be found among current and former leaders of the Israeli military and intelligence services (and there is a similar situation in the US.)

BTW, I agree with former Malaysian PM Dr. Mahathir that Tony Blair should be tried for war crimes.
Originally posted by Henry:
That's correct. The demands for war always start with the Brits, who generally use a "moderate" tone, and then begin to reverberate among the krazy factions in Israel and the US. I think I should point out that some of the most outspoken opponents of the war drive are to be found among current and former leaders of the Israeli military and intelligence services (and there is a similar situation in the US.)

BTW, I agree with former Malaysian PM Dr. Mahathir that Tony Blair should be tried for war crimes.
Chavez called Tony Blair "immoral"

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