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Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mara:

 The  AFC  must keep  this  on  the  front  burner until   the  truth is  revealed.  The  President's  silence  on  this matter is only  lending   credence to  further speculation regarding  this  fund. Both   Rohee and Ramotar  are  behaving  like  the  cat  that swallowed the  canary.  If  as  Ramnarine   and  Merai stated  that  the  Commanders  did  not  receive  a  dime  of  this $90 Million,  then   where is  the  money?  Perhaps  this  fund  is  part  of  a wider  scheme   to  divert  money  into  a   slush fund for  the  election  campaign?

Mara bhai,


You should also take this article and rub the filth from your face. The police have now accounted for every penny.


Shame on you, AFC and toilet paper KN for spreading lies. This would never be tolerated in North America. This proves beyond a doubt that the lies against the PPP will eventually come to an end.


Now come on Mara, swallow the filth that you just spewed. 



Yuji  Gal,

 Your 4th level CGA aside,  I  believe  all and sundry  can  see the caked cum & caca on  your  face but  you are  too  preoccupied   stuffing  bananas ( that Skeldon  alluded to)  down  your throat to  even take notice.  Until  you & your  cohorts  can  Challenge   Assistant  Commissioner David  Ramnarine on  these  unambiguous  statements,  you  can continue  the  masturbation & fellation with  what  is unpalatable  and revolting  to most decent folks:

"What I will say is this, as I have said before, and which I had already communicated to the ranks under my command, David Ramnarine did not receive a single cent. Much less, I was asked to seek the support of the miners and businessmen, particularly from the Bartica district, to fund feeding and other issues during the elections,”

"My integrity has been challenged…I am not the perfect person; no one can lay claim to be, but I would not be cowed. I know the difference between real courage and moral courage..."

"“it was he (Greene) who instructed me to advise my subordinate officers in the far-off locations to take certain quantities of commodities on credit from stores in their respective districts”



On this day of Holi, I will refrain from making political comments. It is a time for celebration.


On this day of Holi.....and on everyday we must only speak the Truth....

An the Truth we are dealing with two thiefman below.



Today is not a day for Vultures, Rats, Parasites, Cokaroaches and Crab-louse to post their lies.



Ugeee think

this is a Game of Police & Thief

We Dealing with two thiefman here.



This is no game......two thiefman on the run

 And you would never get the truth out of a Crab-louse.
Originally Posted by yuji22:


"What I will say is this, as I have said before, and which I had already communicated to the ranks under my command, David Ramnarine did not receive a single cent. Much less, I was asked to seek the support of the miners and businessmen, particularly from the Bartica district, to fund feeding and other issues during the elections,”

"My integrity has been challenged…I am not the perfect person; no one can lay claim to be, but I would not be cowed. I know the difference between real courage and moral courage..."

"“it was he (Greene) who instructed me to advise my subordinate officers in the far-off locations to take certain quantities of commodities on credit from stores in their respective districts”



On this day of Holi, I will refrain from making political comments. It is a time for celebration.

Very  pious  of you Yuji! Yes  it is  indeed  a time  for  celebration,  but  it is also a time  for  reflection & introspection, when  honest and  decent folks put  aside petty  differences and let their intellect & action  be  guided  by justice,  moral  decency and  above  all, a clear  conscience. Happy  Holi & A Joyous Phagwa Festival!  

Originally Posted by Noel:

Unaccounted Police $90M…Ramotar’s silence could evaporate his credibility

March 5, 2012 | By | Filed Under News

“That is why he was elected President…to deal with the big questions of the day, not to run away from them.”


“There is going to be a quick evaporation of any credibility and credence to the President’s utterances when he remains silent on these big issues and flagrantly sidesteps them.” This is according to Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, who was at the time pointing to the silence of Head-of-State, Donald Ramotar, as it relates to an unaccounted $90M. The Ministry of Finance had advanced to the Home Affairs Ministry in excess of $90M for the feeding of police ranks that were inlyned during the 2011 Regional and General Elections. .



What Happen to this AFC chap Noel?  We should all have a Christmas reunion of these old timers regardless of political persuasion.  What do you think?


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