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UNASUR will help Guyana with infrastructural projects linking its neighbours – Secretary General

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, January 20, 2015, Source - GINA          


 Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Dr. Ernesto Samper Pizano, Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations [UNASUR), and Guyana’s Ambassador to UNASUR Audrey Waddle at the press conference

Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Dr. Ernesto Samper Pizano, Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), and Guyana’s Ambassador to UNASUR Audrey Waddle at the press conference


Dr. Ernesto Samper Pizano, Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and former President of Colombia today noted that among his list of priorities for UNASUR, two are for Guyana. These are aimed at promoting integration among countries in South America; the Brazil/Suriname/Guyana link which would include the Corentyne River Bridge, and the Venezuela/ Guyana link.


Dr. Samper, who was appointed to the post in August of 2014, today co-hosted a press conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Minister Rodrigues-Birkett pointed out that some of the projects have already been discussed with Guyana’s neighbours. When Chinese President Xi Jinpingvisited the region in June 2013, he had announced that money would be available for countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) for infrastructure development.


The Secretary General is proposing that focal points from each country indicate who would be responsible for a particular project. The Minister indicated that meetings would be held to discuss the best ways forward. This means that the UNASUR Secretariat and the Secretary General in particular, would have a coordinating role in that aspect. It is felt that this would be the best direction to take in advancing the UNASUR infrastructure agenda.


Suriname has approached the Chinese for assistance on constructing of the Corentyne River Bridge.


“The council of infrastructure for UNASUR has identified a long list of projects and the Secretary General has identified seven on that list,” she indicated. Minister added that while “we will be working on those seven,” it was because the Heads of States have agreed that these are the priorities in terms of infrastructure.


He noted that UNASUR is an area integrated in working on three agendas; based on improving competitiveness on topics such as economic ones, infrastructural technology and education was the first part of the agenda. The second agenda focuses on exclusiveness as one of the main problems the region is facing, while the third is to improve democratisation. These agendas were discussed with President Ramotar, Samper said.


Dr. Ernesto Samper Pizano, Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) receiving a souvenir from Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn Rodrigues Birkett


He added that what is also of concern to him as a former President is what is happening in Colombia. With the peace process as one of the main concerns of the UNASUR agenda, he believes it is linked to human rights and democracy.

He also pointed out that health is one of the social concerns of UNASUR and work is ongoing in an institute located in Rio de Ganado. He said the organisation is also working on one main problem which is drugs in the region. These drugs are used commonly and work is ongoing to negotiate a medium price and to produce generics in the region.


With regard to the prorogation of Guyana’s Parliament, he noted that UNASUR is also aware of the situation and that President Donald Ramotar has officially requested from UNASUR a Commission of Observers to monitor the elections that will be held soon.

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