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“Unbeatable, unstoppable, the team of the future”; Nagamootoo boasts of APNU/AFC Lists of Candidates

April 8, 2015 2:10 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul



APNU/AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo

APNU/AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo




Prime Ministerial Candidate of A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Moses Nagamootoo has boasted of the capacity and quality of APNU/AFC’s Lists of Candidates for the May 11 elections dubbing the lists “unbeatable.”

Nagamootoo speaking at an Opposition post Nomination rally at Parade Ground, Georgetown said that the list has been fully endorsed by both sides of the coalition and the Guyanese people who have entrusted APNU/AFC with the responsibility of leading Guyana forward.

“We have put together an unbeatable team, an unstoppable team, the team of the future, the team that will secure Guyana,” said Nagamootoo to a loud burst of cheer and applause.

Nagamootoo said that with the present Lists of Candidates, APNU/AFC intends to “remove the old corrupt (PPP) party and replace it with a party that will transition power to our young people.”

He pointed out that while persons have dubbed the May 11 polls as the ‘mother of all elections’ he does not believe this is the case but rather, it is the opposite.

“This election is about the baby; the child of a new Guyana…we have had elections before that has given us hope but we have never had an election that gave us Unity,” the Prime Ministerial Candidate maintained.

Meanwhile, Presidential Candidate David Granger told the crowd that an APNU/AFC government will put

APNU/AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger

APNU/AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger

women’s issues on the front burner.

He urged that the electorate “vote out of office the party that has degraded women in this country.”

“We are going to bring…an APNU/AFC administration which will put at the head of its agenda the protection of women…We have to learn to love and protect our women….let us put women at the head…unless we put our women at the head we do not have a future,” Granger posited.

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Quote "Nagamootoo said that with the present Lists of Candidates, APNU/AFC intends to “remove the old corrupt (PPP) party and replace it with a party that will transition power to our young people.”unquote

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Nagamootoo said that with the present Lists of Candidates, APNU/AFC intends to “remove the old corrupt (PPP) party and replace it with a party that will transition power to our young people.”unquote

A man who was recently a senior member of the PPP. Is he telling us he IS CORRUPT???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Nagamootoo said that with the present Lists of Candidates, APNU/AFC intends to “remove the old corrupt (PPP) party and replace it with a party that will transition power to our young people.”unquote

A man who was recently a senior member of the PPP. Is he telling us he IS CORRUPT???

go ask him

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Nagamootoo said that with the present Lists of Candidates, APNU/AFC intends to “remove the old corrupt (PPP) party and replace it with a party that will transition power to our young people.”unquote

A man who was recently a senior member of the PPP. Is he telling us he IS CORRUPT???

go ask him

He is a soup drinker, full circle.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Nagamootoo said that with the present Lists of Candidates, APNU/AFC intends to “remove the old corrupt (PPP) party and replace it with a party that will transition power to our young people.”unquote

A man who was recently a senior member of the PPP. Is he telling us he IS CORRUPT???

go ask him

He is a soup drinker, full circle.

nah, he is distancing himself from the thieves and corruptocrat. (new word?)


Prime Ministerial Candidate of A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Moses Nagamootoo has boasted of the capacity and quality of APNU/AFC’s Lists of Candidates for the May 11 elections dubbing the lists “unbeatable.”


Nagamootoo speaking at an Opposition post Nomination rally at Parade Ground, Georgetown said that the list has been fully endorsed by both sides of the coalition and the Guyanese people who have entrusted APNU/AFC with the responsibility of leading Guyana forward.


“Unbeatable, unstoppable, the team of the future”; Nagamootoo boasts of APNU/AFC Lists of Candidates, April 8, 2015 2:10 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-, By Jomo Paul, []

Indeed by those who support the PNC/AFC, but surely not by the 51+% who will vote for the PPP/C.


Moses make PPP cry.  Moses destroyed all their house of corruption, so that the working poor have a chance at improving their lives.  23 years of the PPP and Every Race Punishing.


The Coalition will save us!


Yes, Brother.  


It's an alliance of the PNC, other parties and the AFC who want national unity.


You and the PPP have a problem with national and racial unity? Or you want to keep tribalism alive?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Indeed by those who support the PNC/AFC, but surely not by the 51+% who will vote for the PPP/C.

Sept 2011 you said 60% PPP.  A few months ago you said 54% PPP.  Now you are HOPING that they get 51%.  Your track record is sordid when we consider that the PPP only got 49% last time.  Less then even your most conservative estimate which you gave when you saw the writing on the wall a few weeks before the election.


The momentum is moving away from the PPP. Last time they screamed that they would make inroads into the PNC strongholds.  This year the best they can do is scream that they own the Indian vote and its no way that Nagamootoo is going to get 12% of it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Indeed by those who support the PNC/AFC, but surely not by the 51+% who will vote for the PPP/C.

Sept 2011 you said 60% PPP.  A few months ago you said 54% PPP.  Now you are HOPING that they get 51%.  Your track record is sordid when we consider that the PPP only got 49% last time.  Less then even your most conservative estimate which you gave when you saw the writing on the wall a few weeks before the election.


The momentum is moving away from the PPP. Last time they screamed that they would make inroads into the PNC strongholds.  This year the best they can do is scream that they own the Indian vote and its no way that Nagamootoo is going to get 12% of it.

1. Do you have a predictions on the May 11, 2015 elections?


2. Everyone has their views/predictions on the movements regarding each political groups contesting the 2015 elections. The only correct result is the one that will be declared by the pertinent election official(s) after the elections on May 11, 2015.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Indeed by those who support the PNC/AFC, but surely not by the 51+% who will vote for the PPP/C.

Sept 2011 you said 60% PPP.  A few months ago you said 54% PPP.  Now you are HOPING that they get 51%.  Your track record is sordid when we consider that the PPP only got 49% last time.  Less then even your most conservative estimate which you gave when you saw the writing on the wall a few weeks before the election.


The momentum is moving away from the PPP. Last time they screamed that they would make inroads into the PNC strongholds.  This year the best they can do is scream that they own the Indian vote and its no way that Nagamootoo is going to get 12% of it.

1. Do you have a predictions on the May 11, 2015 elections?


2. Everyone has their views/predictions on the movements regarding each political groups contesting the 2015 elections. The only correct result is the one that will be declared by the pertinent election official(s) after the elections on May 11, 2015.

Not living in Guyana, so all I will say that it will be close and either can win.  Depends on who shows up. 


Will Indians stay home to a greater degree than blacks?  Will young voters show up in greater than normal numbers?  Will Granger's heavy campaigning in the interior pay off?  Will PPP attempts to rig/depress the black vote fail?


We dont know so I will leave you to scream PPP victory.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Indeed by those who support the PNC/AFC, but surely not by the 51+% who will vote for the PPP/C.

Sept 2011 you said 60% PPP.  A few months ago you said 54% PPP.  Now you are HOPING that they get 51%.  Your track record is sordid when we consider that the PPP only got 49% last time.  Less then even your most conservative estimate which you gave when you saw the writing on the wall a few weeks before the election.


The momentum is moving away from the PPP. Last time they screamed that they would make inroads into the PNC strongholds.  This year the best they can do is scream that they own the Indian vote and its no way that Nagamootoo is going to get 12% of it.

1. Do you have a predictions on the May 11, 2015 elections?


2. Everyone has their views/predictions on the movements regarding each political groups contesting the 2015 elections. The only correct result is the one that will be declared by the pertinent election official(s) after the elections on May 11, 2015.

Not living in Guyana, so all I will say that it will be close and either can win.  Depends on who shows up


Will Indians stay home to a greater degree than blacks?  Will young voters show up in greater than normal numbers?  Will Granger's heavy campaigning in the interior pay off?  Will PPP attempts to rig/depress the black vote fail?


We dont know so I will leave you to scream PPP victory.

1. Correct on who cast their votes.


2. The results are unknown, though individuals who would express their views on the possible result.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

You can feel the people's yearning for national unity.

What proof do you have of this?  Attendance at events or polling of ordinary folks who stay away from such things?


Large numbers wish to rid Guyana of the PPP, because they are tired of them. Whether once that is achieved this desire for "national unity" will be tested.


Using YOU as an example, I see no evidence that you have even begun to under stand how large numbers of blacks think.  This indicated by your rant that "blacks dominate" Guyana. They see Guyana as thoroughly Indian dominated because its the Indian elites who dictate access to opportunity, and often use their clout to black blacks. 


The only thing wrong with that analysis is that it should say Indian ELITE dominated.


A true desire for "national unity" will come when people become willing to listen to all sides, and not foister their view of life in Guyana. 


Respect the fact that for most blacks above a certain age (35-40+) Jagan was NOT a hero!  And Janet Jagan was seen as a truly EVIL woman.  Understand that some younger blacks venerate Burnham as a hero because they have the impression that blacks had some clout then.   This is what you will have to deal with, and if Nagamootoo isnt sensitive to this the "national union" will meet an early death.

Last edited by Former Member

Brother, we are moulding the future, with new strategies and new narratives.


You are like the PPP, taking us back to narratives from 30 years ago.


Why can't you move with the modest efforts being made to bring people together through the Coalition? Who said Coalition and national unity would be easy?  There would always be people of your type who would come up with all kinds of things to be naysayers. This is not right; this is not good; you don't know black people, etc., etc.


Our new Coalition leaders need all the support we can give to make this work.  We have to start somewhere.


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