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Former Member

The PPP is damaging the opposition

February 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

See if you identify the causal factor that has led to months of tempestuous anti-government passions in the streets of the Ukraine to the point where at the time of writing the government in Kiev may fall – discovery of massive corruption; police killing demonstrators; passage of legislation that takes away many democratic rights; a Minister’s violent abuse of some complainants; violent attack on a trade union strike; presidential abuse of the government’s purse.
The answer is none of these. A trade deal that the Ukraine Government did not follow up on has led to the conflict that is the worst since the Ukraine became independent. The President chose not to sign a free trade pact with the EU, and it angered a large section of the population. As a Guyanese you may find the reason for the protests unbelievable but that is because Guyanese are sheep.
See if you can identify the reason for the massive street demonstrations taking place months now in Thailand and may likely to bring down the government any moment now. The same factors we will cite above. But your answer is again wrong. Protest broke out in Bangkok because the opposition said that the Prime Minister was not the real power in the Cabinet, that it was her brother who is in exile.
Whether you want to believe it, those two distant factors may lead to the removal of the government in both Thailand and the Ukraine. Not to mention there were large demonstrations in Turkey last year over the decision to demolish a park to build a shopping centre.
In Guyana, the ugliest atrocities committed by the PPP Government are met with reverberating silence.
In a column bemoaning the lack of response from the Guyanese people over the systematic violations of their rights, one of the anonymous clowns who hides under his mother’s petticoat using the fictional name T. King (king of the land of cowards) and who no doubt is one of the PPP leaders, publicly advocated an investigation of me because I was advocating violence.
I don’t know why a faceless, nameless sycophant thinks he can intimidate me but then again when you hide under your mother’s dress to attack people you reduce yourself to a worm or insect. T. King, no doubt, was alarmed because he knows if critics of the government keep lamenting the lack of decisive, confrontational action by the Guyanese people in the face of a relentless onslaught on their rights and freedoms, then sooner than later, we may join the league of no-nonsense countries that will let their voices be heard and their bodies be seen.
This inexorable devastation of democracy by the PPP Government is going to go on until the opposition parties, pro-democracy stakeholders, trade unionists and other sections of the society get up and take a stand. But when that time comes the opposition may not be able to rise from their hospital bed.
What the opposition is ignoring is that the assault on democracy may be deliberate stratagem by the PPP to weaken the opposition parties. And it seems to be working. For the past fourteen years, from Jagdeo to Ramotar, the regime has gone from one ugly, nasty, morbid policy to another, and there is no reaction from the opposition.
The latest bulldozing episodes are firstly, the new requirements from Ramotar’s Government for supplying pharmaceuticals to the Health Ministry. Unless a tendering company has a turnover of about a billion dollars, employs more than fifty workers, has lab facilities and a massive warehouse structure, then it will not be eligible.
Obviously, this is a shameless, diseased denial of fairness. It is designed to help a person who is a friend of the little dictators.
Secondly, the regime forcefully removed dwellers on the Lamaha Street embankment telling the poor souls that the installation of high tension wires can electrocute them. Now the entire stretch is being landscaped for parking facilities for the business friends of Jagdeo, Ramotar and company.
So can’t you get electrocuted while parking there?
Like the radio license abomination, like the killing of unarmed protestors in Linden, like the torture and burning of a fifteen-year-old youth, like the demolition of hundreds of poor vendors’ stalls at Stabroek Market Square, like the sodomizing of a poor youth with a police baton, like the take over of City Hall, like the countless other sickening debauched, pathological actions, the PPP cabal will continue its semi-fascist march over the nation.
People will eventually turn their backs on an emasculated opposition that they see as doing absolutely nothing that is decisive to stop the PPP’s runaway train. It is happening already.

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Uncle Freddeie says he is ssick.  I can understand, fight a political beast like the PPP will make anyone in Guyana tired.


TIME for the people to rise up.

Last edited by Former Member

For too long the Corrupt PPP/C has kept Guyanese poor, starving and in chains,

and at the end of the month, women works their hearts and soul out for a mere

$35,000 Guyana Dollars ($US 1 = $GY210.00) =US$167.00 per month. So two days of US minimum wage = one month of Guyana Pay: shows that slavery are still in Guyana. The point that I am making is the Working women in Guyana cannot live on the current PPP/C salary scale. So the PPP/C expect Guyanese Women to become who res to get more money to live a decent live. 

Time we kick these bums out of office.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I worked for $184 per month when the dollar was 7 to 1. Let us see the math, 184/7 = 26.3 dollars per month.  HEHEHE


Guyana currently too SWEET!!

Rent was G$50 dollars. Try living on $50,000 a month now and rent alone is $45,000 for a little cubby hole in GT. 


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