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Former Member



The so-called swami has joined a long list of Indian Guyanese who have suddenly undergone an attitudinal metamorphosis and have embraced the election bandwagon of the PPP. Ronald Bulkan of APNU has written a letter in the KN and SN naming a few of them and expressed surprised at their sudden transformation.
Bulkan named Shaun Samaroo, Ralph Seeram, Asgar Ally, Leon Suseran and Peter Ramsaroop. Bulkan left out Ryhaan Shah, Dolly Hassan, the so-called swami, Jagdeo’s former common-law wife, Varshnie Singh and now P. D. Sharma, who is an admirer of Eusi Kwayana.  Bulkan asked why? The answer is the tribe is trying to save its domination.
On Thursday night, Raymond Hall of the AFC and I were driving to a coalition public meeting. Inside the car was the wife of one of the most prominent opposition leaders. She asked me how I see Steve Surujbally shaping up. Obviously the question was asked in the context of the unexpected rush of these morphed Indians to the PPP’s campaign. I gave my frank assessment.
I have never been a fan of Steve Surujbally in his capacity of Chairman of GECOM. I wrote in two columns that after 2011 he should have been removed. His recent vote with the PPP Commissioners to deny letters of employment to polling agents is dangerously worrying.  So which way will Surujbally go? I don’t know, but I know he is Indian. I know too that the tribal desperados are at the gate.

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If otherwise intelligent committed anti-PPP Indians who have been against the PPP for years now feel a need to "save" them cretins at Freedom House, then what reasonable expectation is there that the ordinary Indian who has borne the brunt of the PNC beat/kill nuff coolie policy will not similarly decide that even with all the horrible things we know about the PPP that it is still in their interest to keep them in Government just to prevent the PNC from gaining power?


The long standing anti-PPP Indians of stature who do not stand to gain Cabinet seats or corrupt loot from a Coalition win all seem to be united in their determination to save the PPP for the sake of the Indian tribe.


If the PPP can get defended by Ryhaan Shah and Swamiji, then the Coalition's Indian prospects are dashed. I can see AFC Indian Members voting en masse against the AFC.


The prospects of a Coalition victory seem to dim. Only a dramatic increase in the Black/Mixed turnout centered in Region 4 can give the Coalition victory. Moses will have played a psychological part, even bringing in the AFC's 4 Black/Mixed/Amerindian seats, and also he most likely helped with fundraising. But he will not be able to bring in substantial amounts of Indians.

Last edited by Former Member

The "coalition" presents an existential threat, a return to the days of oppression, brutality, deprivation and re-enslavement of majority the [Indian] masses.  Even the most disillusioned [with the PPP] Indians weigh the pros and cons and opt deal with the "chronic cold" than the "terminal cancer".


The tightness of the PNC with the GDF raises alarm bells.  The only ones who missing the boat are the Region 11 wanabes.


Baseman is ahead of the curve, katahars behind the "8th" ball.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The "coalition" presents an existential threat, a return to the days of oppression, brutality, deprivation and re-enslavement of majority the [Indian] masses.  Even the most disillusioned [with the PPP] Indians weigh the pros and cons and opt deal with the "chronic cold" than the "terminal cancer".


The tightness of the PNC with the GDF raises alarm bells.  The only ones who missing the boat are the Region 11 wanabes.


Baseman is ahead of the curve, katahars behind the "8th" ball.

who is the man that open guyana for free election not a pnc who stop kick down the door bandit not a pnc who make sure indian people can do their business without fear not a pnc or you do not know who Desmond persaud is  

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The "coalition" presents an existential threat, a return to the days of oppression, brutality, deprivation and re-enslavement of majority the [Indian] masses.  Even the most disillusioned [with the PPP] Indians weigh the pros and cons and opt deal with the "chronic cold" than the "terminal cancer".


The tightness of the PNC with the GDF raises alarm bells.  The only ones who missing the boat are the Region 11 wanabes.


Baseman is ahead of the curve, katahars behind the "8th" ball.

who is the man that open guyana for free election not a pnc who stop kick down the door bandit not a pnc who make sure indian people can do their business without fear not a pnc or you do not know who Desmond persaud is  

You can rest assure, if the international C'tee and the Carter Center did not lead the charge, the PNC would we winning with 70% to this day.  Don't hide behind the fact that the PNC was in power.  Hoyte himself said, if he did not comply with free and fair elections, Guyana would have been isolated and all aid withheld.  Who the called for Mo fyah, slo fyah?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The "coalition" presents an existential threat, a return to the days of oppression, brutality, deprivation and re-enslavement of majority the [Indian] masses.  Even the most disillusioned [with the PPP] Indians weigh the pros and cons and opt deal with the "chronic cold" than the "terminal cancer".


The tightness of the PNC with the GDF raises alarm bells.  The only ones who missing the boat are the Region 11 wanabes.


Baseman is ahead of the curve, katahars behind the "8th" ball.

who is the man that open guyana for free election not a pnc who stop kick down the door bandit not a pnc who make sure indian people can do their business without fear not a pnc or you do not know who Desmond persaud is  

You can rest assure, if the international C'tee and the Carter Center did not lead the charge, the PNC would we winning with 70% to this day.  Don't hide behind the fact that the PNC was in power.  Hoyte himself said, if he did not comply with free and fair elections, Guyana would have been isolated and all aid withheld.  Who the called for Mo fyah, slo fyah?

hoyte was ruling along before election so your excuse do not wash and more fire is when the dictator take over this what people do in all country maybe you will remember the ARAB SPRING 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

If otherwise intelligent committed anti-PPP Indians who have been against the PPP for years now feel a need to "save" them cretins at Freedom House, then what reasonable expectation is there that the ordinary Indian who has borne the brunt of the PNC beat/kill nuff coolie policy will not similarly decide that even with all the horrible things we know about the PPP that it is still in their interest to keep them in Government just to prevent the PNC from gaining power?


The long standing anti-PPP Indians of stature who do not stand to gain Cabinet seats or corrupt loot from a Coalition win all seem to be united in their determination to save the PPP for the sake of the Indian tribe.


If the PPP can get defended by Ryhaan Shah and Swamiji, then the Coalition's Indian prospects are dashed. I can see AFC Indian Members voting en masse against the AFC.


The prospects of a Coalition victory seem to dim. Only a dramatic increase in the Black/Mixed turnout centered in Region 4 can give the Coalition victory. Moses will have played a psychological part, even bringing in the AFC's 4 Black/Mixed/Amerindian seats, and also he most likely helped with fundraising. But he will not be able to bring in substantial amounts of Indians.

well . . it's now or never for Swamiji and the rest


Freddie probably didn't think u important enough for flour pasting to the wall of 'newly' vocal, tribal spearmen who have decided to pull down their panties at this 11th and 3/4 hour


it is likely my failing for not passing your name along since i saw u coming with your small league back-of-de-arm unorthodox stuff months and months ago


the prominent effort here to spin the man's words to PPP race purpose is surprisingly feeble and exposes a certain GY ignar strain, dominant despite the Region 11 exposure and education


Freddie calls intellectually barefoot people like u "desperados" for a reason


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