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Uncle Moses responds to Donald Ramotar's speech this evening:

Well, apart from Ramotar reading parts of the prepared harangue twice, he was in a cuss-down mode and punched at the opposition who are not allowed a right of reply. He literally called the opposition traitors but ended by opting for dialogue. 

This is a propaganda blitz by a vulnerable, weak and frightened minority regime. Ramotar ought to have demonstrated political courage and opted instead for new elections, and we would willingly oblige to call his bluff! Ramotar instead chose to stay safe and unleash his vulgar abuse from behind NCN cameras and escape the glorious scissors being wielded by AFC to cut the excessive corruption of the PPP regime.

He is dead wrong because the scissors have now become the new revolutionary symbol in the fight for accountability and good governance in our beloved Guyana. Instead of vomiting on patriots, Ramotar should have fired the finance minister, trimmed the bureaucracy and returned to lean and clean governance. But he is defending the corrupt moribund status quo, circling the corrupt wagons, which closes the door to any meaningful dialogue or cooperation.

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Originally Posted by alena06:

The tone of Ramotar's speech reflects a patient man who has gone above and beyond to work with the opposition.  The recent pictures of Moses in parliament reflect a 'troubled' mind.  The Opposition is running scared now as they fear snap elections.

A "troubled" mind is a polite way of saying a madman. This man sold soul to the devil. It sends chill down my spine to see the AFC working hand in hand with Mr. Donkey Cart economist brain dead and basket case Carl Greenidge.


The PNC has recycled this monster and AFC is in bed with this monster.


Instead  of  secretive and   shameless pusur pusuring with  APNU, had the  PPP been  guided  by  true  patriotism and genuine national  interest, they would have  embarked on  the  high and open  road by entering into  honest and  sincere  dialogues  with both  APNU and  AFC to hammer  out   broad and  acceptable, or  at  least more  palatable  consensus on  the  budget.  Instead like   a typical  two bits hooker,  they secretly crawled into  bed with  the  devil and   got  sandbagged, bitch slapped, snookered,  buggered,  punked  and  skinned  up for  their slutty effort.

They  say  easy  lesson  good  for dunce,  but I  seriously doubt  that  these  washed  up hos have  learned  anything.

Originally Posted by alena06:

The tone of Ramotar's speech reflects a patient man who has gone above and beyond to work with the opposition.  The recent pictures of Moses in parliament reflect a 'troubled' mind.  The Opposition is running scared now as they fear snap elections.


Ramotar sound like he just got reamed by the APNU/PNC good and prappa...he walking around with his thumb in he kakahole. Thats what you get for dealing with the devil[PNC]under the table..


So now this deranged IDIOT is a LIAR too!!!!!!Originally Posted by yuji22:

Do not listen to this child alleged abuser (based on his comments in parliament) . He has no credibility.


How dare he spread lies that the president was in a cuss down mode !


I read the speech posted and there was not any foul language. Shame on traitor Moses !


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

What this TRAITOR Moses verified is that he is part and parcel of the PNC and I hope Berbicians are listening and taking note. This man is DANGEROUS for the Progress and Prosperity of Guyana.

Berbicians will spit on him come next election. He is now bum buddies with Mr. donkey cart economist Carl Greenidge. The most corrupt man in the Burnham's government.


Not one single government ministry was audited under his watch while PNC stole the treasury. Shame on Traitor Moses.


Moses has degraded himself and betrayed the very people who were oppressed by the PNC government.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I notice that the PPP is always attacking Coolie Parliamentarians mercilessly especially those who were once in their Party. They leaving the Blackman Parliamentarians alone. PPP don't like coolie people, except to use them during election time. APNU/PNC love them or hate them would never do that to Blackman.

all alyuh coolie ah ketch sense ! PPP rass is de same as when CBJ and JJ was alive ! Label , Slander , Malign ! dat f'ing bastard CBJ encourage a lot of vulgarity and gutterness .

Originally Posted by alena06:

The tone of Ramotar's speech reflects a patient man who has gone above and beyond to work with the opposition.  The recent pictures of Moses in parliament reflect a 'troubled' mind.  The Opposition is running scared now as they fear snap elections.

I watched the president's speech several times , he basically  address his concern for the Nation, on the Recent Budget cuts and the long and short term Impact on  the people of Guyana.


Moses on the other hand needs help and i hope he gets it soon. this man is disease. He should retired and do it quick.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Uncle Moses responds to Donald Ramotar's speech this evening:

Well, apart from Ramotar reading parts of the prepared harangue twice, he was in a cuss-down mode and punched at the opposition who are not allowed a right of reply. He literally called the opposition traitors but ended by opting for dialogue. 

This is a propaganda blitz by a vulnerable, weak and frightened minority regime. Ramotar ought to have demonstrated political courage and opted instead for new elections, and we would willingly oblige to call his bluff! Ramotar instead chose to stay safe and unleash his vulgar abuse from behind NCN cameras and escape the glorious scissors being wielded by AFC to cut the excessive corruption of the PPP regime.

He is dead wrong because the scissors have now become the new revolutionary symbol in the fight for accountability and good governance in our beloved Guyana. Instead of vomiting on patriots, Ramotar should have fired the finance minister, trimmed the bureaucracy and returned to lean and clean governance. But he is defending the corrupt moribund status quo, circling the corrupt wagons, which closes the door to any meaningful dialogue or cooperation.

Vulgar abuse??? are you drunk or in your right mind???  stupid idiot. with all this lie you telling your blasted mouth mussy rotton by now...

Originally Posted by Mara:

Instead  of  secretive and   shameless pusur pusuring with  APNU, had the  PPP been  guided  by  true  patriotism and genuine national  interest, they would have  embarked on  the  high and open  road by entering into  honest and  sincere  dialogues  with both  APNU and  AFC to hammer  out   broad and  acceptable, or  at  least more  palatable  consensus on  the  budget.  Instead like   a typical  two bits hooker,  they secretly crawled into  bed with  the  devil and   got  sandbagged, bitch slapped, snookered,  buggered,  punked  and  skinned  up for  their slutty effort.

They  say  easy  lesson  good  for dunce,  but I  seriously doubt  that  these  washed  up hos have  learned  anything.

Couldn't have said any better.


The PPP is void of brains-ignorance has forever been their companion.

Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I notice that the PPP is always attacking Coolie Parliamentarians mercilessly especially those who were once in their Party. They leaving the Blackman Parliamentarians alone. PPP don't like coolie people, except to use them during election time. APNU/PNC love them or hate them would never do that to Blackman.

all alyuh coolie ah ketch sense ! PPP rass is de same as when CBJ and JJ was alive ! Label , Slander , Malign ! dat f'ing bastard CBJ encourage a lot of vulgarity and gutterness .

Wait till Moses realized the fools he been bed with all this time. He cetainly will write volumes.


Perhaps by then, Gerhard will stop having so much political respect for the man destroyed every pillar of a thriving Guianese society.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I notice that the PPP is always attacking Coolie Parliamentarians mercilessly especially those who were once in their Party. They leaving the Blackman Parliamentarians alone. PPP don't like coolie people, except to use them during election time. APNU/PNC love them or hate them would never do that to Blackman.

Coolie ah always dozz attak dem mattie, diss ah ting bin deh roun since Jagan dayzz.  Wenn dem see blakman shadda, dem a run wid dem tail between laka lil runt puppy.  Lass eleckshun, dem coolies in di AFC bin attak coolies in di PPP and den blakman naaly win and feed abie to daggs.  Now looko how dem coolies attak waan anada in bugget debate an dem a sit quiet wid PNC.


All alyuh coolies up deh gon taalk nuff shyte and cuss Ramjattan, Naga, Ramo, etc but leh mi tell alyuh, dem bais gatt different sides but dem a wuk foa bettah tings donk hay.  Alyuh lil coolies up deh juss laka dem haff belly rice eatahs, alyuh bark nuff bu soon alyuh see blakman shadda, alyuh run wid alyuh tail between alyuuh leggs unda masa table, denn alyuh bark from behind missy skirt.


Diss ting donk hay gon gaffa play out an' PPP muss give and AFC muss give.  Diss is di fuss time in Guyana abie goa see gi an tek politiks.  Alyuh accustom wenn di PNC wah pon tap, dem juss gi kik pon alyuh, PPP in powah, dem juss gi slap, now AFC deh in middle, dem a lash wid dem wip.


In di end, alyuh wach, da lil party gon be calling di shats.  But dem muss use both sides witout forcing eleckshuns.  Ramo ah wan good man but datt BJ deh pulling tings behind da scene.  Abie pon tap.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Moses joins the jackass cart politicians to take Guyana back to the stone age.

Moses and his partner in the driver seat and your low lives of the PPP with their blinkers are pulling the jackass cart. heheheheheheh. 

Alyuh bettah mek shure da seat nah brukway an' di only ting leff fuh sitt pan ah Granger middle finga.


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