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@Former Member posted:

Mitwah, you described Hinduism as Mythology and worshipping fake gods. Bai, you have zero credibility. Get your act together. 

Hinduism as we know it may not be a religion but a culture.  Religion is the embodiment of God.  Hinduism is the embodiment of the caste system which resembles apartheid to me.

Mitwah is right.


Dead wrong.

Religion and Principles of Vedic Dharma are two different things. Religion is man made. Dharma is not. Unless you can grab this fact then you will be entangled in the material domain.

The actual word Hindu is not even mentioned in any Vedic scripture, it was in fact introduced by invaders to India.

The caste system was also man made by a group of wicked Smarata Bramhanas who wanted to divide and control people. This is another BS argument to label Caste as part of Sanatana Dharma. The word caste is NOT mentioned anywhere in the Bhagavad Gita.

Get your facts straight bai.

We can move this argument to Religion if you so wish. Please let me know.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Dead wrong.

Religion and Principles of Vedic Dharma are two different things. Religion is man made. Dharma is not. Unless you can grab this fact then you will be entangled in the material domain.

The actual word Hindu is not even mentioned in any Vedic scripture, it was in fact introduced by invaders to India.

The caste system was also man made by a group of wicked Smarata Bramhanas who wanted to divide and control people. This is another BS argument to label Caste as part of Sanatana Dharma. The word caste is NOT mentioned anywhere in the Bhagavad Gita.

Get your facts straight bai.

We can move this argument to Religion if you so wish. Please let me know.

That's where you are wrong.  In the battlefield, Lord Krishna told Arjuna about the four caste system. Read the last chapter of the Bhagwat Gita.

Even the Ramayan it is written, Lord Rama killed a sudra so that a brahmin can live.



I got you exactly where I want you.

Lord Krsna used the word Varna. I am glad that you bring this up because many Christians and others not familiar with Sanatana Dharma used this incorrect assumption and try to Pin it in the dharma.

The word Varna that Krsna was instructing Arjuna about refers strictly to division of Labour and NOT caste. Get this fact straight ! The four division of labour is exactly what we see even in western societies today.

Ordinary workers, Businessmen, Academics etc and anyone can move up or down the ladder.


“Varnashrama is a combination of the two Sanskrit words “varna” and “ashrama”; varna refers to the social classes known in Sanskrit as brahmana (intellectual class), ksatriya (administrative and warrior class), vaisya (productive class) and sudra (worker class),” “Not to be confused with that modern perversion, the caste system, the varnas are closely connected with one’s natural aptitudes or inclinations, which help determine one’s future social occupation or profession in life. Traditionally in Vedic times, one would receive this training from a young age.”


The clear understanding is this: sanatana dharma (activities of the pure spirit soul, devotional service to Lord Krishna) and varnasrama dharma (activities of the conditioned soul through the four varnas and the four asramas) go hand in hand, or as Srila Prabhupada so brilliantly states above “the one without the other has no meaning.”

I am glad that you bring this up.

Can you make a specific quote from a chapter of the Ramayan to prove that Lord Rama committed any such act ?

Sudra refers to the working class and Bramhanas were required to educate themselves in Vedic scriptures. No one is a Bramhanas by birth, they are lying if they make any such claims, its not by birth but by education.

Bring it on bai.

Last edited by Former Member

You finally revealed and degraded yourself. Your'e like any other grossly ignorant person declaring that Christianity and Islam are Crap.

All religions especially Sanatan Dharma have withstood the test of time and they will remain for eternity. The ignorant will continue to spew nonsense. All of these religions contain eternal truths.

Sanatan Dharma is very democratic though and does not and will NEVER depend on your opinion. It withstood the test of  time and invaders. It is still alive and well. 

It's you final decision to choose or reject. God has given you the intelligence to make your choice.

BTW, you are still yet to grasp the difference between man made religion and Vedic Dharma. 

Was Mitwah playing those "Hindu" tunes for you ?

Last edited by Former Member

Bai Rama, you keep jumping around. Your shifted argument is revealing a lot of biases. You started by declaring Sanatana Dharma as Crap and that will Never go unanswered.

I hold Christianity, Islam and Sanatana Vedic Dharma in equal regard. In fact, I love quoting from the Holy Bible from time to time. It doesn't make me any less of a practitioner of my Vedic faith.

Now that you failed to defend your statements and provide facts you have shifted your arguments to Economics. 

If someone were to accept your argument then it would be like saying that Poverty in America is tied to Christianity. Most people know that yours is a deeply flawed argument. No different that 2 percent of Americans controlling 98 percent of wealth is based on Christianity is another flawed argument. 

Economics, Politics, and Religion are three different issues. Take a pick and we can have a discussion with a preference to engage any discussion about Sanatan Dharma in the religion forum.


Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

I am not going to argue with you but I can tell you this, Hinduism is crap.

The religion was made up by mankind and all the deities were fictitious stories told by them.

I wouldn't say a religion is crap but will say all religion is man made. Everyone understands the "holy books" the way they see it, everyone has a different understanding/interpretation of these books, it was all written by man. No God has ever written nor uttered a single word as most religious people seem to think.

Last edited by cain
@Former Member posted:

I got you exactly where I want you.

Lord Krsna used the word Varna. I am glad that you bring this up because many Christians and others not familiar with Sanatana Dharma used this incorrect assumption and try to Pin it in the dharma.

The word Varna that Krsna was instructing Arjuna about refers strictly to division of Labour and NOT caste. Get this fact straight ! The four division of labour is exactly what we see even in western societies today.

Ordinary workers, Businessmen, Academics etc and anyone can move up or down the ladder.


Bhai Sean, am glad you brought up the word Varna. It is the astute Brahmins who used it to elevate themselves to the top and to propagate the caste system. 

I do not subscribe to Brahminism. 

Sanatan Dharam Ki Jai.

Jai Shree Krishna. 


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