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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

People were literally starved of all resources under the PNC rule.

Under the PPP in a supposed democracy and experiencing the benefaction of western government, remission etc 40% of the population are still on the margins.

It was more than 60% below the poverty level in the PNC days.  From where I sit, 40 percent better.


PPP any day better than the PNC.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

People were literally starved of all resources under the PNC rule.

Under the PPP in a supposed democracy and experiencing the benefaction of western government, remission etc 40% of the population are still on the margins.

It was more than 60% below the poverty level in the PNC days.  From where I sit, 40 percent better.


PPP any day better than the PNC.

I think you need to go back to the historical records. That is where our poverty line was and where it remains today with the PPP claims it is around 35%. Dr Thomas and Ravi had a long argument with these numbers. The general status of us being the second poorest nation in the west remains. Given the average income level and the cost of the basic aggregate of goods to sustain an average family, we are in a pathetic place. And this is so after 22 years if democracy and all the aid we received, all the help from NGOs etc to reduce poverty levels. It is nothing to celebrate as a basis for difference between the PPP and the PNC. Actually, it indicts the PPP for being totally incompetent administrators and they are.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

In the PNC days we rivaled Haiti at the bottom of the poverty pot.


Not today, the average wealth is higher than Nicaragua and haiti and Bolivia.


But yes, most of the wealth in Bobby and Bhart hands.


Well who allowed it to happen.  Yes - Granja again.

the cognitive dissonance of a dunce


har har har har harrrr


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