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UNDP looking to work with Gov’t to achieve Guyana’s development goals

- Resident Rep – after meeting President Ramotar


Georgetown, GINA, March 26, 2012

Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar today met with United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Resident Representative, Khadija Musa.


In a brief comment, Musa said that her discussions with the Head of State focused primarily on how the UNDP and the UN system as a whole can work in tandem with the Government to achieve the country’s  developmental goals.


President Donald Ramotar meeting with United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Resident Representative, Khadija Musa


She recalled the recent signing of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2012-2016 between UN agencies and Government and said that they will be looking at ways in which they can work to realise the thematic areas outlined in the said framework.

These include: inclusive governance, inclusive growth, poverty reduction- human and social development, and environmental sustainability and disaster preparation and reduction, all of which are continuations of the last cycle.

The UNDAF continues what has become Government’s developmental thrust in terms of a pro-poor and pro-growth approach in ensuring economic growth, diversification of the economy and a human-oriented approach in terms of reducing poverty and improving the quality of life of all Guyanese.

Musa also discussed the UN’s 2012 Human Development Report which focuses on citizen’s security. She noted that this report places Guyana on equal footing as all the other Caribbean countries with regards to security.

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