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[1] Ex-President Donald Ramotar two years ago set up a Commission of Inquiry into the killing of Dr Walter Rodney in 1980. It was clear from the Terms of Reference that Ramotar was intent on digging dirt on David Granger and the PNC to use in scheduled 2016 general elections. The PPP regime spend $$millions on the COI which didn't complete its work because APNU+AFC forced early elections. The new government will have to decide whether to continue with the COI.

[2] The 2012 Census was completed and preliminary results were released last year. For reasons related to PPP self-interest, ex-President Ramotar didn't authorize the release of the final census results that would show the ethnic composition of Guyana's population. The new government will have to release the Final 2012 Census results.

Stay tuned.

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Originally Posted by Tola:

After so many years, what will the COI prove.

Its eating up  a lot of taxpayers money and the PPP vindictiveness did not materialize. 

That COI was a farce one of the PPP's top witnesses that testified Joe Hamilton is a bonafide established criminal.


He was at the center of the disturbances on election day in Sophia where many vehicles were burned and he was attempting to provoke the citizens into starting a riot.


He failed thanks to the intervention of coalition members and also the Army who stepped in and sorted things out.


End this stupid trial and spend the money on restoring Georgetown. Jagdeo and this idiot Ramotar spent a pissload of money wasted on this trial to fly persons in and pay the commissioners a ton of money to be there and still they lost the election now they are crying about free and fair. Get the hell out of here you piece of excrement.


The inquiry was a farce because the people behind the murder of Father Darke were allowed to get on the stand and tell the people they used to play hockey not murder.


One of those same goons is at the center of the Sophia disturbances on election night. This chap needs to face the full brunt of the law sooner than later.


He has been ducking and escaping criminal charges for a long time now. Another reason why Jagdeo and Ramotar are sucking cane today.


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