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Rohee sums up ‘unholy alliance’… ‘Dead politically’ or ‘badly wounded’

“I THINK the AFC has signed their death warrant, meaning they are quite likely to be the biggest losers in an election that is going to be hotly contested in a two-way fight.”

The foregoing were the sentiments expressed by General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, who was commenting on the alliance between the Alliance For Change and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), which coalesced over the weekend.

Clement Rohee

Clement Rohee

He acknowledged the critical importance of the upcoming May 11 General and Regional Elections, particularly considering the existing political state of affairs, and the gridlock that has gripped the nation for the last three years.
“Who don’t end up dead politically, will come out badly wounded,” he posited.
According to him, supporters of the PPP who migrated to the AFC during the 2011 General and Regional Elections have been “returning home”, and the alliance may well be an impetus for that trend to continue.
“This might very well do so… give impetus to the process,” he said.

Rohee disclosed that the PPP has done its analysis of the political phenomena that have marked the last three years and is confident that it is well positioned.
“Of all the political parties, this is the party that has the most political experience and we know most of the political players out there. When we do our analysis we try not to overestimate or underestimate political phenomena,” he said.
As such, the PPP General Secretary was emphatic in stating that the impacts of the Alliance has not been underestimated, particularly as it relates to what is touted as the influence of the Alliance’s prime ministerial candidate, Moses Nagamootoo, in PPP strongholds.
“Let’s wait and see what will happen here. I am not predicting that will happen but voters are voters. They are quite intelligent and smart people,” he said.


Moses Nagamootoo

On that note, Rohee declared that the PPP is confident that it will not be negatively affected by the Alliance.
“At the end of the day they can conjure up, concoct, all kinds of suppositions, scenarios, which is normal, but at the end of the day they have to win the elections…before they can put into place any of those theoretical postulations,” he said.
The Party’s General Secretary expressed confidence in the fact that the PPP has a proven track record and will be able to speak for itself.
“I can assure you that it is the PPP programme that will create a rallying point for the Guyanese people,” he concluded.

By Vanessa Narine


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle



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A most worthy alliance

February 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, I was one of the fiercest supporters of an AFC-led broad based alliance (BBA) as explained by AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan. In this regards, the terms of the recent Cummingsburg Accord have caused me some anxiety. However, after much consideration, this Accord, in its current construct, still emerges as a superior option than another term with Ramotar and Rohee. I continue to have absolute faith in Ramjattan as a principled politician whose only motivation has been the return to a path of social justice with economic empowerment for all. We all can learn from Ramjattan. I have known him for years and he has always placed the welfare of the people before his personal ambitions. I believe he has played this innings as best as he possibly could on a very sticky wicket for the team and the people of Guyana. Going it alone is not an option at this point. It could mean five more years of the PPP corruption, crookedness and cronyism.  If an APNU-led BBA can achieve the positive changes we all seek, then the choice is clear. When all the cameras are gone, every single Guyanese, like me, will have to level with our conscience in our private space and battle our fears because come tomorrow, we have to walk out that door and embrace the future.  This alliance has to work! When black South Africans made the honorable compromise and embraced white South Africans who oppressed them for years inside the Mandela cabinet they did it for the country. As an outcome of those interactions, understanding rather than racial fear won the day. Shouldn’t we in Guyana have the same dreams and ambitions? My name is Sase Singh and I endorse the decision of the AFC to join an APNU-lead broad based alliance. Sase Singh

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

A most worthy alliance

February 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, I was one of the fiercest supporters of an AFC-led broad based alliance (BBA) as explained by AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan. In this regards, the terms of the recent Cummingsburg Accord have caused me some anxiety. However, after much consideration, this Accord, in its current construct, still emerges as a superior option than another term with Ramotar and Rohee. I continue to have absolute faith in Ramjattan as a principled politician whose only motivation has been the return to a path of social justice with economic empowerment for all. We all can learn from Ramjattan. I have known him for years and he has always placed the welfare of the people before his personal ambitions. I believe he has played this innings as best as he possibly could on a very sticky wicket for the team and the people of Guyana. Going it alone is not an option at this point. It could mean five more years of the PPP corruption, crookedness and cronyism.  If an APNU-led BBA can achieve the positive changes we all seek, then the choice is clear. When all the cameras are gone, every single Guyanese, like me, will have to level with our conscience in our private space and battle our fears because come tomorrow, we have to walk out that door and embrace the future.  This alliance has to work! When black South Africans made the honorable compromise and embraced white South Africans who oppressed them for years inside the Mandela cabinet they did it for the country. As an outcome of those interactions, understanding rather than racial fear won the day. Shouldn’t we in Guyana have the same dreams and ambitions? My name is Sase Singh and I endorse the decision of the AFC to join an APNU-lead broad based alliance. Sase Singh

The Great shitstains is talking from all sides of his mouth.


Even the most vocal goons of the A.F.C seems to be against the "coalition". The A.F.C/A.P.N.U would most obviously loose the May 11, polls.

The A.F.C will be in a fierce fight for their "promised" twelve (12) seats.


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