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Murtland ‘Slugger’ Williams

‘OLD habits die hard’ is an adage that TUF (United Force) member Murtland ‘Slugger’ Williams wishes Guyanese to be very wary of as they cast their ballots on May 11. He further urges that as they exercise their franchise come polling day, they be very vigilant so as to safeguard the transparency and accountability of the elections process.

Williams, now 74, has lived through and directly witnessed what he terms “The PNC’s repeated rigging of elections in the 1960s.”

Dr Odeen Ishmael
Dr Odeen Ishmael

He recalled a horrid experience one Elections Day at a polling station when ballot papers were forged and stuffed into ballot boxes.

“In the 1960s, I was a TUF Polling Agent at the Campbellville Government School, working along with agents from the PPP and the PNC; and at around 5:30 on the afternoon of the elections, several bus-loads of people came into the building and the Returning Officer gave them pencils and they started to go around the table signing papers. I was there; I saw it,” Williams said.
“There were about 30 to 40 people just going around in circles and signing papers. I turned to the PNC guy [polling agent] and say, ‘What you gon do about this?’ We [PPP and TUF polling agents] started to object, but when they finished, they just threw it [the signed paper] in the ballot boxes.”

He said persons in charge of the elections process subsequently visited the Polling Station and they were instructed to stay there.
Williams recalled: “Sir Donald Jackson and Sir Harold Bollers, who were in charge of the elections, came; soldiers also came, and they held us up and took away the ballot boxes. Sir Donald Jackson and Sir Harold Bollers left around 7pm; and at around 8, the PPP guy got into contact with his Party, and somebody from his Party came and got us out.”

According to Williams, the ballot boxes the soldiers took away were destined for Queen’s College, where the ballots were to be counted, but he and his fellow Polling Agents never had the chance to witness that exercise.

“We [the Polling Agents] were supposed to go with those boxes, but they came with the soldiers, held us up there, and took the boxes,” Williams said, adding: “In those days, you had to be on the street corners [campaigning]; and if you talk wrong, an egg, a bottle, or a brick coming at you. You weren’t protected by any television screen; if you wrong-talk, you had it coming to you.”

Williams’ account of the elections process back in the 60s is akin to that of Dr. Odeen Ishmael, as was published in the Guyana Journal of May 2006, which details the tragedy of the 1973 rigged elections.
According to Dr Ishmael, “Hundreds of PPP supporters who waited hours in queues to vote were turned away by the Presiding Officers who told them that they had already voted by post or proxy. These persons protested that they never applied to vote by proxy or post, and that they did not receive any postal ballots.

“Then, late in the afternoon, many young PNC supporters without identification cards, and whose names were not on the list as voters, were permitted to vote, despite objections from the PPP Polling Agents. As a result, more votes were cast in some Polling Centres than by electors on the list.”

Dr Ishmael also recounted the role of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) in the proceedings, saying: “But despite all of this, the unpopular PNC realised by mid-afternoon that even the massive use of the proxy, overseas, and postal voting was no guarantee for its return to power. It then instituted its back-up plan; to deploy the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) soldiers to take control of the ballot boxes to ensure a PNC two-thirds majority.”

At the close of polls, he said, “The majority of the PPP Polling Agents were not permitted to affix their seals on the ballot boxes by the Presiding Officers. And almost immediately, many of the Polling Agents of the Opposition Parties were forced out of the Polling Stations at gun-point by the policemen and the GDF soldiers, while others were not allowed to observe the sealing of the ballot boxes by the Presiding Officers.

“In addition, the GDF soldiers and armed police forcibly prevented Opposition Polling Agents to follow behind the vehicles transporting the ballot boxes.”



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka nearly didn't get to vote in the 1973 general election. Early morning on Monday July 16 I travelled from Georgetown where I was boarding & lodging to Uitvlugt where I grew up and was registered. I joined a long queue at Uitvlugt Church of Scotlend School to vote.

When I reached the Presiding Officer's desk I noticed a pencil line drawn on my name. The officer, with whom I grew up and who lived in Casbah just a block away from my parents' home, looked me in the eye and said that I voted already. I showed her my fingers that had no voting ink. She said I voted by proxy. I said: "Cheryl, that's not true." She said I voted overseas. I said: "No, Cheryl, I never left Georgetown."

A middle-aged election official noticed that I was holding up the queue and he asked me what was the problem. I addressed him respectfully and explained. He turned and told Cheryl: "Give this young gentleman a ballot paper." That was how I voted.

Cheryl Sampson is presently a member of the PNC Central Executive Committee. Throughout the ensuing years we never showed each other a bad face.

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Guyanese should never allow such a travesty again. They shouldn't allow even a whiff of rigging.

Then stop supporting the riggers of democracy.

What the hell is a rigger of democracy? I do not support the Rat and his teefing crime syndicate.

Mars posted:

Were Janet and Cheddi the first riggers of Elections in Guyana when they cheated Balram Singh Rai out of the PPP leadership?

Doesn't matter. Should not be allowed to happen again.

antabanta posted:
Mars posted:

Were Janet and Cheddi the first riggers of Elections in Guyana when they cheated Balram Singh Rai out of the PPP leadership?

Doesn't matter. Should not be allowed to happen again.

I'm not condoning the rigging of elections. I'm just asking if Janet and Cheddi were the first to rig elections in Guyana. The old timers here should have some more details on this. 

Nehru posted:

No, you are simply confused as usual, uninformed and under educated!!!!

Nothing to do with being educated. I simply wasn't around when that happened. 

You should be the last person here to mention undereducated and it's one word Dum Dum.

Mars posted:

Were Janet and Cheddi the first riggers of Elections in Guyana when they cheated Balram Singh Rai out of the PPP leadership?

What the hell does a PNC supporter know about PPP rigging? We are talking here about PNC rigging general elections. You are straying far far from the topic. Get a grip.

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Guyanese should never allow such a travesty again. They shouldn't allow even a whiff of rigging.

Then stop supporting the riggers of democracy.

What the hell is a rigger of democracy? I do not support the Rat and his teefing crime syndicate.

No one is asking you to support anyone. You are free to choose.

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

Were Janet and Cheddi the first riggers of Elections in Guyana when they cheated Balram Singh Rai out of the PPP leadership?

What the hell does a PNC supporter know about PPP rigging? We are talking here about PNC rigging general elections. You are straying far far from the topic. Get a grip.

I have nothing to do with supporting the PNC. I'm just a commentator here. I've never condoned any party rigging elections.

We're talking about rigging elections. Are you ashamed that the PPP also rigged elections?


Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

Were Janet and Cheddi the first riggers of Elections in Guyana when they cheated Balram Singh Rai out of the PPP leadership?

What the hell does a PNC supporter know about PPP rigging? We are talking here about PNC rigging general elections. You are straying far far from the topic. Get a grip.

I have nothing to do with supporting the PNC. I'm just a commentator here. I've never condoned any party rigging elections.

We're talking about rigging elections. Are you ashamed that the PPP also rigged elections?


You are in the minority with your opinion.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

No, you are simply confused as usual, uninformed and under educated!!!!

Nothing to do with being educated. I simply wasn't around when that happened. 

You should be the last person here to mention undereducated and it's one word Dum Dum.

So you want to discuss things you have no knowledge about. How do I know Hitler exterminated Jews, I was not around?? See the need to go back to school??? Maybe not!!

Mars posted:
antabanta posted:
Mars posted:

Were Janet and Cheddi the first riggers of Elections in Guyana when they cheated Balram Singh Rai out of the PPP leadership?

matter. Should not be allowed to happen again.

I'm not condoning the rigging of elections. I'm just asking if Janet and Cheddi were the first to rig elections in Guyana. The old timers here should have some more details on this. 

Some skulduggery did occur at the 1962 PPP Congress. The Jagans wanted Brindley Benn to win internal party election for the General Council. They feared that Balram Singh Rai would have trounced Benn hands down. Hence... you know what. 

At that time, next to the Jagans, Rai was the most popular guy in the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Guyanese should never allow such a travesty again. They shouldn't allow even a whiff of rigging.

Then stop supporting the riggers of democracy.

What the hell is a rigger of democracy? I do not support the Rat and his teefing crime syndicate.

No one is asking you to support anyone. You are free to choose.

Are you adle-brained? You just asked me to stop supporting the Rat and cronies.

Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

No, you are simply confused as usual, uninformed and under educated!!!!

Nothing to do with being educated. I simply wasn't around when that happened. 

You should be the last person here to mention undereducated and it's one word Dum Dum.

So you want to discuss things you have no knowledge about. How do I know Hitler exterminated Jews, I was not around?? See the need to go back to school??? Maybe not!!

There are mountains of information available to people who are interested in reading about the extermination of Jews by Hitler. It’s a subject that is well known to a large population and can be researched easily. There is not much information available on the way BSR was cheated out of the PPP leadership by the Jagans. I hope you would be able to understand the difference now even though any average 12 year old can.


Gilly, let us assume skulduggery happened in 1962 internal Party business, I say that has NOTHING to do with PNC rigging. It is like Ile and Wata. Of no consequence or relevance. And I am sure you agree with me.

Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:
antabanta posted:
Mars posted:

Were Janet and Cheddi the first riggers of Elections in Guyana when they cheated Balram Singh Rai out of the PPP leadership?

matter. Should not be allowed to happen again.

I'm not condoning the rigging of elections. I'm just asking if Janet and Cheddi were the first to rig elections in Guyana. The old timers here should have some more details on this. 

Some skulduggery did occur at the 1962 PPP Congress. The Jagans wanted Brindley Benn to win internal party election for the General Council. They feared that Balram Singh Rai would have trounced Benn hands down. Hence... you know what. 

At that time, next to the Jagans, Rai was the most popular guy in the PPP.

Rigging? You scared PPP-ites jump all over you?

Nehru posted:

Gilly, let us assume skulduggery happened in 1962 internal Party business, I say that has NOTHING to do with PNC rigging. It is like Ile and Wata. Of no consequence or relevance. And I am sure you agree with me.

I agree with you. It's also no secret that some PPP skulduggery took place in the Houston constituency in the 1961 general election. This was confirmed by some board of inquiry. We must be honest and try not to sweep some things under the carpet. Throughout its 61 years' existence PPP has been the best party but it has some dark shades.


Absolutely, and I do not expect you to remember BUT I AM on record here stating that I was no big Fan of all of Dr Jagan Policies and ways BUT he was the BEST thing since slice bread for Guyana.

Nehru posted:

Absolutely, and I do not expect you to remember BUT I AM on record here stating that I was no big Fan of all of Dr Jagan Policies and ways BUT he was the BEST thing since slice bread for Guyana.

Wrang. Jagan was de best freedom fighta since Cuffy. FACT. 

Last edited by Former Member
antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:

BUT he was the BEST thing since slice bread for Guyana.


Simple, and I hope you get it. There has NEVER been anyone that came close to the MAJESTY of Dr Jagan. Guyana was prosperous under his Leadership. Guyana WAS DEMOCRATIC under his Leadership. DR Jagan was loved by all races, religion. He was a true and brilliant Leader. I want to go on and on and hope you get it. But time is not on my side. Good luck.

Nehru posted:
antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:

BUT he was the BEST thing since slice bread for Guyana.


Simple, and I hope you get it. There has NEVER been anyone that came close to the MAJESTY of Dr Jagan. Guyana was prosperous under his Leadership. Guyana WAS DEMOCRATIC under his Leadership. DR Jagan was loved by all races, religion. He was a true and brilliant Leader. I want to go on and on and hope you get it. But time is not on my side. Good luck.

Time is not on your side?

For chrissakes you post garbage on this site all day, every frikkin day! But that was funny. Please go on and on. Start with explaining if Jagan switched in 1992 from communism to capitalism and why. What was brilliant about his leadership?

Nehru posted:

When you get your head out of yuh Kakahole and wash cleanly then maybe you will understand and start making sense.

Right... so why was he brilliant? What were his original ideas for the betterment of Guyana and how did he implement them? In 1992 did he switch from communism to capitalism and why?


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