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United Nations Security Council votes 15-0 to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons

By REUTERS, 09/28/2013 03:26, Source


UNITED NATIONS - The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Friday that demands the eradication of Syria's chemical weapons but does not threaten automatic punitive action against Syrian President Bashar Assad's government if it does not comply.


The unanimous vote by the 15-member Security Council ended weeks of intense diplomacy between Russia and the United States. It was based on a deal between the two countries reached in Geneva earlier this month following an August 21 sarin nerve gas attack on a Damascus suburb that killed hundreds.

The US-Russia deal averted punitive US military action against Assad's government, which Washington blamed for the August attack. The Syrian government and its ally, Russia, blamed anti-government rebels for the attack.

One provision of the resolution, described by council diplomats as significant, formally endorses a plan for a political transition in Syria agreed on at an international conference in Geneva in June 2012.



US President Barack Obama earlier called the draft UN resolution a "potentially huge victory for the international community" and described it as legally binding, verifiable and enforceable.

Meanwhile, the resolution to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons covers most of Damascus' concerns, Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari said.

Ja'afari, reacting after the Security Council unanimously adopted the resolution, said countries supporting Syria's rebels - Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, France and the United States - should also abide by the resolution.

He said the Syrian government was "fully committed" to attending a proposed November peace conference in Geneva aimed at ending Syria's civil war.

A Western diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the resolution deflected attention from Obama's wavering on the Syrian conflict. "For the US, this resolution turns the attention away from its powerlessness," he said.

Assad agreed to destroy Syria's chemical weapons following global outrage over a sarin gas attack in the Damascus suburbs last month - the world's deadliest chemical attack in 25 years.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia continued to work "energetically" to help convene Syria peace talks.



"People continue to die and peaceful civilians suffer every day in Syria," he told the UN General Assembly. "Virtually the only possibility today to put an end to this turmoil is to move from a deadlock to the process of political settlement of the Syrian crisis."

"The United Nations Security Council ... will stand ready to take action under Chapter 7 of the (UN) charter, quite clearly," Lavrov said after the council unanimously approved the resolution. He was referring to the part of the charter covering the council's power to enforce its decisions with sanctions or military force. Any such steps would require a new resolution.

As a precursor to the UN vote, the 41-member Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons approved a decision in The Hague on Friday laying out procedures to rapidly verify and destroy Syria's chemical weapons stockpile. The decision will see inspectors sent to Syria starting on Tuesday.

Separately, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said world powers were aiming to hold an international peace conference in mid-November to help put an end to Syria's 2-1/2 year civil war.


The five big UN powers ended weeks of diplomatic deadlock on Thursday by agreeing to the draft Security Council resolution.

Until recently, the council has been paralyzed on how to deal with the Syrian civil war. Russia, backed by China, has vetoed three resolutions since October 2011 that would have condemned Assad's government and threatened it with sanctions.

Western powers on the Security Council conceded they had backed away from many of their initial demands during negotiations. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov claimed a victory, saying Moscow had stood its ground on opposing any threats of military force against Syria.

A major sticking point had been Russia's opposition to writing the resolution under Chapter 7 of the UN charter, which covers its authority to enforce its decisions with measures such as sanctions or military force.

The compromise resolution makes the measure legally binding, but provides for no means of automatic enforcement if Syria fails to comply, as the United States, Britain and France originally wanted.

"No concessions have been made," Ryabkov told Voice of Russia radio. "The main thing is that the automatic use of Chapter 7 has been ruled out."

France's Fabius told reporters, "We shall see in the coming days and weeks if the Russians are really coherent with what they proposed and the vote ... we will need to be vigilant on the action or inaction of Syria."

US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power described the draft resolution as "very significant" because, when adopted, it would be the first time during the conflict that the council had imposed binding obligations on Assad.

"Taking chemical weapons away from a regime that just used chemical weapons ... is a very intense form of accountability," Power said on Thursday. "I don't think anybody can discount the role that the threat of limited military action played in expediting and catalyzing this conversation."

Obama has asked Congress to authorize the use of limited military strikes to punish Assad for the Damascus gas attack. The deal between Russia and the United States to rid Syria of its chemical weapons averted those strikes for now.

British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant said he was pleased the draft resolution called for "accountability" for those responsible for the chemical attacks. He added, however, that he would have liked a reference to the International Criminal Court in The Hague - something diplomats said Russia opposed.

To impose further measures, like sanctions or military action, on the Syrian government for non-compliance with the chemical weapons deal, the Security Council would need to agree on a second resolution.

The United Nations says more than 100,000 people have been killed in the civil war, after the government tried to crush pro-democracy protests, and more than half of Syria's 20 million people need help.

As least the world is now involved to make sure Assad comply fully with international norms to gave up and destroy all its chemical weaponry. I hope with this major breakthrough other countries who're thinking to use (WMD) against civilians may think twice. This is a big win for Obama's diplomacy. We all have to give peace a chance in future conflicts before using the sword.


BTW, I heard the United States is still supporting the rebels in Syria, even as the UN Security Council voted unanimously to eliminate Assad's chemical weapons.


Also, in the news, Iran's new president and president Obama is all smiles on today's twitter after a phone conversation. 


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