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URP split over ganja stance

Minnow fissions:


…new party to contest elections

Ras Leon Saul has walked away from his position as General Secretary of the United Republican Party (URP) due to differing views over the legalisation of marijuana and has since formed the ‘Healing the Nation Theocracy Party’ (HTNTP).

The presidential candidate of the URP Vishnu Bandhu and the possible presidential candidate of HTNTP Ras Leon Saul both insisted that the parting was amicable. In explaining the conflict, Bandhu said Saul had vied for the legalisation of the drug on the grounds that it is a customary practice in the Rastafarian community but he was entirely against it.

“We don’t want to legalise marijuana. He wanted to so I told him that if that’s what he wanted then he can go form his own party,” Bandhu told this publication.

Bandhu asserted that the legalisation of such a drug in a vulnerable society like Guyana will only bring chaos.

“People are not going to use it for medical purposes, they are going to abuse it and then we will have mad people on the roads because that’s what it does to you. Maybe in the future we may look at legalising it, but for medical purposes, not to smoke whole day.”

Bandhu further rebuked other political parties who have announced their intent to go this route. “Those parties want to legalise it but it’s not the same like alcohol and cigarette like they said. It’s much more dangerous, it’s stronger and I don’t know why they would want that in our society.”

Meanwhile, Saul said disagreement on several other issues have contributed to his departure and eventual formation of a new political party. He disclosed that the HTNTP registered at the Guyana Elections Commission on January 23 and will be contesting the General and Regional Elections slated for May 11.

“Myself and other brothers from the Rastafarian community came together and decided we wanted this,” Saul told Guyana Times.

Their symbol which is a lion, intends to represent “a lion of a different roar”.

According to a press release, “Healing the Nation Theocracy Party will eradicate poverty in Guyana and legalise ganja! Jah Lives!”

Alfred Park, famous for his weekly programme “Healing the Nation” on HBTV Channel 9, is the Chairman of the newly founded party while Saul again General Secretary.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Like Bandhu getting coaching from Ramjattan go and form your own party?


What is going on with these people in GY? since when that is acceptable?


It is acceptable because it's a democracy. No one needs your permission.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think URP could have settled this issue by offering Ras Leon a Vice Presidency

Ras shoulda offered those guys a few joints.

You goin jain de party?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Like Bandhu getting coaching from Ramjattan go and form your own party?


What is going on with these people in GY? since when that is acceptable?


It is acceptable because it's a democracy. No one needs your permission.

Oh great shitstains how are you doing on this good marnin?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think URP could have settled this issue by offering Ras Leon a Vice Presidency

Ras shoulda offered those guys a few joints.

You goin jain de party?

Cain might take up a Vice Presidential Position and then the Huff and Puff for All Party will be formed in Guyana.



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think URP could have settled this issue by offering Ras Leon a Vice Presidency

Ras shoulda offered those guys a few joints.

Bandu is a go it alone dude. He does not like joint operations.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Election time reminds me of Barnum and Bailey Circus.  The clowns keep coming out from everywhere. 


I want a truly crazy party to contest. Someone like CN Sharma, my hero

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Election time reminds me of Barnum and Bailey Circus.  The clowns keep coming out from everywhere. 


I want a truly crazy party to contest. Someone like CN Sharma, my hero

I thought Moses was your hero or was dat yesterday? hehehehhe


You like throwing around the H word. Ah watchin yuh, ah watchin.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Election time reminds me of Barnum and Bailey Circus.  The clowns keep coming out from everywhere. 


I want a truly crazy party to contest. Someone like CN Sharma, my hero

I thought Moses was your hero or was dat yesterday? hehehehhe


You like throwing around the H word. Ah watchin yuh, ah watchin.


Then you waste a thought. I don't hero worship politicians chap.


Even the ones I like. I leave hero worship to the lesser creatures like you.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Election time reminds me of Barnum and Bailey Circus.  The clowns keep coming out from everywhere. 


I want a truly crazy party to contest. Someone like CN Sharma, my hero

I thought Moses was your hero or was dat yesterday? hehehehhe


You like throwing around the H word. Ah watchin yuh, ah watchin.


Then you waste a thought. I don't hero worship politicians chap.


Even the ones I like. I leave hero worship to the lesser creatures like you.

Budday is nat me travel for hours on end just fuh come meet dem comrades de odda day. Ow man ow............yuh listening to yourself?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Election time reminds me of Barnum and Bailey Circus.  The clowns keep coming out from everywhere. 


I want a truly crazy party to contest. Someone like CN Sharma, my hero

I thought Moses was your hero or was dat yesterday? hehehehhe


You like throwing around the H word. Ah watchin yuh, ah watchin.


Then you waste a thought. I don't hero worship politicians chap.


Even the ones I like. I leave hero worship to the lesser creatures like you.

Budday is nat me travel for hours on end just fuh come meet dem comrades de odda day. Ow man ow............yuh listening to yourself?


I believe you have me mixed up with another member of the AFC cult.


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