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US destabilizes Syria to safeguard Israeli interests: Iran Cmdr.

Syrian armed rebels near the crisis-hit city of Dara’a [file Photo)

Syrian armed rebels near the crisis-hit city of Dara’a (file Photo)
Sat Jun 9, 2012 9:45AM GMT
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By using the assistance of some of the regional countries and one of Syria’s Muslim neighbors and dispatching armed mercenaries and terrorists, they (the Americans) intend to bring the Wahhabis to power in Syria.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi

A senior Iranian commander says the United States seeks to destabilize Syria in an attempt to safeguard Israel’s interests in the Middle East.

“By using the assistance of some of the regional countries and one of Syria’s Muslim neighbors and dispatching armed mercenaries and terrorists, they (the Americans) intend to bring the Wahhabis to power in Syria,” said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi on Saturday.

“In this way, the US and the Zionist regime seek to bring a new hope for existence to the evading Zionists,” he added.

Firouzabadi pointed out that the Syrian nation will not be deceived by such US plots and it will not surrender the country to Israel.

In late May, a media report revealed that US-led Western countries and their Arab puppets are plotting to use the Lebanese soil to destabilize neighboring Syria.

According to the exposed plot, the Jabal Mohsen neighborhood in the northern Lebanese port city of Tripoli should be attacked by the US and Saudi-backed Wahhabi forces from all sides to mislead the public opinion and involve the Lebanese army in the region.

By pushing the Lebanese army towards Tripoli, the northern part of the country would be ready for anti-Syrian forces to be deployed, the sources said.

Another report had earlier said the US aims to create small protected areas in Lebanon and use them as military training camps to be used by al-Qaeda and the Syrian opposition.

Also other informed sources revealed in late May that Jordanian ruler King Abdullah II allowed the US troops to train hundreds of members of the so-called Free Syrian Army along with Jordanian forces in order to prepare them for participating in an international military drill in the country.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011 and many people, including hundreds of security forces, have been killed in the unrest.

While the West and the Syrian opposition say the government is responsible for the violence, Damascus blames "outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups" for the unrest and insists that it is being orchestrated from abroad

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Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are just as mad as that lot in Iran.

Aha!! Trust our resident Welfare bum to open his shit hole, bai you have a heavy load on your back, why dont you take your hammering easy and stop hallucinate.

It's hard for you to get the big picture when you have such a small screen.

Needless to respond to your garbage, I have seen many idiots like you, but I have had to pay admission.

Originally Posted by Kari:

ASJ is in full support of the Assad regime's massacre of women and children in Syria that's plain for the world to see, right asj?

What makes you believe that Assad's regime has been massacring women and children? Seems like you are simply brainwashed with American News.



Syrian crisis, imperialist agenda against Mideast: Analyst

The exacerbating unrest in Syria stems from an imperialist agenda aimed at eliminating the Middle Eastern governments unfavorable to the US interests in the region, a political analyst tells Press TV.

“It is an agenda for replacement of governments that are not acceptable to American imperialism,” said political commentator Ralph Schoenman in a Friday interview, alluding to the Syrian crisis.

“It is not only in Syria this project… it is intended for Iran. It was implemented in Libya; it is the nature of imperial intervention in the region. That is the underlying reality here; everyday confirms it,” he added.

Schoenman pointed out that Washington has not scrupled to conceal its real agenda, saying, “From the beginning the US spokespersons and the secretary of state and the US representative to the UN have made it explicit that their objective is to remove the government in Syria.”

The political analyst questioned the reliability of the UN peace plan in Syria and argued that such “punitive peace plans” merely accuse the government of violating the peace deal, while they give a free hand “to financed and armed terror instruments of the Qataris of the Saudis of the Turks of the Libyans under the direction of imperialism.”

Violence rages on in Syria despite a UN-brokered ceasefire, which is part of the peace plan proposed by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011 and many people, including hundreds of security forces, have been killed in the country over the past 15 months.

While the West says the government is responsible for the killings, Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest and insists that it is being orchestrated from abroad.

Last edited by Former Member

While the West says the government is responsible for the killings, Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest and insists that it is being orchestrated from abroad.


The dead follwoing the massacre

A handout picture released by the Syrian opposition's Shaam News Network shows the bodies of 92 people including 32 children before their burial in the central Syrian town of Houla. Source: AFP


If Al Jazeera is to be taken seriously, eyewitnesses claimed they were people on Damascus payroll. Now, if the Syrian Army is not responsible for this senseless killings of women and children why don't they go into places like Homs etc. and engage these 'outlaws' and 'terrorist groups'?


Nehru, as the caption says, it was handed out by the Syrian opposition new network. Why I posted it is because it was not commented on by Kofi Anan (the UN HR envoy to Syria) as false and opposition propagand. It was also in the New York Times newspaper and I know they would have vetted this story. They do have correspondents on the ground too.


The Syrian official news agencies' reports were posted by asj in the opening post of this thread. Judge for yourself what's news and what's opinion.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Nehru, as the caption says, it was handed out by the Syrian opposition new network. Why I posted it is because it was not commented on by Kofi Anan (the UN HR envoy to Syria) as false and opposition propagand. It was also in the New York Times newspaper and I know they would have vetted this story. They do have correspondents on the ground too.


The Syrian official news agencies' reports were posted by asj in the opening post of this thread. Judge for yourself what's news and what's opinion.

Bhai, NY Times or no NY Times, I dont know who did it. Do you believe the CIA is on the ground in Syria?


Nehru, here are some salient information about the Syrian crisis -and it is one.


On Sep 6 2007 the Israelis sneaked into Syria's airspace and bombed a developing nuclear facility in the remote north-east. The official Syrian new agency claimed that Israel dropped bombs in desoalae areas. In 2008 Syria kicked out the IAEA and G. W. Bush was on his way out.


Syria is a Sunni Arab country ruled by a minority Alawite (a Shiite sect) of 10% of the population. The Kurds are a larger minority - about 20% and they started their own "Arab Spring" before Assad turned on the Sunnis in Homs. The Syrian opposition is in Turkey who have their own Kurdish problem. So it gets complicated here.


Syria has no oil, but the Chinese and Russians have interests there. The US has been observing nuclear activities from satellites, and of course they have CIA operatives in that country. The International community will only be moved to act when more atrocities are committed, just like how Serbian shelling of a Bosnian market cause Bill Clinton to move in the Balkans.


Note the new Obama doctrine - smart war with American Intel and NATO front line AND with International support. When they get the Chinese and Russians on board then you may see a move to oust Assad.


I dontvthink they will get the support of Russia and China. I also believe Assad learn from Iraq and will destroy the Opposition Forces and NOT the women, children and Grandparents of Syria.


Syria: Initial Report of Judicial Investigation Committee on al-Houla Massacre

Victims belonged to Peaceful Families who Refused to Stand up against State.


The initial report of the judicial committee investigating al-Houla massacre affirmed that all the victims belonged to peaceful families who wouldn’t stand up to the state and had never joined protests or held up arms, who also had opposed the armed terrorist groups.

The initial findings indicated that the victims were killed by fire at close distance and sharp tools, not by shellfire.

The initial report added that the armed terrorist groups who gathered in al-Houla liquidated the victims in the process of an attack on the law-enforcement members who hadn’t entered the area where the massacre occurred, adding that most of the bodies are of terrorists who were killed in the clash with the law-enforcement members.


Brigadier General Qassem Jamal Suleiman, head of the investigation committee, said in a press conference at the Foreign Ministry on Thursday that the investigation is in its initial stages and is still underway.

He added that the investigation committee depended on testimonies of eyewitnesses who saw the massacre happen that can be directly verified, adding that some of them will appear on TVs, indicating that the initial report was based on evidences and facts in relation to the armed attack that targeted the law-enforcement members in the town.

Gen. Suleiman said that law-enforcement members were positioned at five points in al-Houla, adding that the armed attack was aimed at turning the place into an area outside the state’s control.


Suleiman said that the armed men gathered inside the village after Friday prayers and started an onslaught simultaneously with other gunmen numbered between 600-800 who came from neighboring areas, namely al-Rastan, al-Sa’an, Burjka’I, al-Sam’alin and others, where mortars, machineguns and anti-tank missiles were used, targeting two law-enforcement points as the main target of the attack, one near Taldao and the second near al-Sa’a Roundabout.

Suleiman said that the terrorist groups came from outside the town and simultaneously liquidated peaceful families during the attack on the law-enforcement members.

He indicated that the place where the massacre happened is in an area where there are armed terrorist groups, and no law-enforcement members entered the area neither before nor after the massacre, indicating that the area is located far from the law-enforcement members’ posts.

He added that the law-enforcement members hadn’t left their positions but defended themselves against the terrorist groups, which can be verified through the victims’ images aired by satellite channels, showing that the massacre happened due to close fire and sharp tools, not shellfire as the images showed no signs of mashing, burns or traces of shelling buildings, which means that what happened was direct liquidation.

Suleiman added that killing children does not serve the law-enforcement members or the state, but serves the armed terrorist groups who seek to incite sedition.

Gen. Suleiman said that all the victims belonged to peaceful families who wouldn’t stand up to the state and had never joined protests or held up arms, who also had opposed the armed terrorist groups, indicating that the terrorist groups aimed to invite foreign and humanitarian intervention.






The United States has been known to gundown women and children and babies in  the sleep in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since they are supporting the rebels and Al Quieda Terrorist with Arms, what would make anyone believe that they are not involved in the Homs Massacre?


Kill the innnocent and blame it on Assad, could very well be their motive.


Anna News: First interview with an eyewitness of the Houla massacre

Marat Musin of ANNA News in Syria - Report about the situation around al-Houla


Syria, al-Houla: Eyewitness

During our trip to Al-Hula in the province of Homs, we have documented and filmed a dozen reports of witnesses of the attack on the Syrian city of Al-Hula (25th May 2012). The attack was carried out by a unit of armed fighters from Rastan, in which more than 700 gunmen were involved. They brought the city under their control and began with a cleansing action against loyalist (Pro-Assad) families, including elderly people, women and also children.


True there is outside involvement in Syria.  However, what i happening today is a periodic occurrence brought about by the lack of democracy in any form, where 15-20% of the nation reign supreme over the rest.


Don't blame the West/US for everything wrong there, they are just exploiting an opening to their advantage.  On the other hand, I do not believe the Govt was involved in the massacres, seemed well orchestrated to provoke an expected response against the Govt.

Originally Posted by asj:

The United States has been known to gundown women and children and babies in  the sleep in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since they are supporting the rebels and Al Quieda Terrorist with Arms, what would make anyone believe that they are not involved in the Homs Massacre?


Kill the innnocent and blame it on Assad, could very well be their motive.

The US is the savior of the Afgan nation and in particular the women.  No women were allowed schooling under the terrorists Taliban, today 4 million girls are in school.  The Taliban and their Al Qaeda friends would go into villages, massacred the men, shot objecting mothers, took the boys as throw-away fighters and made sex-slaves of the girls as young as 12, trophies to the Wahab Arab terrorist from Saudi, Pakistan and other places.

An American author says agents of the CIA and MI6 are directing armed groups to carry out massacres inside Syria, Press TV reports.

Stephen Lendman, writer and radio host from Chicago, said the CIA and MI6 “special forces” are in Syria now, directing massacres.

“They go after pro-Assad loyalists,” Lendman stated in an interview with Press TV on Saturday.

“There is no question this is a Washington-orchestrated war.”

“It is a low-level war to the extent that NATO has not gotten directly involved. But it is exactly what happened in Libya last year. An insurgency began. Washington orchestrated it. Insurgents were recruited. They were funded. They were armed.”

The American author stated that Syria has been “targeted for regime change for years, at least a decade.”

Lendman also referred to the six-point peace plan presented by the UN-Arab League envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, in March.

“His so-called peace plan puts the onus on a side. He barely mentions these insurgents, these death squads, these killers.”

“I have written about Kofi Annan. I have written several times about him. During his tenure as UN secretary general, a decade, a solid decade, he never did a thing to stop imperial wars,” Lendman added.

He made the comments on the same day when the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) elected 56-year-old Abdulbaset Saida, a Kurdish activist, as its new leader during a meeting in Istanbul.

Saida replaced former SNC leader Burhan Ghalioun, who resigned in May.

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister said in a press conference in Moscow on June 9 that Russia “will not sanction the use of force (against Syria) at the United Nations Security Council.”

Lavrov added that the Annan plan had begun to “seriously falter,” but that there was “no alternative” to it.



quote "This is a war NOT JUST ORCHESTRATED AGAINST SYRIA; this is a war orchestrated AGAINST RUSSIA, and the russian leaders very well know about it. The grand geopolitical design envisages installing puppet regimes in Syria and Teheran in order to further usa-europe interests in the Middle East and break the MILITARY backbone of Russia, and the ECONOMIC backbone of China. The question that remains to be asked is: How many corpses of innocent Syrian civilians is Putin,-the man at the helm in Russia- prepared to watch as a a result of USA-Israhell-KSA-Qatar-Turkey masterminded carnages in Syria, before pounding his fist on the table, and yelling at Obama`s masters: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH," unquote 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

The United States has been known to gundown women and children and babies in  the sleep in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since they are supporting the rebels and Al Quieda Terrorist with Arms, what would make anyone believe that they are not involved in the Homs Massacre?


Kill the innnocent and blame it on Assad, could very well be their motive.

The US is the savior of the Afgan nation and in particular the women.  No women were allowed schooling under the terrorists Taliban, today 4 million girls are in school.  The Taliban and their Al Qaeda friends would go into villages, massacred the men, shot objecting mothers, took the boys as throw-away fighters and made sex-slaves of the girls as young as 12, trophies to the Wahab Arab terrorist from Saudi, Pakistan and other places.

One day, years from now in the not too distant future, the Great United States will be forced to leave Afghanistan with their tails between their legs, like cowered dogs, and despite the many acts of charity, that will go unremembered, the Afghanis will remembered that they were the killers of our women, children and babies in their sleep in the nights, that fact will never ever be forgotten by any single Afghanis.


Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

The United States has been known to gundown women and children and babies in  the sleep in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since they are supporting the rebels and Al Quieda Terrorist with Arms, what would make anyone believe that they are not involved in the Homs Massacre?


Kill the innnocent and blame it on Assad, could very well be their motive.

The US is the savior of the Afgan nation and in particular the women.  No women were allowed schooling under the terrorists Taliban, today 4 million girls are in school.  The Taliban and their Al Qaeda friends would go into villages, massacred the men, shot objecting mothers, took the boys as throw-away fighters and made sex-slaves of the girls as young as 12, trophies to the Wahab Arab terrorist from Saudi, Pakistan and other places.

One day, years from now in the not too distant future, the Great United States will be forced to leave Afghanistan with their tails between their legs, like cowered dogs, and despite the many acts of charity, that will go unremembered, the Afghanis will remembered that they were the killers of our women, children and babies in their sleep in the nights, that fact will never ever be forgotten by any single Afghanis.


The US should have nuked Kandahar and Kabul and give money to the red crescent to deal with the fall out.  FYI, the Afgans never forget anything, this is why they still exist in the middle ages.


When will you start posting the babies and women being killed in Syria at the hands of Saudi sponsorship?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

The United States has been known to gundown women and children and babies in  the sleep in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since they are supporting the rebels and Al Quieda Terrorist with Arms, what would make anyone believe that they are not involved in the Homs Massacre?


Kill the innnocent and blame it on Assad, could very well be their motive.

The US is the savior of the Afgan nation and in particular the women.  No women were allowed schooling under the terrorists Taliban, today 4 million girls are in school.  The Taliban and their Al Qaeda friends would go into villages, massacred the men, shot objecting mothers, took the boys as throw-away fighters and made sex-slaves of the girls as young as 12, trophies to the Wahab Arab terrorist from Saudi, Pakistan and other places.

One day, years from now in the not too distant future, the Great United States will be forced to leave Afghanistan with their tails between their legs, like cowered dogs, and despite the many acts of charity, that will go unremembered, the Afghanis will remembered that they were the killers of our women, children and babies in their sleep in the nights, that fact will never ever be forgotten by any single Afghanis.


The US should have nuked Kandahar and Kabul and give money to the red crescent to deal with the fall out.  FYI, the Afgans never forget anything, this is why they still exist in the middle ages.


When will you start posting the babies and women being killed in Syria at the hands of Saudi sponsorship?

The US have nuked Nagasaki, Hiroshima and in result have killed over 250,000 Japanese, and apart from killing 250,000 there were many others maybe tens of thousands more were affected by the radiation, and burns and after shocks of that event.


I do not think that you are serious about your suggestions of the United States nuking Kabul and Kandahar.


When will you start to post again as Sledgehammar again, you know with that girly picture?



Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The US is the savior of the Afgan nation and in particular the women.  No women were allowed schooling under the terrorists Taliban, today 4 million girls are in school.  The Taliban and their Al Qaeda friends would go into villages, massacred the men, shot objecting mothers, took the boys as throw-away fighters and made sex-slaves of the girls as young as 12, trophies to the Wahab Arab terrorist from Saudi, Pakistan and other places.

One day, years from now in the not too distant future, the Great United States will be forced to leave Afghanistan with their tails between their legs, like cowered dogs, and despite the many acts of charity, that will go unremembered, the Afghanis will remembered that they were the killers of our women, children and babies in their sleep in the nights, that fact will never ever be forgotten by any single Afghanis.


The US should have nuked Kandahar and Kabul and give money to the red crescent to deal with the fall out.  FYI, the Afgans never forget anything, this is why they still exist in the middle ages.


When will you start posting the babies and women being killed in Syria at the hands of Saudi sponsorship?

The US have nuked Nagasaki, Hiroshima and in result have killed over 250,000 Japanese, and apart from killing 250,000 there were many others maybe tens of thousands more were affected by the radiation, and burns and after shocks of that event.


I do not think that you are serious about your suggestions of the United States nuking Kabul and Kandahar.


When will you start to post again as Sledgehammar again, you know with that girly picture?



The calculus for a frontal direct invasion of the Japanese home Islands were US dead 800k, Japanese dead 3 mil.  So, as horrible as it seems, the nuke option seems the lesser of two evils.


One option under consideration on Afganistan was a pre-emptive nuke strike but the UK (Blair) talked Bush out of it by standing from with the US and getting Pakistan to cooperate.


Don't know what/why you refer to the other person, saw the posts but dont read it too much.  Difficult to understand.


Now how about the atrocities being perpetuated by those Wahab Saudi backed gangs in Syria.  What you think of that?  When will you start posting those pics?  The US makes mistakes, sometimes careless, sometimes stupid, and yes, every now and then the rogue soldier.  These gangs are shooting babies and their mothers at point blank.  Now what you think of that?

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are just as mad as that lot in Iran.

Aha!! Trust our resident Welfare bum to open his shit hole, bai you have a heavy load on your back, why dont you take your hammering easy and stop hallucinate.

It's hard for you to get the big picture when you have such a small screen.

Needless to respond to your garbage, I have seen many idiots like you, but I have had to pay admission.

I did not see this from this pathetic piece of shit.Were I you I  would worry less on imagining a horrible life for others than the miserable life on is in.


The above is your usual anti american bilge. Your head is so far up your jihadist ass to decypher fact from fiction. A minority regime is trying to keep itself in power by any means necessary. A destabilized Syria is of little benefit to the west. It is already at the mercy of Israel with their positions on the golan. It has no resources of its own and of no strategic importance except that its stability


Go and fill yourself with the poison of Mullah TV. The fiction there wont be fact no less than your stupid pondering about me. And save your money. No one wants to pay admission to a front seat on your miserable life.  Actually, were I you I would seriously keep a good look to my back. You just dont know who would be watching.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are just as mad as that lot in Iran.

Aha!! Trust our resident Welfare bum to open his shit hole, bai you have a heavy load on your back, why dont you take your hammering easy and stop hallucinate.

It's hard for you to get the big picture when you have such a small screen.

Needless to respond to your garbage, I have seen many idiots like you, but I have had to pay admission.

I did not see this from this pathetic piece of shit.Were I you I  would worry less on imagining a horrible life for others than the miserable life on is in.


The above is your usual anti american bilge. Your head is so far up your jihadist ass to decypher fact from fiction. A minority regime is trying to keep itself in power by any means necessary. A destabilized Syria is of little benefit to the west. It is already at the mercy of Israel with their positions on the golan. It has no resources of its own and of no strategic importance except that its stability


Go and fill yourself with the poison of Mullah TV. The fiction there wont be fact no less than your stupid pondering about me. Actually, you seriously should look behind your back.

I agree with you, the real problem is 15-20% ruling over the rest.  This is not a concoction of the West.  Forget about who is involved on the fringe, the real fact are the facts.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

The United States has been known to gundown women and children and babies in  the sleep in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since they are supporting the rebels and Al Quieda Terrorist with Arms, what would make anyone believe that they are not involved in the Homs Massacre?


Kill the innnocent and blame it on Assad, could very well be their motive.

The US is the savior of the Afgan nation and in particular the women.  No women were allowed schooling under the terrorists Taliban, today 4 million girls are in school.  The Taliban and their Al Qaeda friends would go into villages, massacred the men, shot objecting mothers, took the boys as throw-away fighters and made sex-slaves of the girls as young as 12, trophies to the Wahab Arab terrorist from Saudi, Pakistan and other places.

One day, years from now in the not too distant future, the Great United States will be forced to leave Afghanistan with their tails between their legs, like cowered dogs, and despite the many acts of charity, that will go unremembered, the Afghanis will remembered that they were the killers of our women, children and babies in their sleep in the nights, that fact will never ever be forgotten by any single Afghanis.


indeed it is their long memory of ancient wounds and their forgetfulness for human charity that is the seat of their miserable backward existence. Until such time they are willing to retreat from their hovels to the light of the 21st century they will of course remain the  baseline for the self inflicted  conditions as to what precipitates  human tragedy. Meanwhile, women to them will remain in chains and your imagination and theirs  that it is the US that attacks them won't matter. Only their miserable backward existence will remind them of that.


Compare the US's British-inspired "Great Game" approach to Afghanistan, with the solution advocated by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Instead of endless and pointless Vietnam-style counterinsurgency warfare, the SCO advocated international cooperation to go into Afghanistan to build infrastructure, especially railroads, to bring the country out of its isolation and engage it culturally and economically with its neighbors. Demented fundamentalism takes root where there is a combination of despair and ignorance. Regular bombings, strafings and drone attacks do little to address the problem.


For those who argue that the US is a great benefactor of Afghanistan, note that since the war began, there has been a staggering revival of opium production there, although it has been almost entirely in the British controlled Helmand province.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Compare the US's British-inspired "Great Game" approach to Afghanistan, with the solution advocated by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Instead of endless and pointless Vietnam-style counterinsurgency warfare, the SCO advocated international cooperation to go into Afghanistan to build infrastructure, especially railroads, to bring the country out of its isolation and engage it culturally and economically with its neighbors. Demented fundamentalism takes root where there is a combination of despair and ignorance. Regular bombings, strafings and drone attacks do little to address the problem.


For those who argue that the US is a great benefactor of Afghanistan, note that since the war began, there has been a staggering revival of opium production there, although it has been almost entirely in the British controlled Helmand province.

 I read a description dated some one hundred years ago of an encounter with an Afghan chief....a sinuous bedraggled man, armed to the teeth, unkempt, and half starved, standing on a ridge with vast fields of shrubbery suffocating the few patches of organized green where women and children toil. That is who they were over a thousand years ago when the Knan came  and that is who they are now, obstinate, ignorant, humans who see honor as a virtue and providing for family and uplifting their wives above the status of chattel, a vice.


Islamic fundamentalism is an unpalatable ideology for most Muslims. They are killing their own people to get them to accept extremism.  The US must do whatever she can in her powers to prevent Taliban-style regimes in any country.


Billy Ram Balgobin

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