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Unity talks with Nagamootoo will end up “dead in the water” – PPP

September 10, 2015 4:14 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-
General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee and Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee and Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo



The Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is rejecting the decision by the APNU+AFC government to have Prime Moses Nagamootoo lead the team on the issue of national unity.

Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman had announced that Nagamootoo was selected by the government because they believe he is the “best man” for the job, despite his acrimonious relationship with the PPP.

The PPP in a statement on Thursday, September 10, 2015 noted that it will not participate in such talks if Nagamootoo leads the team.

“The PPP wishes to state that if such a move is part and parcel of the so-called “fresh approach” by the APNU+AFC then it is clearly a non-starter and will end up dead in the water.

“Knowing the dim view the PPP holds of Moses Nagamootoo, the APNU+AFC by insisting that he is their ‘best man’ who will head its team must know that that initiative will go nowhere. Thus, by pushing Nagamootoo center-stage it is now pellucidly clear that the Coalition objective is not to have any talks at all but to put the PPP/C on the defensive and to project the Party as refusing to engage in talks with the government. The entire affair therefore smacks of a political gimmick,” the PPP statement noted.

The Opposition believes that the move by the government is a “calculated” one, aimed at boosting the “sagging image of the AFC it is doubtful that such a move will gain any traction and is therefore bound to backfire.”

“Finally, it should not be ruled out that this ill-fated move with Nagamooto in the driving seat is perhaps in furtherance of a pre-electoral commitment made to certain external forces by Mr. Nagamootoo on behalf of the APNU+AFC.

“What is unfolding before us therefore is an attempt by the Coalition to throw dust in the eyes of the Guyanese people and at the same time pushing a commitment to fulfill a self serving pre-electoral promise made to external forces.”

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Quote "The Opposition believes that the move by the government is a “calculated” one, aimed at boosting the “sagging image of the AFC it is doubtful that such a move will gain any traction and is therefore bound to backfire.”unquote

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It's worrying when the PPP promises that Nagamootoo will be found dead in the water. The police should investigate them.

Bai, they are referring to "Unity Talks" that will end up dead.



Listen, in no way ppp had any desire

or intention to work with anybody

unless they at the helm of the wheel,


it eating them out that

Moses Nagamootoo is Prime Minister in power

and they envy him being sent to talk to them

it's too much for them.


Seriously, if they really wanted to work

for the better of the country

who cares who is sent to head up the Unity talks?


The cabal ain't learn anything since 2011

hence their demise.


President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo

should concentrate on the auditing

and the Recovery Unit for state assets,

before even contemplating inclusion of ppp,

because some of them maybe implicated.


Leave them to wallow in their misery,

because they will never, never ever show inclusion,

It's not in their DNA.




the morally and ethically bankrupt ppp party

is a party packed full of fools that has nothing to run on so,


its main occupation now is to fill the media-sphere

with baseless junk talk and propaganda nonsense

while sitting back hoping that

gullible, naive and wutless guyanese

will go to the polls

and vote them back in the next time 'round.


one thing i know for sure is;

this government is not run by foreign countries,

namely the united states, canada or the united kingdom,


because resources -

whether they be financial, human or technical -

would have already been tapped to counter/

push back against the propagandizing

by the corrupt thieves inside the ppp party

of everything this new government does .


the ppp have no interest in national unity because,

the party will be done for good

when those within its hierarchy

cannot anymore piggyback to power

on hateful rhetoric, fear mongering and racial incitement

which is their political bread, butter and cheese.



it was the minister of social cohesion

bharat jagdeo had issues with

so the party absented itself from the round table discussions


and now it is moses nagamootoo.


david granger better start thinking about

stepping down if the best he can do

is to make overtures to corrupt politicians

while looking on passively

as they commandeer and hijack

every policy and every national dialog

this government attempts to implement and hold.




Jainarine Singh 

Mr B

When you hand dea a tiger mouth you mus na talk talk. 

You are being approached from all sides.


If the PPP is serious about being a force in politics

you guys need to reinvent yourselves.


You do not need to be a brainiact

to know who is not  going to be with the pack

in the very near future.


Be mature and strong.


The PPP need to be seen cutting the cancer

from its midst before the system does.


You continue in denial you are fooling yourselves


To reinvent yourselves you need to show you have a plan.


You need to show you have the energy to cleanse yourself.


This is not the days of the Zoo

with a bunch of monkeys around you.


That's was tried and failed you guys already



Mr B needs to Go to the house and pray.


Mr B needs to take his buddies with him

Consider calling yourselves the PPPR 

hopefully the R is not a cuss word


Guyana needs a viable oposition party.

Today you are not.

Continue on this path the party would self distrust

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Jagdeo and the PPP are not interested in National Unity.

That is hardly news, so why waste time on this when there are more urgent problems to deal with.  Like the rice farmers.

Yes, they're interested. They don't want a racist pig like Nagamootoo to engaged them in unity talks. Amna Ali is another racist pig heading the social cohesion. This is not begging as some suggested. This is something the coalition must accomplish to make a more inclusive government. Granger have to show the British and Americans a bogus unified nation before he can be installed again in 2020.
Originally Posted by caribny:

I don't know why the AFC is humiliating themselves trying to beg the PPP to love them.


Quote Mitwah : Jagdeo and the PPP are not interested in National Unity.

 Mits....... Ravi Dev pushing his other Racist friend again to spreading Rumors in Monkey Mountain and try to squeeze Granger Balls .... by spreading lies that the AFC is humiliating themselves trying to beg the PPP to love them.


Ravi pushing Race again with This Monkey as they did on Freedom Day with more Lies.


The Truth is these Racist  are upset because Moses was chosen to Head the Team to deal with the PPP.


De Baboon is not saying members of the Committee are from AFC & APNU (or PNC).......

and the Members are Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo,  Ministers Raphel Trotman, Carl Greenidge, Khemraj Ramjattan, Basil Williams and Joseph Harmon.


The News on Monkey Mountain is the AFC is humiliating themselves trying to beg the PPP to love them.

Mits yuh think Greenidge, Williams and Harmond join AFC now.


Why J as in "Jumping Jack"

following Ravi Again...

and Yanking Granger Balls....


Dem don't get De News on Monkey Mountain.


Or is "J" as in "Judas"

the News Carrier on Monkey Mountain....


Why is "J" humiliating himself

with more Racist lies....

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Jagdeo and the PPP are not interested in National Unity.

That is hardly news, so why waste time on this when there are more urgent problems to deal with.  Like the rice farmers.

The people were battered too much since independence by racial politics and the nation needs to heal, starting with respect for each other.  

Social Cohesion and National Unity are just as important as sugar and rice.  

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Jagdeo and the PPP are not interested in National Unity.

That is hardly news, so why waste time on this when there are more urgent problems to deal with.  Like the rice farmers.

The people were battered too much since independence by racial politics and the nation needs to heal, starting with respect for each other.  

Social Cohesion and National Unity are just as important as sugar and rice.  

In the end the majority voted for National Unity and Social Cohesion. Let's don't forget Jagdeo's vile racists rhetoric at Babu Jaan.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Yes, they're interested. They don't want a racist pig like Nagamootoo to engaged them in unity talks. Amna Ali is another racist pig heading the social cohesion. This is not begging as some suggested. This is something the coalition must accomplish to make a more inclusive government. Granger have to show the British and Americans a bogus unified nation before he can be installed again in 2020.

Would you like if we call Jagdeo ...BUGGAMAN.

The PPP is sending a simple message to Granger. Don't send Moses.

Mitwah, the babu John comments by Jagdeo is for political mileage. Granger quote Jagdeo comments at the round table and want him to embrace national unity. Your two ounce of corruption claim against Jagdeo is falling apart. Your babu john claim will follow suit.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PPP is sending a simple message to Granger. Don't send Moses.

Mitwah, the babu John comments by Jagdeo is for political mileage. Granger quote Jagdeo comments at the round table and want him to embrace national unity. Your two ounce of corruption claim against Jagdeo is falling apart. Your babu john claim will follow suit.

What has that got to do with calling them pigs ?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PPP is sending a simple message to Granger. Don't send Moses.

Correct.  This is a decision strictly between political parties.  Hence, it is a matter between the PPP/C and PNC.


If the AFC wants to participate, it will be their personal attempt.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PPP is sending a simple message to Granger. Don't send Moses.

Mitwah, the babu John comments by Jagdeo is for political mileage. Granger quote Jagdeo comments at the round table and want him to embrace national unity. Your two ounce of corruption claim against Jagdeo is falling apart. Your babu john claim will follow suit.

Typical Indian way of thinking,the PPP see Moses as

double crosser and as such they don't want  anything

to do with him.In politics pettiness should be cast a side,

true politicians have the people and the country close

to their heart.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PPP is sending a simple message to Granger. Don't send Moses.

Mitwah, the babu John comments by Jagdeo is for political mileage. Granger quote Jagdeo comments at the round table and want him to embrace national unity. Your two ounce of corruption claim against Jagdeo is falling apart. Your babu john claim will follow suit.

Typical Indian way of thinking,the PPP see Moses as

double crosser and as such they don't want  anything

to do with him.In politics pettiness should be cast a side,

true politicians have the people and the country close

to their heart.

What would the PPP do if something should happen to Granger and Nagamootoo becomes President ?

Don't say don't, because in politics anything is possible.


Before any healing of the people can take place, politicians must learn to get along, resolve their animosity and put the people first.  


Should Granger unfortunately be unable to continue as president, indeed according to process, Nagamootoo will immediately become president.


However, in a very short time Nagamootoo will be replaced by a PNC member who will become president.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PPP is sending a simple message to Granger. Don't send Moses.

Correct.  This is a decision strictly between political parties

(1) The Guyana Govt........

(2) Guyana Opposition.


Hence, it is a matter between the PPP/C and PNC.

 Even a Old Fart can tell you who is.....

(1) The Guyana Govt - (AFC/APNU)..

(2) Guyana Opposition - (PPP/C)....

If the AFC wants to participate, it will be their personal attempt.


Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PPP is sending a simple message to Granger. Don't send Moses.

Mitwah, the babu John comments by Jagdeo is for political mileage. Granger quote Jagdeo comments at the round table and want him to embrace national unity. Your two ounce of corruption claim against Jagdeo is falling apart. Your babu john claim will follow suit.

Typical Indian way of thinking,the PPP see Moses as

double crosser and as such they don't want  anything

to do with him.In politics pettiness should be cast a side,

true politicians have the people and the country close

to their heart.

What would the PPP do if something should happen to Granger and Nagamootoo becomes President ?

Don't say don't, because in politics anything is possible.


Before any healing of the people can take place, politicians must learn to get along, resolve their animosity and put the people first.  

The current PPP have some petty people,it was said

how they have a lot of skeletons in the closet on

Naga,one a them said "you know they dont like we"


Moses is the Prime Minister if the President appoint

him as the leader of the team,so bet it, but no they

hate Moses and Ramjattan on a daily basis the

pelting mud at them,watch out it will back fire,the

PPP is going down with Jaggy.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Should Granger unfortunately be unable to continue as president, indeed according to process, Nagamootoo will immediately become president.


However, in a very short time Nagamootoo will be replaced by a PNC member who will become president.

Who told you so ????

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Should Granger unfortunately be unable to continue as president, indeed according to process, Nagamootoo will immediately become president.


However, in a very short time Nagamootoo will be replaced by a PNC member who will become president.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

In the end the majority voted for National Unity and Social Cohesion. Let's don't forget Jagdeo's vile racists rhetoric at Babu Jaan.

Just under 50% voted AGAINST the APNU/AFC.


The fact that political parties in Guyana will engage in overt racism (the PPP) or turn a blind eye will a few of their supporters discretely engage in racist behavior (APNU) suggests that political parties cannot lead this process of Social Cohesion.


Amna Ally can only coordinate a meeting and then hand it over to civic society to run with it.  Thinking that the PPP, PNC, AFC, and the WPA will resolve this problem is frankly stupid, and intellectually lazy.  After all they pander to these fears when it suits their purposes.

Originally Posted by Tola:

Before any healing of the people can take place, politicians must learn to get along, resolve their animosity and put the people first.  

I look forward to hearing of ANY country where political parties, each vying for power get along with their opponents.


This will NEVER happen, and Guyanese must stop being intellectually lazy and passive and expecting Jagdeo and Granger to solve this problem.  The problem will cease when Guyanese want it to stop, and as of now they have yet to show seriousness in addressing the problem.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Should Granger unfortunately be unable to continue as president, indeed according to process, Nagamootoo will immediately become president.


However, in a very short time Nagamootoo will be replaced by a PNC member who will become president.

Quite childish!


National Unity talks will go "nowhere" with Nagamootoo- PPP

The PPP's headquarters, Freedom House,

The PPP's headquarters, Freedom House,


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Thursday warned that National Unity talks with the government would go "nowhere" if the administration's lead negotiator is Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

"The PPP wishes to state that if such a move is part and parcel of the so-called “fresh approach” by the APNU+AFC then it is clearly a non-starter and will end up dead in the water.
Knowing the dim view the PPP holds of Moses Nagamootoo, the APNU+AFC by insisting that he is their ‘best man’ who will head its team must know that that initiative will go nowhere," said the PPP in a statement.

The PPP made known its position one day after Governance Minister, Raphael Trotman confirmed that Nagamootoo was the best man to lead the government's team. Other members include Vice Presidents Khemraj Ramjattan and Carl Greenidge, Attorney General Basil Williams, Minister of State Joseph Harmon and Trotman.

The opposition PPP charged that the A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition government has already set up the National Unity talks to fail by  making the Prime Minister the team leader. "Thus, by pushing Nagamootoo center-stage it is now pellucidly clear that the Coalition objective is not to have any talks at all but to put the PPP/C on the defensive and to project the Party as refusing to engage in talks with the government. The entire affair therefore smacks of a political gimmick," said the party that narrowly lost the May 11, 2015 general elections and holds a one-seat minority in the 65-seat National Assembly.

The Prime Minister first made known his appointment on Saturday, September 5 at an inaugural outreach community meeting at his home village of Whim, Corentyne. There he told the estimated 500 attendees that the PPP could not be left out of the governance of Guyana as that party has won seven of the 10 regions.

But the PPP believes that the government is preaching National Unity "in furtherance of a pre-electoral commitment made to certain external forces by Mr. Nagamootoo on behalf of the APNU+AFC.

"Moreover, since this appears to be acalculated move by the APNU+AFC to boost the sagging image of the AFC it is doubtful that such a move will gain any traction and is therefore bound to backfire," the PPP added,

The PPP believes that the Nagamootoo-led National Unity posture by government is "an attempt by the Coalition to throw dust in the eyes of the Guyanese people and at the same timepushing a commitment to fulfill a self serving pre-electoral promise made to external forces."

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Should Granger unfortunately be unable to continue as president, indeed according to process, Nagamootoo will immediately become president.


However, in a very short time Nagamootoo will be replaced by a PNC member who will become president.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Yes, they're interested. They don't want a racist pig like Nagamootoo to engaged them in unity talks. Amna Ali is another racist pig heading the social cohesion. This is not begging as some suggested. This is something the coalition must accomplish to make a more inclusive government. Granger have to show the British and Americans a bogus unified nation before he can be installed again in 2020.

Look dummy, in conflict resolution both sides have poor views of the other. That is why they are at odds. You cannot decide to talk only to the people who you think are nice. That is an idiots understanding. They people you need to talk to and with whom you need to find an understanding is with the worse of your opponents. You need to include the worse of your adversary if you are to make peace. The PPP are just being idiots because they know dunces like you would think they make sense and not see the danger of where they stand...they have no interventions to make peace.


Granger had a course in conflict resolution. Actually I am led to believe he taught the course. Trotman went to Harvard Institute for policy studies to be informed on conflict resolution. I do not know anyone in the PPP who had any training in the area. Misir would be the most able but he is not there.


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