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Bibi Haniffa posted:

I support the party that is better qualified to run the country, regardless of race, creed, or any other affiliation.

And yet you cannot tell us why the PPP is better.

Any way continue to support the party which describes itself as the "coolie people party, which aims at consolidating the East Indian support base".

For a woman who claims that she doesn't deal in race, this party seems to be very explicit in its racial identity.

Last edited by Former Member

My choice for governance is for the good of all Guyanese people.  It would be against every grain of my being if I support a government that:

1. Makes False promises, the 100 days turned into 365 and counting....
2. Gives themselves 50% salary increases before they prove they can do    the job 
3. Displaced Thousands of workers from their jobs.
4. Pays no attention to the increase of crime

5. supports a president for just one section of the Guyanese people.
6. Criminals being treated like heros. Some even getting national honors.
7. Building and places being renamed without consultations.
8. Take away benefits from pensioners and school children.

9. Taxes are being charged from man to mule.
10. Neglects Rice industry, Sugar industry and the rest of the farming industry.
11. Infringes upon Freedom of speech.
12. Party financiers are give contracts as repayment for their donations.
13.Competent workers are being replaced by over aged army buddies.
14.Criminals are being let out of jail without accountability.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

A brown bai nicknamed TK was the first person in GNI Political who mentioned "Brown Bai KKK" before you joined us. 

Her friends called him a niggindian, and a Congo Lover.

She agrees with them.

Carib, et al

I, Cobra, took sole responsibility for the word, Niggindians. I don't have friends on GNI that supported me. They may supported my views in the past. If someone other than myself cannot take full responsibility for my actions, then they're NOT responsible for anything I said. Now, Stop pushing your sh1te up someone else ass.

Gilbakka said you're NOT a racist and that's fine with me, though others may disagree.

Why are you beating up on a woman and pulling her into the stench that you swims in?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

My choice for governance is for the good of all Guyanese people.  It would be against every grain of my being if I support a government that:

1. Makes False promises, the 100 days turned into 365 and counting....
2. Gives themselves 50% salary increases before they prove they can do    the job 
3. Displaced Thousands of workers from their jobs.
4. Pays no attention to the increase of crime

5. supports a president for just one section of the Guyanese people.
6. Criminals being treated like heros. Some even getting national honors.
7. Building and places being renamed without consultations.
8. Take away benefits from pensioners and school children.

9. Taxes are being charged from man to mule.
10. Neglects Rice industry, Sugar industry and the rest of the farming industry.
11. Infringes upon Freedom of speech.
12. Party financiers are give contracts as repayment for their donations.
13.Competent workers are being replaced by over aged army buddies.
14.Criminals are being let out of jail without accountability.

OK the PPP.  And yes bauxite workers aren't happy that the PPP led over 3,000 of them to lose their jobs, without lifting a finger.

Guysuco speaks of PLANS to shut down estates, and will attempt to minimize displacement.

 Jagdeo jumped up and down and bellowed, "dem lazy blackman" when bauxite workers expressed their distress at losing their jobs.

Granger is far kinder.


Bibi, what do you think of the fact that Jagdeo's PENSION is the same as Granger's SALARY, and that the man also gets paid to be leader of the opposition, taking the SAME pay increase that you are raving about?

What a hypocrite you are.



And yes, Jagdeo neglected the rice and sugar industries too. 

Did you forget that the rice farmers protested against the PPP, and some of their leaders told them to vote AFC?

I will not even get into sugar, where Jagdeo already made plans to shut down Demerara estates, and indeed closed down LBI, and Diamond.  But now prancing around like a chimp screaming "blackman a starve ahbe".

And here the latest.  Venezuela is broke and the people are starving because overseas suppliers don't want to ship food to them, as they fear not getting paid.

But your Jagdeo wants Guyana to send him rice.  Now doubt when MadBurro sends an IOU, Jagdeo will liquidate his millions (US) and pay the farmers.  Yeah right.

Dondadda posted:

The PPP should not manufacture any reasns for postponing the Congress, as they have done before. The Congress should, without fear or intimidation by the PPP hierarchy, as they have done before elect their own candidate to be the leader. They should abolish/delete/eliminate the section of the Constitution of the PPP which gives the General Secretary the automatic choice to be the next leader. We saw what happened when Ramotar (Jagdeo's pick) was elected. He paved the way for the Coalition to win. He sold the party out to the Coalition.

Admission by Dondaddy...... PPP is a minority today because Jagdeo Rigged the Process of selecting the Presidential do not have to scratch like them funny fellas to see this.


There should be a motion on the floor of Congress to say that all thugs/affiliates from the House of Israel and those who have human blood on their hands are expelled from the party and from holding any office, whether elected or not. This included Lumumba, Kame etc.

Dandona we should go further to admit the mistake and never.....ever allow this dotishness done by Jagdeo & a few to happen again.....

Any one ....... and everyone who blindly supported and who teamed up with Jagdeo to open the Doors of the PPP for the House of Israel and Ballot-Box Thieves (who have human blood on their hands) must also be expelled from the party and from holding any office, ........ this include all the Funny Fellas who supported Jagdeo with "De Corbin/Jagdeo Accord".


In my opinion the following should not run:

Bharat Jagdeo (he carries too much baggage)

Clement Rohee ( Couln't control the Police Force much less the country)

Gail Texiera (A failure to runs to the American Embassy and complains about her party - she is a US spy and a lies a lot)

We need young blood, people like Anil Nandlall; Dr. Frank Anthony, Irfan Ali.

Dr Persaud (Reep Daughter) and Dr Anthony can help reverse PPP minority Status Quickly.......

another good person is Dr Jagan Grand Daughter.


Last edited by Former Member

Irfan Ali should be the Opposition leader in order to gain some experience about Leadership. He is quailified and ready to take charge. Mr.  former President, It's time for you to go...into retirement from Politics.

Jalil posted:
Dondadda posted:

The PPP should not manufacture any reasns for postponing the Congress, as they have done before. The Congress should, without fear or intimidation by the PPP hierarchy, as they have done before elect their own candidate to be the leader. They should abolish/delete/eliminate the section of the Constitution of the PPP which gives the General Secretary the automatic choice to be the next leader. We saw what happened when Ramotar (Jagdeo's pick) was elected. He paved the way for the Coalition to win. He sold the party out to the Coalition.

Admission by Dondaddy...... PPP is a minority today because Jagdeo Rigged the Process of selecting the Presidential do not have to scratch like them funny fellas to see this.


There should be a motion on the floor of Congress to say that all thugs/affiliates from the House of Israel and those who have human blood on their hands are expelled from the party and from holding any office, whether elected or not. This included Lumumba, Kame etc.

Dandona we should go further to admit the mistake and never.....ever allow this dotishness done by Jagdeo & a few to happen again.....

Any one ....... and everyone who blindly supported and who teamed up with Jagdeo to open the Doors of the PPP for the House of Israel and Ballot-Box Thieves (who have human blood on their hands) must also be expelled from the party and from holding any office, ........ this include all the Funny Fellas who supported Jagdeo with "De Corbin/Jagdeo Accord".


In my opinion the following should not run:

Bharat Jagdeo (he carries too much baggage)

Clement Rohee ( Couln't control the Police Force much less the country)

Gail Texiera (A failure to runs to the American Embassy and complains about her party - she is a US spy and a lies a lot)

We need young blood, people like Anil Nandlall; Dr. Frank Anthony, Irfan Ali.

Dr Persaud (Reep Daughter) and Dr Anthony can help reverse PPP minority Status Quickly.......

another good person is Dr Jagan Grand Daughter.


None of these 3 has any interest in the PPP leadership.  And if they did, none of them has what it takes to move the PPP forward.  Frank Anthony is a great guy.  He is very loyal and hardworking, but he is not a leader.  Dr. Jagan Grandaughter has NO interest in politics or even a life in Guyana.  Reep daughter is too weak for the PNC boys, and she lacks some of the characteristics of a leader.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Reep daughter is too weak for the PNC boys, and she lacks some of the characteristics of a leader.

It takes great leadership skills to manage the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, the largest Hindu organization and one of the largest religious organizations in the country. Reep's daughter is a leader.


Managing the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha and managing a country where the rival party consists of gun slinging ex-GDF troopers are two different things.  Her leadership of the religious organization where her father had already laid the foundation is a small task compare to running a country like Guyana.

And we should also take into consideration her ability to deal with international relations.

She would make a good first lady though!!  Or a situation where the country might benefit from a Bill and Hillary scenario

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Managing the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha and managing a country where the rival party consists of gun slinging ex-GDF troopers are two different things.  Her leadership of the religious organization where her father had already laid the foundation is a small task compare to running a country like Guyana.

And we should also take into consideration her ability to deal with international relations.

She would make a good first lady though!!  Where the country might benefit from a Bill and Hillary scenario

No question, Miss Haniffa.


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