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Former Member

Unruly behaviour of Minister Ramjattan in Parliament

Dear Editor,

I am a 66-year-old Guyanese and a former senior public servant. All my life I voted for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), but at the recent General and Regional Election held on May 11, 2015, I voted for “change”, I voted for the coalition. As I observe the transition of Government, the practices, patterns, utterances and behaviour of the new Administration, I have already started to feel that I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I was looking at the ongoing budget debate on television and I was shocked to witness the second Vice President and Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan uttering these words, “wait, we gon jail alyuh as soon as we find everything”, “thief, thief, ‘Yu’ all thief too much and is ‘Yu’ all de street bandits following”.

The honourable Member of Parliament must understand that he holds a very high office in Government and he should no longer be in the election campaign mood with his colleagues as though in a private habitation. This is unacceptable and I hope that his Excellency David Granger is taking note and will be cautioned in the most serious manner.

We must bring back respect and democracy to this nation for one and all irrespective of race, creed or political persuasion. Furthermore, the Minister is a lawyer by profession and he must understand that implications of using such words within the judiciary.

The other issue I wish to highlight is what the Minister of State Joseph Harmon said about how he would have used privately funded trips to promote Government businesses. The Government needs to separate the two issues for this is certainly a dangerous path and practice. We all know that businessmen don’t give money unless there is a motive and a form of repayment.

On the campaign trail the coalition speakers focused heavily on the closeness of the business community to the ruling PPP/C. I hope that good sense shall prevail and they pull themselves up or be pulled up by the President.

Yours truly,

Mohammed Majood

Replies sorted oldest to newest

First of all democracy is lost under this new regime. Ramjattan calling the PPP thieves and they will get jail when the get all the evidence is childish and foolish. He wanted revenge on some PPP members, that's why he insisted on the public security position.

With all the shouting about corruption and thievery by the PPP, so far the PNC hasn't come up with any solid evidence to put anyone in jail. If I have a penny every time Ramjattan uttered the word thief, I would be a rich man by now.

I am saying it again, people are listening and observing. People who voted for change are regretting earlier than I thought.
Ramjattan position is speaking louder than Ramjattan himself to threaten Jagdeo on his assumptions on corruption. He should be sued for calling the PPP thieves without evidence.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Ramjattan position is speaking louder than Ramjattan himself to threaten Jagdeo on his assumptions on corruption. He should be sued for calling the PPP thieves without evidence.


Ramjttan is a crabdawg and a disgrace to Guyana. He should be fired. Berbicians are finally standing up to PNC thugs.

Only a month ago I spoke about Indians must stand up to the government. Now we see the actions. They must be encouraged to do more, village by village. We pass the word around and people are listening. I am very proud of them.
I want them to make an example to capture two criminals, chop them to pieces and then summons the police. When there is no law to protect you, you take matters in your own hands.

PPP hijacked Red House

August 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– staff being paid from state funds – New Govt.

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre [Red House)

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House)


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) hijacked the originally state-owned historical building previously called Red House. Disclosure of this development caused a ruckus yesterday in the National Assembly as the government’s side became incensed, while those on the opposition benches sat in total shock. PPP’s “deceitful” action that sought to rob the nation of its resources was revealed when Minister of State Joseph Harmon took the floor yesterday to add his bit to the 2015 Budget debate.


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Poised to speak about the issue, Harmon introduced it as one that remains like “a bone stuck across my throat”. The Minister told the House that the PPP/C administration spent tens of millions of dollars over the years to renovate the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House) which remained state property until 2012.

 Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

During that year a company was established named ‘Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’ and the building was leased by the PPP to that company. The lease agreement has duration of 99 years at a cost of only $1000 monthly. This will add up to $12,000 per year and $1,188,000 over the 99-year period. This will not be even a quarter of what was spent to build, renovate and maintain the building over the years. Apart from this, Harmon said that the entity’s staff remained on the job and were still being paid by the State. Harmon told the House that he had the names of those who formed the Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’s Board of Directors. His colleagues shouted “name them man, name them, shameful thieves.”

PPP/C Member of Parliament, Clement Rohee

Harmon said it is clear the direction of the transaction since the Board involved top executives of the PPP including Geoffrey Da Silva,  the late Janet Jagan, the then President Donald Ramotar, James Rose, Michael Khan, Hydar Ally and Ralph Ramkarran, among others.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

This information he said was not made accessible through forensic audit or a Commission of Inquiry, but a mere visit to the Deeds Registry and the Lands and Survey Commission. As Harmon continued his revelations, the once silenced PPP members did not refute his findings.

Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

In fact, former Minister, Irfaan Ali essentially admitted it as he shouted, “tell them who did the transactions, tell them.” Ali continued, “the PM (Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo) was the one who did the document.”

To this Harmon responded “that doesn’t make it right.”

Moses....left the PPP in 2011

Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House) which remained state property until 2012. 

How could the Honorable Prime Minister

do this Transfer after 2012

when he was in the AFC????

PPP/C Member of Parliament, Clement Rohee

Minister of Social Cohesion, Amna Ally, was perhaps the loudest heckler during this time shouting things like “thief, shame, barefaced thieves and bam bam.” On the issue of the workers at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre still being paid by the state, opposition member Clement Rohee yelled to the government, “Knock them off.” To this Harmon responded: “Knock them off?

Opposition Leader Bharrat JagdeoThat is the level of contempt for the people I am talking about. This is not all, but I will leave the rest for the state asset recovery unit to deal with…” The late Dr. Cheddi Jagan is the founder of the Red House, members of the government said yesterday that the PPP’s “theft” of the site is a dishonour to the late President.


Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Ramjattan and Moses are CERTIFIED HOUSE SLAVES!!! The World cannot find anyone more SHAMELESS in every respect than those two PARASITES!!!

Firstly who is the certification agency for slaves? Surely not a useless twit like you. Secondly, where was your complaint when the quintessential parasites, the PPP were in office? Did you not comment you were drinking on the nations credit card with the President? Get real punk. Parasitism is  leveraged as a term because you lack the capacity to say what you mean. I am sure that you can express yourself beyond your constant one or two light stupid shout downs.


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