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Update: Approximately $90M stolen; cops under close arrest in Post Office robbery

April 1, 2015 11:02 am Category: latest news A+ / A-


Crime scene[] – The two policemen who were reportedly abducted by gunmen during an armed robbery on Wednesday morning are under close arrest.

iNews has been informed that the ranks are being questioned to ascertain if they played any role during the daring robbery along the busy Regent Street area.

Meanwhile, police sources have confirmed that the 17 bags of money which were carted off by the six bandits contained approximately $90 million. iNews had reported that the police are hunting for a vehicle containing millions of dollars in pension and other public assistance funds which vanished from Regent Street in the vicinity of the Bourda Post Office.

iNews was informed that six men stormed a vehicle, took away an Ak47 Assault Rifle from a police rank, bundled him into the vehicle and drove off with him and another rank who were providing security detail for the cash.

The incident occurred while another police was escorting an employee of the Post Office into the Bourda Post Office to deliver the money.

When the men came out of the post office they realized that the van with the money and the police ranks was missing.

Eyewitness say that the men pointed a gun to the head of the driver of the vehicle and ordered him to move over as they took control of the vehicle and kept their guns trained on the two police men.

Police sources have confirmed that the two policemen were later released along Cemetery road even as the gunmen made good their escape with the cash and assault rifle.

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Rohee will not address security concerns on campaign trail

April 1, 2015 11:52 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee

[] – General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee says he will not be addressing the policy issues of the security sector during PPP/C’s campaign trail.

Rohee made the bold pronouncement despite the security sector being pummelled as one the major failures of the PPP/C government over the last 22 years in office.

Rohee at PPP’s press briefing on Tuesday March 31 said the campaign platform will be used to energize supporters of the Party and not to address the many woes and policy issues of the sector.

When questioned by reporters Rohee said “no, that will be addressed in our manifesto. These are political rallies aimed at energizing our supporters and giving them an idea of where we will go in the futureâ€Ķthis will be buttressed by our manifesto.”

He further pointed out that at those rallies he is appearing in his capacity as General Secretary of the PPP/C and not as the Home Affairs Minister.

Rohee’s statement come as Presidential Candidate for A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC), David Granger has incessantly chastised the government for its failures in the security sector.

On Sunday, Granger told the thousands of supporters who gathered at Whim, Corentyne that his government will protect them from crime which continues to plague Berbicians on a daily basis.

Granger said he will device a crime strategy plan to tackle piracy among other issues since it is the biggest challenge facing the people of that region, citing the crime situation as the reason why businesses are not investing in Guyana.

“I will make you safe, because i am going to establish a Police Force that will care about you, that will answer your emergency calls.”


The Coalition need to play these clips at public meetings to remind people of the kind of stupid things these PPP leaders say.


I would have played parts of the Chat3's phone call at the public meetings so people can become disgusted with them.


Rohee can't talk policy, because he has none.  They built a brand new crime lab without DNA facilities?  Can you believe these are the people running the country?


Gunmen hijack post office van with cops, $90M

April 2, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

â€Ķsteal rifle, dump cop and vehicle in cemetery Staff of the Bourda Post Office did not have to turn away old age pensioners but shortly after the money was taken into the post office three armed bandits snatched $90M as it was being delivered.

The Bourda Post Office outside of which the robbery occurred yesterday.

The Bourda Post Office outside of which the robbery occurred yesterday.


The gunmen reportedly grabbed the money that was left in the vehicle transporting the old age pension by hopping into the bus and driving off with a police escort and the driver. They reportedly relieved the rank of a rifle and dumped him and the Post Office van on Cemetery Road. The incident occurred as unsuspecting pensioners were lined up waiting for their monthly allowance. The police said that about 08:15 hours yesterday, three men armed with handguns held up a police escort and the driver of a General Post Office Corporation (GPOC) motor vehicle. According to the police, they were in the vehicle outside the Bourda Post Office located on Regent, while in the process of delivering money to the entity. “The perpetrators took away the policeman’s G3 Rifle with 20 rounds and then entered the vehicle and forced the driver to drive away, with the police rank inside,” the police stated. The men, the police said, abandoned the vehicle along Cemetery Road, Georgetown and took away $90M that was in the vehicle and escaped, along with the policeman’s firearm. The policeman, who was providing armed escort for the cash and the GPO driver were detained for questioning. When Kaieteur News arrived on the scene, two street dwellers, who normally sleep on the Regent Street pavement, said yesterday morning they noticed two well dressed men standing on the northern side of Regent Street. According to them, there was a tall Indian man dressed in a pair of black pants, cream shirt and a tie and his accomplice, a man of African descent, was clad in a pair of blue jeans and a tee-shirt. The eyewitnesses said that another was in the line standing among the pensioners who were waiting to collect their cash. “The two was over there watching over. After, the bus pull up and the escort and the money man carry in the two bag” one said, it was then that the bandits pounced. They said the bus driver had left his door open and the well dressed bandit came and stood by the bus. Shortly after, the accomplice jumped in the passenger seat and the well dressed bandit hopped into the driver’s seat and drove off. The eyewitnesses told this publication that the third bandit hopped into the bus and they sped off through Orange Walk, Bourda. One of the eyewitnesses said too, “Everyday this bus does come with two armed guards. One does go in and one does be on the road but this morning we only see one go in. The other one didn’t stand on the road so we ain’t even know if he been deh.” “Nobody ain’t know no robbery happen. Nobody ain’t make no alarm. The thing happen just so sudden. The Post Office did full with people. How the man run out of here and jump in the bus and pull offâ€Ķhow they operate you ain’t even know a robbery happen,” they said, commenting that the operation was a smooth one. According to them, the civilians were left puzzled about what transpired. “The people just stand up. How this go on, you wouldn’t believe it’s no robbery because it was no guns, no ammunition, not even a knife you see.” According to them, the occupants of the bus made “no sound” and no shots were fired. When contacted, Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC), Telesha Whyte, said that in light of the robberies committed on various post office locations, their security staff has been increased. She pointed out that this robbery was committed outside of the Post Office and that GPOC has made all efforts to ensure that there is adequate security, especially since this is pension period. GPOC, she said, is assisting the police in their investigations.


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