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Gerald Daryn Forde

THE NEW MOVEMENT SUPPORT THE GROWING NATIONAL CALL FOR RECOUNT OF ALL 10 REGIONS AS AGREED BY MR GRANGER AND MR JAGDEO IN THE PRESENCE OF CARICOM FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON.These are the different declarations for region 4 on different days by Mr. Mingo based on the " same" sops. Notice the difference in The New Movements votes. The original declaration had us at 138. The final one had us at 128.Also note that while they were verifying sop by sop our accumulated votes for region 4 was 688. DO YOU THINK TNM IS JUSTIFIED IN CALLING FOR RECOUNT OF VOTES? WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOUR VOTES WERE STOLEN? WHAT IS THE SENSE OF GIVING GECOM MILLIONS WHILE PEOPLE SUFFER IF THIS IS GOING TO BE THE OUTCOME?


AFC must quit this unholy alliance

Dear Editor, 


I have studied the various revelations of the recent general and regional elections of Guyana. I am of the informed view that the process was conducted in a law-abiding manner until the Region 4 results were being tabulated and pronounced upon.

 Like Mr. Dominic Gaskin, and other former colleagues of the AFC, have observed, I am also not sufficiently convinced that the polling results purportedly declared by the Returning Officer (RO) for Region 4 accurately reflected the statements of poll (SOPs) from the 897 polling stations.

 Without deviation, all the national and international observers and diplomatic corps, plus all the contesting political parties, other than the lone APNU+AFC, doubted the credibility of the Region 4 tabulation process and declaration. Even member parties of the APNU coalition are expressing frustration about the dubious count. Most recently, the Justice For All Party broke rank with the hardliners of the APNU+AFC democracy defectors. I am convinced that the cascade has earnestly begun against the unfolding travesty.


I publicly applauded the principled stance some of the AFC executives took when Justice (r’td)

James Patterson was illegally appointed as GECOM’s chairman. I am appealing to you to do likewise and speak out against the illegal actions of GECOM, in particular, the unlawful declaration of the Region 4 results by the Returning Officer (RO), Mr. Clairmont Mingo.

The AFC was born out of the lofty ideals of democratic values. However, it has lost its way after being overwhelmed by unaligned attributes from its association with elements endowed with dictatorial DNA.

I am making a public appeal for the AFC to immediately leave the unholy alliance with the monstrosity that has been unleased on our country and people. This is your moment to redeem yourselves. I am beckoning you to heed my call before it is too late. I had the foresight to predict the AFC’s misfortunes at the embryonic stage of the Coalition. I protested but I was vilified and hounded out of the Party.  This is your chance to untangle yourselves from the evil web. Don’t contribute any further with your silence or acquiescence to Guyana becoming a dictatorship and a pariah State.


Yours faithfully,

Tameshwar N Lilmohan

President (Resigned): AFC Canada Chapter


Victor Singh

Hello, this letter was emailed to the β€˜The World Bank Group’ asking them not to APPROVE loans of any kind to a person. Guyana don’t have a government... Winston Jordan is not a Minister in Guyana.

I encourage to send this email to Mr. David Malpass.

β€˜Mr. David Malpass
President, The World Bank Group
1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20433
United States of America

Via email to

Dear Mr. Malpass,

The local media in Guyana has reported that the regime in control of power has requested a US$5 million emergency loan under the World Bank’s Rapid Response Emergency Facility to deal with the effects of the coronavirus. As a Guyanese citizen I am writing to oppose this request for the reasons set forth below.

As you are aware, Guyana held national and regional elections on March 2, 2020. To date no government has been chosen because the incumbent APNU/AFC coalition regime has chosen to tamper with the results. These elections were monitored by the resident diplomatic missions of the European union, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Observer Missions from the European Union, the Commonwealth, the OAS, the Carter Center and a host of domestic observer groups kept a close watch on the process.

They all concluded that the voting process was, but that APNU/AFC colluded with corrupt elements of the ostensibly independent Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to manipulate the final results. The Observer missions and the resident diplomatic missions unanimously concluded that the counting process was rigged. Commonwealth

The Commonwealth Secretary-General noted that flaws in the counting process would result in a β€œserious violation of the fundamental political values of the Commonwealth.” The OAS Observer Mission, which withdrew from observing the counting of the votes, noted that the process β€œdoes not meet the required standard of fairness and transparency.” The current CARICOM Chairman, Mia Mottley that certain forces oppose a fair process and that any β€œany Government which is sworn in without a credible and fully transparent vote count process would lack legitimacy.”

In addition, Mike Pompeo the U.S. Secretary of State warned that β€œindividuals who seek to benefit from electoral fraud and form illegitimate governments/regimes will be subject to a variety of serious consequences from the United States.” France, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Norway have also condemned the fairness of the counting process. In sum, the current regime wielding power in Guyanais illegitimate and does not have the right to speak for the Guyanaese people in international for a such as the World Bank.

The right of the Guyanese people to choose their government is being trampled upon in violation of Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Commonwealth Charter, the Charter of the Organization of American States, and the Constitution of the Republic of Guyana. Democracy in under siege in Guyana. The World Bank should follow the lead of the IMF when it denied Venezuela’s request for a US$3 billion loan to deal with the Coronavirus. The IMF denied the loan on the basis that the international community does not speak for the Venezuelan people.

In light of the universal condemnation of the electoral process in Guyana we humbly implore you to not legitimize this illegal regime by approving this loan request.



Victor Singh’

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