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Suspects held over murder of phone card vendor.

Courtesy Stakroek News

Seven persons have been held in connection with the murder of Danian Jagdeo, the phone card vendor who was shot during a robbery on Wednesday at Adventure, Corentyne, according to ‘B’ Division Commander Ian Amsterdam.

Amsterdam yesterday said the suspected murder weapon was also found and a car suspected to have been used to transport the two robbers was also impounded.

Around 3.30pm on Wednesday, Danian, a father of four, was shot and robbed of an undisclosed amount of phone cards and cash by bandits.

Danian Jagdeo

Amsterdam yesterday told Stabroek News that those in custody hail from Rose Hall Town, Canje and other areas on the Corentyne. “The persons arrested are now being processed. Let’s say from seven last night to seven this morning, we would have worked during the night based on leads we had, it led from one thing to the next,” Amsterdam noted. He further stated that investigators were able to place into custody the young man who the perpetrators would have sent to buy gasoline for the motorcycle they used to escape. “Then we were able to get the person who got the false licence plate, CD 2125, made. We were able to get the person who had the motorcycle,” he said, while noting that the motorcycle was stolen from a resident in Belvedere, Corentyne sometime on February 2. “After then what transpired is what one of the persons arrested would have overheard the others planning the robbery, who were the persons to commit the act, we eventually arrested all those persons,” he noted.

Amsterdam said the police also learned where the weapon was hidden after the robbery. “After we had all the players in custody, we took one of the persons back to the residence, where the weapon was originally stashed, we went back to the same place and found it there,” he said. He further noted that ballistics tests will be carried out to ensure that it was the gun that was used in the fatal robbery. The weapon found was a .32 snub-nose revolver, which was discovered at Bloomfield, Corentyne, where one of the suspects resides. “We’re gonna do ballistic tests on that and put the other pieces together,” he stated.

Also in custody is the driver of a car who picked up the two perpetrators that executed the daring daytime robbery as well as the car.

Meanwhile, according to information gathered, the police were able to obtain footage of Jagdeo dropping off phone cards to one of his regular customers in Springlands, Corentyne. Investigators also noticed in the footage that a silver-coloured car was moving slowly next to Jagdeo’s car, which was parked outside of the store at that time. This publication was reliably informed that investigators further noticed the silver car driving past Jagdeo’s parked car, then turning back to further follow Jagdeo as he went about his business. Investigators are working on spotting the number plate of the car in the footage in efforts to compare to the licence plate of the car they have impounded.

According to Amsterdam, an autopsy was done yesterday and it revealed that Jagdeo died due to shock and haemorrhaging. He further revealed that two warheads were removed from Jagdeo’s body during the autopsy. Amsterdam stressed that the police are wrapping up the investigation in an effort to seek advice quickly from the Director of Public Prosecutions to institute charges.

Jagdeo was dropping off phone cards at a grocery when a man wearing a hat to hide his face entered. Jagdeo became suspicious and asked the shopkeeper if she knew the man. She said no and the man then whipped out a gun and fired a shot. The shopkeeper ran and hid in the adjoining house.

According to reports, a scuffle ensued between Jagdeo and the gunman, who shot him twice. The bandit then grabbed Jagdeo’s bag and ran outside, where his accomplice, who wore a full face helmet, was waiting for him on the stolen motorcycle. The two men rode to Friendship, Corentyne, where they left the motorcycle and they were picked up by the silver car. The men then drove to Springlands, Corentyne but then turned around and proceeded back to Rose Hall Town.

Meanwhile, Commander Amsterdam along with Sub Ordinate Officer-in-Charge of Whim Police Station Sergeant Ibaran and other ranks along with Pastor Gajraj Dindial, from the Cops and Faith Network in Berbice, met with the relatives of Jagdeo. Amsterdam, speaking with Jagdeo’s wife, assured that justice will be served and the perpetrators will face the  brunt of the law.

Jagdeo’s wife, Mary Jagdeo, stated that her husband would constantly pray for a good life for his family and children.

Seven arrested robbery/murder for phone card vendor.

Kaiteur News

Cops probing report that murder of Tain mother was ‘hit’

Courtesy Stabroek News

The police in Berbice are probing whether Leilawatie Mohamed, also known as ‘Aunty Leila,’ who was shot dead on Tuesday when men invaded her Tain Settlement, Corentyne home, may have been the victim of a `hit’.

Mohamed, 45, a mother of four, was shot at close range in her Lot 149, Sixth Street home around 11.45 pm on Tuesday night by two men who broke in and demanded cash. After Mohamed told the men she did not have any money, the gunman placed his weapon to her chin and shot her dead.

Leilawatie Mohamed

While her murder was initially suspected to be the result of a robbery, Commander of ‘B’ Division, Ian Amsterdam, when contacted, stated that the police are investigating all possible leads, including that the mother of four may have been killed in a staged robbery. He noted that the perpetrators did not escape with valuables or cash. “We are working on some other information coming into us, information from both locally and overseas, that we need to look in a different direction that it may have been an execution that was ordered allegedly by another female,” he told Stabroek News.  “We have to dig a little deeper, we have some persons we are talking to and we are looking at some other areas,” he noted, while adding that persons are being called in for questioning as information is received.

Stabroek News was told that it is believed that Mohamed was involved with a married man, also of Tain, Corentyne, and whose overseas-based wife is being seen as a suspect in her death.

Police are working on questioning the man who is involved with Mohamed as well, this newspaper was told.

Currently, a 25-year-old Tain, Corentyne resident is in custody assisting with the investigation.

Meanwhile, an autopsy revealed that Mohamed died from shock and haemorrhage due to gunshots wounds, laceration of the brain and a fractured skull.

Meanwhile, according to information gathered, Mohamed’s previous home in Bloomfield Village, Corentyne, was burned down some years ago. The fire was suspected to be as a result of arson.


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Five remanded over murder of Tain mother.


Five persons were yesterday remanded over the murder of Tain mother of four, Leilawatie Mohamed, also known as ‘Aunty Leila’, 45, a domestic worker of Lot 149, Sixth Street, Tain Settlement, Corentyne on February 7.

The accused, two couples and a man, were charged jointly with the capital offence of murder, and appeared in the Number 51 Magistrate Court yesterday.

Leilawatie Mohamed

Magistrate Charlyn Artiga read the charge to Oliver Permaul, 36, a barber, of Lot 100 Tain Settlement, his wife Nazima Permaul, 42, who operates a business in Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Andre James, also known as ‘Andy’, 26, a tattoo artist of Lot 46 ‘A’ George Street, Rose Hall Town, Rohan Johnson, also known as ‘Jamakie’, 38, a Jamaican national and a carpenter of Lot 107 Second Street, Rose Hall Town, and his common law wife Shabiki Alert Thompson, 28, of the said address.

They were not required to plead to the indictable charge, and as such were remanded to prison until their next court date, May 4, at the Whim Magistrate’s Court.

Last week, two men kicked down Mohamed’s door and invaded her home. The men forced the forty-five year old woman to kneel down on her bedroom floor, and demanded cash during their efforts to stage a robbery. However, after she told the men that she did not have any money, the gunman placed his gun on the lower region of her chin and shot her dead at close range.

Oliver Permaul
Rohan Johnson

It was only after an investigation was launched that investigators learnt that the domestic worker’s death was not a robbery but a planned `hit’.

In the initial stages of the investigation, the barber was placed under arrest, after relatives disclosed that he would regularly issue threats to Mohamed. However, after he was questioned and did not provide any vital information, B Division’s investigators had no choice but to release him since an extension to keep him in custody was not granted. It was when they made the second arrest that they started to uncover evidence pointing towards the `hit’.

Shabiki Alert Thompson
Nazima Permaul

The tattoo artist was the second person taken into custody, and after receiving a statement from him, investigators then re-arrested the barber, and also placed his wife in custody. They also arrested the Jamaican national and his common law wife from Rose Hall Town, Corentyne.

Stabroek News had previously reported that Mohamed was said to have been involved with a married businessman.  According to the investigation, the wife, of the businessman who owns a sawmill in Edinburgh, East Bank Berbice, found out about his extramarital affair with Mohamed, and retaliated by recruiting someone to plan Mohamed’s execution.

Rohan Johnson

The tattoo artist reportedly  confirmed this theory when he told investigators that he was hired by the barber and his wife. After being promised a substantial amount of money, reportedly $4M, he allegedly then made plans with his associate, the Jamaican national to launch their attack on Mohamed, a mother four.

The men hired a car and proceeded to Mohamed’s house, where they kicked down her door, entered, staged a robbery and shot her dead.

According to information gathered, the two females were placed in custody, since investigators discovered that the barber’s wife was the person who uplifted the first payment, reportedly $400,000, from the alleged mastermind and paid it to the tattoo artist, who then paid the Jamaican national his portion through his common-law wife.

The businessman who was said to have been involved with Mohamed was placed into custody for questioning. After investigators learnt that he may  not have had any knowledge of the plan to execute Mohamed, he was released.

At court yesterday, the accused shouted several times that they were innocent.

Meanwhile, according to a police source, investigators are still working on locating the businessman’s wife, who is said to be the alleged mastermind. However, the source stated that the woman’s lawyer has contacted police stating that her life is being threatened and that she refuses to disclose her location to anyone as of now, but has promised to eventually turn herself in.


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