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Upper Corentyne residents still can’t enjoy a reliable supply of electricity

November 6, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Dear Editor,
Last week, we suffered over 10 hours of blackout on Monday, two-and-a-half hours of blackout on Tuesday, and over ten hours of blackout on Friday, for a total of more than 20 hours of blackout in a week!
It was also impossible to get through to GPL’s hotline at 333-2186 to find out when power would be restored. I tried for several hours to get through to this number, to no avail. Either the workers there are using this line for personal use, or they are not hanging up the phone because they do not want to answer phone calls.
This situation is unacceptable, and is insulting to hardworking residents and businessmen who suffer significant financial losses, as well as emotional distress at the total disrespect and the uncaring attitude demonstrated to us by GPL and its staff.
To add insult to injury, Kaieteur News reported that it would take at least four weeks for the power supply to improve, but that is of little hope to us, because GPL has never offered a reliable supply of power to the Upper Corentyne area.
I challenge Mr. Bharat Dindiyal and Mr. Ayube Bacchus to state whether, in the last year, there was ever a one-month period where a reliable supply of power was provided to the Upper Corentyne.
GPL has constantly been making promises, but they have never kept them.
Around July this year, Mr. Bacchus promised that our electricity supply would improve, and guess what, it has, on the contrary, significantly deteriorated. There is no evidence that GPL has the desire, the skills, or the management team needed to urgently fix this situation.
While this should be a troubling situation that draws the attention of GPL’s management, as well as the PPP/C leaders, no one is paying attention to the plight of our area because, apparently, they are all rich enough to have their own power generators and back-up supply, so they are not affected by blackouts like the ordinary citizens of this area.
What do we have to do for GPL to get its act together and stop making lame excuses, and provide us with dependable supply of electricity?
Talk to anyone in this area and they will tell you they are fed-up. Our children’s studies are being affected, our food is spoiling, our businesses cannot perform. Life cannot continue like this for four more weeks or God knows how long it will take for GPL to fix the power supply.
To put things into context, GPL should look to New York and New Jersey, where reliable power is already being restored to large sections of the population – mere days are the horrible destruction of Hurricane Sandy. Or it can look right here at home, at GT&T, which inherited an absolute mess in the early 1990s and completely transformed and revolutionized the communications sector in Guyana. So don’t tell us about how we have to wait for four weeks for a promised improvement when the problems we face aren’t caused by devastating natural disasters, or financial bankruptcy, but by a devastatingly incompetent management team at GPL, that is bankrupt of ideas to fix our electricity sector.
After twenty years of PPP/C rule, it is time that this party takes action and immediately fixes our electricity supply on the Upper Corentyne.  Don’t take us for granted.
Pradeep Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Skeldon_man, Yugi22, Chief, where does Upper Corentyne start and where does lower Corentyne end?


I don't know about upper Corentyne and lower Corentyne. I know Corentyne. I know from New Amsterdam to Crabwood Creek. From the other side, I know Rosignol.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Skeldon_man, Yugi22, Chief, where does Upper Corentyne start and where does lower Corentyne end?


I don't know about upper Corentyne and lower Corentyne. I know Corentyne. I know from New Amsterdam to Crabwood Creek. From the other side, I know Rosignol.

I was told that #51 is the boundary for Upper and Lower. So now I wonder where does Lower end?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Skeldon_man, Yugi22, Chief, where does Upper Corentyne start and where does lower Corentyne end?


I don't know about upper Corentyne and lower Corentyne. I know Corentyne. I know from New Amsterdam to Crabwood Creek. From the other side, I know Rosignol.

I was told that #51 is the boundary for Upper and Lower. So now I wonder where does Lower end?

Maybe Orealla or Siparuta?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Skeldon_man, Yugi22, Chief, where does Upper Corentyne start and where does lower Corentyne end?


I don't know about upper Corentyne and lower Corentyne. I know Corentyne. I know from New Amsterdam to Crabwood Creek. From the other side, I know Rosignol.

I was told that #51 is the boundary for Upper and Lower. So now I wonder where does Lower end?

Maybe Orealla or Siparuta?

I think that's Upper; Rose Hall side is often referred to as Lower.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Skeldon_man, Yugi22, Chief, where does Upper Corentyne start and where does lower Corentyne end?

 These are basic needs and quality of life issues. The fundamental criteria to improve the baseline on these issues is the imperative of government. Beginning with individual security, justice and economic planning on a needs basis one should see improvement. We have no security, justice has a back log and NICIL has a focus of transferring state assets to private PPP coneys and not basic infrastructure.


Note, they can find spend millions to increase the airport, build the marriot, lay down 500 miles of fiber optic,. give away 15 million to Fip on a project everyone knew he cannot finish etc  but they handed the berbice bridge to a set of leeches  on account of not having 45 million dollars. The people now have to pay the highest fees in the western hemisphere to cross a mile of water.


Do you think that burnham could not have handed the canje bridge or the Dem bridge to a bunch of his close friends? If the can build the Marriot they could have kept the berbice river bridge as a revenue source to the people of berbice.


Where is the plan to subsidize at least three  10 megawatt win turbines in the Atlantic that could help with at least a third of the need consistently? How about some aid for solar panels  that could keep the fridge running in blackouts and brownouts. I in PhillyI have the same on my roof and my mother in law has most of her power by solar and she is In oklahoma! We should be making these damn panels rather than buying them since the manufacture is actually low tech. These people are not thinkers and planners they are political freaks  more interested with keeping their hands in the till.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


To be objective and setting politics aside, the Government must resolve this issue. The people of upper corentyne deserve better if this report is accurate. 

Pradeep: Talk to anyone in this area and they will tell you they are fed-up.


 Our children’s studies are being affected, our food is spoiling, our businesses cannot perform. Life cannot continue like this for four more weeks or God knows how long it will take for GPL to fix the power supply.

To put things into context, GPL should look to New York and New Jersey, where reliable power is already being restored to large sections of the population – mere days are the horrible destruction of Hurricane Sandy. Or it can look right here at home, at GT&T, which inherited an absolute mess in the early 1990s and completely transformed and revolutionized the communications sector in Guyana. So don’t tell us about how we have to wait for four weeks for a promised improvement when the problems we face aren’t caused by devastating natural disasters, or financial bankruptcy, but by a devastatingly incompetent management team at GPL, that is bankrupt of ideas to fix our electricity sector.

After twenty years of PPP/C rule, it is time that this party takes action and immediately fixes our electricity supply on the Upper Corentyne.  Don’t take us for granted.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Upper corentyne is 52 - 74 Village.

If Rose Hall is referred as Lower and #52-74 is referred as Upper, what happens from #75 village to Moleson Creek and beyond? What do we call this area and Orealla and Siparuta as 'No Man's Land? The last time I went to Guyana(June of this year), #75 village down to Moleson Creek is still bordered by the Corentyne River.


they will fix the problem i hear from inside source that they import 5000 oil lamp,$1000 for one oil lamp in guyana store but seeing that they had to import it themself they had to pay $100 US each,the oil lamp will be share out to a select few,if you is a blackman please do not apply

Originally Posted by warrior:

they will fix the problem i hear from inside source that they import 5000 oil lamp,$1000 for one oil lamp in guyana store but seeing that they had to import it themself they had to pay $100 US each,the oil lamp will be share out to a select few,if you is a blackman please do not apply

Jus like Burnall days eh? Yu rememba da na, "except coolie need not apply"? Me rememba de 60's oil lamp, except yu couldn't buy wan; you had to mek yu own. Yu had to put mud arung the top fu de battle na bus. Yu like dem days dah na?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

20hrs blackout in one week is not bad at all. Things must be looking up in Guyana, some people still without power from last Monday in the NY/NJ area. 

 One is of a once in a lifetime storm. The other is practice.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

20hrs blackout in one week is not bad at all. Things must be looking up in Guyana, some people still without power from last Monday in the NY/NJ area. 

 One is of a once in a lifetime storm. The other is practice.

Please do not compare Guyana to the US. Remember Guyana is a third world country. In the 60's when electricity was supplied by individuals, we had blackouts too. Sometime for days. In our lifetime, Guyana will never be like the US; lets face it. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

20hrs blackout in one week is not bad at all. Things must be looking up in Guyana, some people still without power from last Monday in the NY/NJ area. 

 One is of a once in a lifetime storm. The other is practice.

Not quite, for a 3rd world nation in times of high gas and nuff electricity stealing in Guyana, the country is getting pretty good service. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

20hrs blackout in one week is not bad at all. Things must be looking up in Guyana, some people still without power from last Monday in the NY/NJ area. 

 One is of a once in a lifetime storm. The other is practice.

Not quite, for a 3rd world nation in times of high gas and nuff electricity stealing in Guyana, the country is getting pretty good service. 

Was there ever a one-week period where a reliable supply of power was provided to the Upper Corentyne?


Can you explain why GPL does not answer the phone?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

20hrs blackout in one week is not bad at all. Things must be looking up in Guyana, some people still without power from last Monday in the NY/NJ area. 

 One is of a once in a lifetime storm. The other is practice.

Not quite, for a 3rd world nation in times of high gas and nuff electricity stealing in Guyana, the country is getting pretty good service. 

Was there ever a one-week period where a reliable supply of power was provided to the Upper Corentyne?


Can you explain why GPL does not answer the phone?

Stweeps, is wuh do you Mits?

Wah happen, dem boys cyan go to the toilet nowadays, like everytime the phone rings?


Maybe dem boys so busy troubleshootin they aint got time to answer phones.

Originally Posted by Lar:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

20hrs blackout in one week is not bad at all. Things must be looking up in Guyana, some people still without power from last Monday in the NY/NJ area. 

 One is of a once in a lifetime storm. The other is practice.

Not quite, for a 3rd world nation in times of high gas and nuff electricity stealing in Guyana, the country is getting pretty good service. 

Was there ever a one-week period where a reliable supply of power was provided to the Upper Corentyne?


Can you explain why GPL does not answer the phone?

Stweeps, is wuh do you Mits?

Wah happen, dem boys cyan go to the toilet nowadays, like everytime the phone rings?


Maybe dem boys so busy troubleshootin they aint got time to answer phones.


The PPP/C members and leaders are quite aware of the situation but are not paying any attention to the plight of the area and the huge economic losses, stress and inconveniance to the residents because, apparently, they are all rich enough to have their own power generators and back-up supply, so they are not affected by blackouts like the ordinary citizens of this area. 


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Northeast without ekectricity too.

Did the Corentyne have an Act of God in the form of a major storm?

There are always storms in Corentyne. Constant floods due to dumping of garbage and plastic containers that block the drainage systems. I have pictures of this that I brought back this past June.

Corentyne always have acts of god. It's constantly blessed. Ask Yujji and the Chief.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

20hrs blackout in one week is not bad at all. Things must be looking up in Guyana, some people still without power from last Monday in the NY/NJ area. 

 One is of a once in a lifetime storm. The other is practice.

Not quite, for a 3rd world nation in times of high gas and nuff electricity stealing in Guyana, the country is getting pretty good service. 

Was there ever a one-week period where a reliable supply of power was provided to the Upper Corentyne?


Can you explain why GPL does not answer the phone?

Guyana gets the electricity service it can afford.  When electricity has to be supplied to sparse locations such as Bbice it becomes expensive to supply as half the current is lost in the transmission process. If the rates were increased substantially then GPL would be able to provide better service. Meanwhile it has to run its business based on its revenues which is way below the rates we in the US pays. If you would concentrate your thought process on to ponder these important issues instead of attacking posters in a vulgar manner, maybe you too would reach the same conclusions. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Guyana gets the electricity service it can afford.  When electricity has to be supplied to sparse locations such as Bbice it becomes expensive to supply as half the current is lost in the transmission process. If the rates were increased substantially then GPL would be able to provide better service. Meanwhile it has to run its business based on its revenues which is way below the rates we in the US pays. If you would concentrate your thought process on to ponder these important issues instead of attacking posters in a vulgar manner, maybe you too would reach the same conclusions. 

Hey stupid, stop posting (posing/posturing?) on subjects which you have little to no understanding . . . Transmission loss over distance for high voltage lines is in a DIRECT relationship with power demand ["sparse" ??]. 


Now, as far as distance goes, if GPL is (theoretically) losing 50% of it's power transmitting over < 300km, someone needs to be jailed [so stop pulling numbers out of your ass] . . . besides, i suspect that power for the Corentyne is being generated right there in Berbice.


your turn fool 

Last edited by Former Member

GPL denies outage but facts state otherwise

November 11, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



Residents and the business community of Corriverton, Skeldon and much of the Upper Corentyne were, up to press time yesterday without electricity, since early morning as lengthy power outages continued to affect the heavily-populated border town. That was a continuation of a blackout all day on Friday in the town.

This comes in the wake of a press release issued yesterday by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) in response to a Kaieteur News article in Saturday’s edition captioned: ‘Skeldon Co – Gen plant out of operation, blackout hit Skeldon’.

The press release stated that the KN article was “plainly wrong”, and that “The fact of the matter is that the Skeldon Co-Gen plant supplies constantly on an hourly basis throughout the day an average of 5.5MW to 6.0 MW to the Berbice grid. At the moment power is being generated by two of the three Wartsila plants and the factory turbine generator.

“The generating capacity of these two Wartsila sets is 2.5 MW each. During the grinding operation power is also supplied to the grid from the factory turbine generator at about 3.0 MWh, using bagasse fuel and the factory has been consistently crushing canes for the past 12 weeks”.

The release stated, too, that “repair is being done to the third Wartsila set, the largest of the three, with a generating capacity of 5 MW, and which has been out of operation for the past 18 months, due to an electrical failure. The repair to this set is expected to be in operation for the coming Christmas season.”

However, several business entities and even the President of the Upper Corentyne Chamber of Commerce (UCCCI), said that the Upper Corentyne area continues to suffer immensely from power outages, and even hinted that the situation is getting worse.

The Upper Corentnye area is supplied with power from the Co Generation factory located in the Skeldon Sugar Factory building. GuySuCo has said that the co- gen plant is in full operation on a daily basis, however the increased occurrence of blackouts have again brought their assumptions into question.

President of UCCCI, Mr. Krishnand Jaichand was furious. “This thing is terrible, terrible right now! It’s been nine hours right now I am running a generator. Mr. [Ayube] Bacchus (GPL Area Manager) said it was a transmission line [problem] and I understand some generator [at Skeldon] is giving problems”.

Daily blackouts

Jaichand added, “It’s been affecting us… not only the businesses, but the general public, affecting the livelihood of people especially tourism, hotels, etc. I am totally disappointed in GPL, we even had a press release only last month and it’s frustrating for people on the Upper Corentyne— It’s terrible!”

The Chamber president added that there were sporadic outages on Friday evening.

Businessman Vishnu Doerga of Number 78 Village, Corriverton now has additional costs incurred due to running a stand by generator whenever there is an outage. He was running a generator yesterday.

“For me, it would be additional cost having to run power generation equipment to be able to continue serving our customers. I would personally urge GPL to rectify the situation as early as possible and to move towards implementing redundancy measures so as to avoid such situations in the future”.

GPL Chief Executive Officer Bharrat Dindyal and GPL’S Technical Director visited the Skeldon Co- Gen Plant two Fridays ago and inspected the equipment there. He also met with the UCCCI Vice- President and some other business people from the area.

He noted that he was “very disheartened about the situation and hopefully GPL or GuySuCo—whoever is at fault can work  harder than they are working now about this".

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
November 11, 2012 | By |

. . . The Upper Corentnye area is supplied with power from the Co Generation factory located in the Skeldon Sugar Factory building.

ahmmm . . . drugB, dat's a bulletin specially for U and the rest of the poorly educated PPP set.


now, [continue to] embrace ur shame quietly and beg pardon

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
November 11, 2012 | By |

. . . The Upper Corentnye area is supplied with power from the Co Generation factory located in the Skeldon Sugar Factory building.

ahmmm . . . drugB, dat's a bulletin specially for U and the rest of the poorly educated set.


now, [continue to] embrace ur shame quietly and beg pardon

that brings a new set of issues to the board, did the afc supporters sabotage the generation factory? It is in their mantra of slo fiah mo fiah to destabilize the nation and encourage dissent. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
November 11, 2012 | By |

. . . The Upper Corentnye area is supplied with power from the Co Generation factory located in the Skeldon Sugar Factory building.

ahmmm . . . drugB, dat's a bulletin specially for U and the rest of the poorly educated set.


now, [continue to] embrace ur shame quietly and beg pardon

that brings a new set of issues to the board, did the afc supporters sabotage the generation factory? It is in their mantra of slo fiah mo fiah to destabilize the nation and encourage dissent. 

You are truly a brainless jackass. Who left the barn door opened?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Guyana gets the electricity service it can afford.  When electricity has to be supplied to sparse locations such as Bbice it becomes expensive to supply as half the current is lost in the transmission process. If the rates were increased substantially then GPL would be able to provide better service. Meanwhile it has to run its business based on its revenues which is way below the rates we in the US pays. If you would concentrate your thought process on to ponder these important issues instead of attacking posters in a vulgar manner, maybe you too would reach the same conclusions. 

Hey stupid, stop posting (posing/posturing?) on subjects which you have little to no understanding . . . Transmission loss over distance for high voltage lines is in a DIRECT relationship with power demand ["sparse" ??]. 


Now, as far as distance goes, if GPL is (theoretically) losing 50% of it's power transmitting over < 300km, someone needs to be jailed [so stop pulling numbers out of your ass] . . . besides, i suspect that power for the Corentyne is being generated right there in Berbice.


your turn fool 

i re-post . . .

where are U drug man ???!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
November 11, 2012 | By |

. . . The Upper Corentnye area is supplied with power from the Co Generation factory located in the Skeldon Sugar Factory building.

ahmmm . . . drugB, dat's a bulletin specially for U and the rest of the poorly educated set.


now, [continue to] embrace ur shame quietly and beg pardon

that brings a new set of issues to the board, did the afc supporters sabotage the generation factory? It is in their mantra of slo fiah mo fiah to destabilize the nation and encourage dissent. 

I repost. haahhaahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
November 11, 2012 | By |

. . . The Upper Corentnye area is supplied with power from the Co Generation factory located in the Skeldon Sugar Factory building.

ahmmm . . . drugB, dat's a bulletin specially for U and the rest of the poorly educated set.


now, [continue to] embrace ur shame quietly and beg pardon

that brings a new set of issues to the board, did the afc supporters sabotage the generation factory? It is in their mantra of slo fiah mo fiah to destabilize the nation and encourage dissent. 

I repost. haahhaahah

I repost very slowly since you are slow reader. You are truly a brainless jackass. Who left the barn door opened?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
November 11, 2012 | By |

. . . The Upper Corentnye area is supplied with power from the Co Generation factory located in the Skeldon Sugar Factory building.

ahmmm . . . drugB, dat's a bulletin specially for U and the rest of the poorly educated set.


now, [continue to] embrace ur shame quietly and beg pardon

that brings a new set of issues to the board, did the afc supporters sabotage the generation factory? It is in their mantra of slo fiah mo fiah to destabilize the nation and encourage dissent. 

I repost. haahhaahah

please re-post some more, CLOWN . . . so that we can all benefit from your unique 'engineering expertise' about losses in power when transmitting to "sparse" locations in the Corentyne.


Your shame is manifest . . . take ur time


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