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US$100M hotel with a helipad to be built
An artist’s impression of the proposed El Dorado Hotel
An artist’s impression of the proposed El Dorado Hotel

— will create over 150 jobs; will cater for foreigners and locals, investors say

THE Golden City, El Dorado, may be fictitious but the concept of elegance is one which Artsunac, a local business services company, is looking to mimic with its proposed US$100 million Hilton-branded “El Dorado Hotel”. The investment is expected to create over 150 jobs and cater to every citizen and traveler.

Although a location for this facility has not yet been finalized, the investors are confident that the proposed 17 to the 20-story hotel will be ‘iconic’ and ‘magnificent.’
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the construction of this hotel was signed by the investors and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Office for Investment (Go-Invest), Dr. Peter Ramsaroop, on Wednesday.

Managing Partner at Alleyne and Alleyne Business Practitioners, Gavin Alleyne

Managing Partner of Artsunac, Alleyne and Alleyne Business Practitioners, Gavin Alleyne, said the US$100 million hotels will feature 90 executive suites and two ultra-luxury rooms, a helipad and other amenities, which both foreign and local visitors would enjoy.
Not only will the facility serve as an attraction, but it will also create over 150 direct jobs, said Alleyne, adding that a further 400-500 jobs will be created in the construction phase.

“… at the time of the opening, we estimate that we will hire about 300 persons… we believe that this hotel has the potential to become a massive economic driver, allowing for world-class businesses to come back and help with development,” said the investor during a press briefing on Thursday.

Construction of this hotel is expected to commence in the first quarter of next year and, based on expert estimations, would be completed within 24 months.
Artsunac’s interest to bring this hotel to Guyana is due mainly to the recent surge in economic activities

“Our firm has a proven record of leadership within fortune 100 companies that extends from operational leadership, audit, banking and compliance, engineering & IT, marketing and advertising, legal and regulatory advisory, healthcare, and brokerage and logistics, among others,” said the company.
The company’s exposure has allowed them to transition into emerging markets and provides competitive and world-class services.
It was reported that close to US$1 billion (G$215B) will soon be injected into Guyana’s economy in the form of world-class hotels which will be constructed across the country to cater to the anticipated increase in visitors, who are being attracted by the nation’s burgeoning oil and gas sector and its spill-off benefits.

A business-friendly climate supplemented by the anticipated economic ascension is being credited for the attraction of major players in the hotel industry, such as Sheraton, The Element, Delta Marriott, Best Western Hotels and Resorts, the H-Tower Luxury Hotel, the Marriott Courtyard, the Hyatt Hotels Corporation, the Radisson Hotels, and the Hilton Hotels and Resorts, among others. According to a study by Oxford Economics, hotel operations and guest spending, support eight million jobs across the US alone.

The same study found that a typical hotel with 100 occupied rooms per night supports 230 local jobs every year. And the nation’s hotel and lodging industry bring other important benefits to local communities.
These businesses are a cornerstone for local economic activity, providing increased tax revenue, capital investment, tourism-related development and promotion, civic leadership, charitable contributions, and sponsorship.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

An artist’s impression of the proposed El Dorado Hotel

As they say, Guyana will be Little Dubai in South America in a short period of time. It starts to take shape and I am proud to celebrate the beauty and the vision of leadership. Most of all, I celebrate the 300 jobs that will be created for the locals. Amen.

@Viper posted:

An artist’s impression of the proposed El Dorado Hotel

As they say, Guyana will be Little Dubai in South America in a short period of time. It starts to take shape and I am proud to celebrate the beauty and the vision of leadership. Most of all, I celebrate the 300 jobs that will be created for the locals. Amen.

That's very positive thinking. Keep it up.

@Tola posted:

This is PROPOSAL, bray again when its completed.

Sir, every development had a proposal before it becomes fruitful. For example, the Kingston Marriott and the Providence stadium. The same way other proposals will take shape.

@Viper posted:

Sir, every development had a proposal before it becomes fruitful. For example, the Kingston Marriott and the Providence stadium. The same way other proposals will take shape.

@Viper posted:

Sir, every development had a proposal before it becomes fruitful. For example, the Kingston Marriott and the Providence stadium. The same way other proposals will take shape.

The PPP has a track record of failed projects like Skeldon and fibre cable. Lets see these proposal working and managed properly before anyone braying. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

More hotels are going to be built and will take 2 1/2 years to complete.

The Tourism Industry is taking off with leaps and bounds. Guyana is being transformed into a Paradise.  Indo-Guyanese will be returning home and take up residence.  The PPP will be stronger in 2025.

Costs nothing to dream! Except building hopes which might evaporate!

@Ramakant-P posted:

More hotels are going to be built and will take 2 1/2 years to complete.

The Tourism Industry is taking off with leaps and bounds. Guyana is being transformed into a Paradise.  Indo-Guyanese will be returning home and take up residence.  The PPP will be stronger in 2025.

They couldn't do it in 25 years. What makes you think that they can do it in 4 years?

@Ramakant-P posted:

You P.U.S.S.Y, if you want to build a house you first have to build the foundation. Youndumb ass, If you want to fly you must first learn to walk and run.  ASSH, when you read you start with ABC.

Is this the P.U.S.S.Y. you have at home ?

@Ramakant-P posted:

They have 3500 projects completed under Jagdeo and Ramoutar Presidency.

Skeldon and Fibre cable are being completed as we speak. Those two projects were handed over to your inept PNC led Coalition Government.  They are the ones who failed.

How big was Jagdeo and Ramotar's take on both projects to make it fail ?

@Ramakant-P.U.S.S.Y posted:

You P.U.S.S.Y, if you want to build a house you first have to build the foundation. Youndumb ass, If you want to fly you must first learn to walk and run.  ASSH, when you read you start with ABC.

Isn't that for the P in your monicker?

@Sheik101 posted:

I just don't see the sense in this.

It will cost more to take a ride in a helicopter but it will be safer than a ride in a taxi where the stupid driver is speeding, unsafely, to be able to get more passengers at the end of the ride! See now!

@Former Member posted:

It will cost more to take a ride in a helicopter but it will be safer than a ride in a taxi where the stupid driver is speeding, unsafely, to be able to get more passengers at the end of the ride! See now!

I would hire the Taxi for the day or for the duration of my stay. There is no need to speed. Safety first. But you gotta watch out for the other drivers speeding as well as animals on the roads.

@Mitwah posted:

I would hire the Taxi for the day or for the duration of my stay. There is no need to speed. Safety first. But you gotta watch out for the other drivers speeding as well as animals on the roads.

Do you reread what you write before posting, Mit? You go watch out while the taxi driver speeds! That way you won't know what hit you dead!

@Sheik101 posted:

I just don't see the sense in this.

Really, it's not a bad idea in theory. Air / helicopter travel is beginning to be viewed as a viable alternative in major cities clogged with traffic. Thing is - how many helicopters are there in Guyana, and what condition are they in?

@Former Member posted:

Really, it's not a bad idea in theory. Air / helicopter travel is beginning to be viewed as a viable alternative in major cities clogged with traffic. Thing is - how many helicopters are there in Guyana, and what condition are they in?

The Gov. has, though I don't know how many! (Probaby 1/2 of one)! I just read somewhere a kid just got his licence! hope he doesn't go taking the risks of the young! Imagine going from the risk of speeding lunatic taxi drivers into the Demerara Ribber in a helicopter! At least, you'll get a bath wid wata insted uv blud!!

Last edited by Former Member

Folks, a helipad serves as a medical emergency evacuation in life and death situations. If a foreigner wants to get to the airport in hurry, the helipad can be used for that too. I should remind some of you that Guyana is moving to a higher standard where foreigners will station. They are requesting a helipad that is advanced for Guyanese shithole thinking.

@Former Member posted:

Really, it's not a bad idea in theory. Air / helicopter travel is beginning to be viewed as a viable alternative in major cities clogged with traffic. Thing is - how many helicopters are there in Guyana, and what condition are they in?

Believe me, everybody and his brother will have one. Guyana will become a Flash Gordon era. The problem will be just like dey have on the ground, recklessness. And like the old cars on the road, old helicopters in the air.

I doan see LAW AND ORDER.

I see Palm Court open back up with PPP connections, covid doan bother you there. Everywhere else it does.

@Viper posted:

Folks, a helipad serves as a medical emergency evacuation in life and death situations. If a foreigner wants to get to the airport in hurry, the helipad can be used for that too. I should remind some of you that Guyana is moving to a higher standard where foreigners will station. They are requesting a helipad that is advanced for Guyanese shithole thinking.

you banking alot on Oil and Gas. All this is juss all gas, it would result in headaches.

@seignet posted:

you banking alot on Oil and Gas. All this is juss all gas, it would result in headaches.

Oil and gas are Guyana's newfound wealth. If all the new hotels are revolving around it, so be it. I am not a pessimist. You and I can't begin or end the construction of a helipad hotel. Bear that in mind. We can debate it, but let's put more emphasis on our discussion.

@Prashad posted:

Let us not fool our selves. The only people coming back to Guyana are Guyanese.

The majority of Guyanese returning to Guyana, stays with relatives and friends. Not in hotels.

Guyana needs to do a lot more with personal safety, before embarking on wide-scale tourism. Tourist from other countries seems more interested in local culture and its not safe for a white person to roam around Guyana, like they safely do in other countries.

A few months ago, GUYSUCO took a number of local tour guides around Albion sugar estate as an initiative for tourism in the sugar industry. But when requested information about safety of  overseas tourist, they did not reply. 

@Viper posted:

Folks, a helipad serves as a medical emergency evacuation in life and death situations. If a foreigner wants to get to the airport in hurry, the helipad can be used for that too. I should remind some of you that Guyana is moving to a higher standard where foreigners will station. They are requesting a helipad that is advanced for Guyanese shithole thinking.

Well, as a shithole thinker, well the helicoptas hav toylits fer me to sh*t in in an emurguncy if ah sh*t muhseff becuz eye iz frytend bye de pyelut flyin lyk sum dam taxi drivur? Eyez gotta bee perpared fer dis eemurguncee, yu kno?

Last edited by Former Member

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