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@Former Member posted:

Na, yuh trying to pull a fass one on dem boys. Lazy means dem not motivated enough to do. Yuh CHOOSE not to do. But guess what, Indos split dem votes in 2011 and 2015 to help aluh out. That's what the low IQ Amanza failed to grasp. On the other hand, we know aluh voting solid 96% for only blackman. But I guess that is not "lazy" in yuh world . Which dictionary yuh does use? The Concise Congress Place Dictionary and Thesaurus?

absolute rubbish!

not worth the effort responding


@Spugum posted:

i've been waiting for this!

if someone is lazy it doesn't mean they can't do something. it simply means they won't do it and simply depend on others to do it for them

today's kaieteur news editorial makes the same point about supporters of ppp and i assume pnc and others. it said, speaking of jagdeo: "whatever he says is what goes; or to put in a different and blunter way, whatever Guyana’s oilman wants, Guyana oilman gets. This is regardless of either the costs and consequences to the citizens of this country, who don’t know better, and who are content to let leaders do their thinking for them, and accept any rubbish that those same leaders stuff down their throats."

same point, isn't it?

now get lost before i embarrass you further

Yuh definition here sound like we Balahoo Brahmin who was posting as REV the famous member of the brown bai KKK crew. Man said he is a doer...he has 12 iphone and ipads and multiple cars . He does only lash sushi . Like yuh is REV in disguise or what?

@Spugum posted:

@Former Member : i have a question for you

now that haiti has once again been visited with natural disaster, would you support guyana talking a few thousands of them in as refugees? you know, like how we do venezuelans

Why not? I know you see it purely through yuh racist lens. Let's remember what Lincoln Lewis wrote about 2 years ago. He said these people (I believe Venos) are coming to take our national patrimony. His patrimony. LOL. You should know Guyana does not have the capacity or financial resources to accept refugees from any place. The Venoz in Region 1 are suffering big time and many are being trafficked. So, let them come and broaden the misery and poverty. You and Burke would have more reasons to cry marginalization wid aluh 100 grand landrover and armani. Lol. And of course blame coolie...75% of dem poor like rass.

A large fraction of the "Venoz" are actually Guyanese coming back or people who are 1/2 Guyanese.

@Spugum posted:

well the ppp rigging got the support of the international community suh y'all get the win. the voter impersonation and absence of documents to reconcile with votes was allowed to pass through the net

but with organisation and resistance things will change, including the false narrative

Oh rass duh wan fancy of saying jumbie voted hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05

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