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United States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt

United States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt

News Americas, GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Fri. July 4, 2014: On his last day in office Thursday, United States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt, took time to address the recent verbal assault unleashed on him by Guyana’s Minister of Education Priya Manickchand and the country’s acting minister of foreign affairs, at a celebration to mark the independence anniversary of the United States on July 2nd in Georgetown.

Hardt told the media yesterday that Manickchand’s public embarrassment of him at his residence on July 2nd was a personal attack intended to divert attention from issues that are paramount to the development of Guyana.

“I think you probably notice in the course of the attack, there was no substantive response to the issues that I raised,” Hardt said when approached for a comment on Thursday, July 3rd.

Minister Manickchand, representing the Guyana government at the reception, called the ambassador’s conduct ‘unprofessional and undiplomatic.’

Hardt has been pressuring the government of Guyana and President Donald Ramotar to set a date for the long overdue local government elections.


In his farewell remarks on July 2nd, Hardt again reiterated this push, noting that he is hopeful Guyana can “move forward right now to reestablish its long-neglected elected local government system.”

“As I have drawn closer to the end of my tenure, some have asked why I have persisted in advocating for local government elections. The answer, simply, is that the United States genuinely believes that such elections will be a transformative issue for Guyana. Local communities in Guyana are seeking the freedom, autonomy, and ability to explore ways to develop and prosper. People face all kinds of local challenges and they want workable solutions. Guyanese are innovative and creative, but they need the opportunity to cultivate their talents at the local level,” he stated.

“This lack of local outlets for the energies, talents, and creativity of the people has in turn led to a disconnect between people and governance – a problem exacerbated by the parliamentary list system. People don’t know where or to whom to turn to resolve their day-to-day problems. Citizens want to be able to play their part, to call upon a local leader and get action. Elected local government will give them that ability.”


Manickchand, speaking as a representative of the government, accused the ambassador of contributing “to a tension-filled relationship with the Government of Guyana.”

“These areas of tense relationships have attracted considerable efforts on our part to address oftentimes without much success. Ambassador Hardt’s most recent assault on the President and Government of Guyana in his remarks to the recently created NGO, the Blue Caps, has in our judgment, gone beyond the boundaries of professionalism and diplomacy. For a professional Foreign Service Office, with the appointment of an Ambassador, to make such declarations, accusations, allegations and innuendos about the Executive President of Guyana, or of any country for that matter, is to our mind, totally unacceptable,” she continued.

“Like his President, Barack Obama, there exists a red line. This Ambassador has crossed that line. Unlike his President, we are resolved, we have resolved and we so advise our partners, with whom we share conventions and symbiotic relations, this is our red line. Behaviour such as this would not be tolerated within the boundaries of mutual respect, diplomatic relations and inter-government collaboration,” the minister added.


Still despite the attack, Hardt the United States government is fully aware that it can make a real contribution and has been doing so over the years and intends to continue this trend.

“Our interest is to build a partnership with Guyana that is democratic, healthy, secure, safe and strong and we’re gonna continue doing that and we have a great embassy, I know I leave the country in very good hands and they will carry forward all the great works and partnership that we are engaged in,” the Ambassador said.


In Antigua for the 35th summit of Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Summit, Guyana President Ramotar dismissed Ambassador, Brent Hardt’s comments. He told the CMC that the ambassador was acting “as if he is the governor in the country and not as an ambassador.”

“I think he would have properly done much better in doing his business as an ambassador,” Ramotar was quoted as saying. “However if he was so concerned about democracy, I think he should probably think about the fact that the United States has been passing laws in their Congress where Guyana nor the rest if the Caribbean doesn’t have a say but we are forced to implement those laws like the financial laws that they recently passed where banks must report American citizens who have their deposits here.”


Meanwhile, on Thursday, the Leader of the Opposition,A Partnership for National Unity,  Brigadier David Granger expressed distress at  Manickchand’s remarks, calling them “vulgar and worst than useless.”

APNU also called on President Donald Ramotar to disassociate his Administration “from these worthless remarks and issue an unconditional apology to H.E. Ambassador D. Brent Hardt and the people of the United States of America.”

“APNU is astonished that such remarks could be used by a Government Official in light of the cordial relationship existing between the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and the United States of America,” the statement added.

The Alliance For Change, another opposition party, also denounced the minister’s attack and called her behavior worst than “socially challenged.”

“Not only was the Republic embarrassed by the tone and sentiments expressed by the Minister but also the occasion and circumstances in which they were delivered were unforgivable,” the AFC added.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that. Ambassadors are Filthy Rick friends of the President who don't worry about being Diplomatic when they are leaving the Post. He is DEFINITELY meddling in the INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF GUYANA!!!!   He has nothing to lose so he can say and do what he likes. The GOG MUST send a strong condemnation to Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!




Lesson 101 in US Foreign Policy


We always back up our Ambassadors.


The US President was probably briefed on her outrage.


She has HURT  and may have even damaged Guyana.



Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:



Lesson 101 in US Foreign Policy


We always back up our Ambassadors.


The US President was probably briefed on her outrage.


She has HURT  and may have even damaged Guyana.



Vish, I disagree with you. Pres Obama will give him a good tongue lash but he don't care, a filthy rich man like him feels he IS GOD!!!


United States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt lucky it was just an insult. If he was in Egypt, he would have had to face a different faith. Praise be to Guyana and Priya Manickchand.

Originally Posted by Vish M:



Lesson 101 in US Foreign Policy


We always back up our Ambassadors.


The US President was probably briefed on her outrage.


She has HURT  and may have even damaged Guyana.

the only people "hurt" and "damaged" by the stupid minista's buse out are the rent-seeking PPP gangsters, their money laundering and narco-trafficking friends, and their cynical, corrupt PLA Chinese benefactors busily raping the country


listen carefully to her points of emphasis and u will understand what i am talking about

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that. Ambassadors are Filthy Rick friends of the President who don't worry about being Diplomatic when they are leaving the Post. He is DEFINITELY meddling in the INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF GUYANA!!!!   He has nothing to lose so he can say and do what he likes. The GOG MUST send a strong condemnation to Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!

What an ignorant man you is.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that. Ambassadors are Filthy Rick friends of the President who don't worry about being Diplomatic when they are leaving the Post. He is DEFINITELY meddling in the INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF GUYANA!!!!   He has nothing to lose so he can say and do what he likes. The GOG MUST send a strong condemnation to Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!

If he is rich I am sure it was not like ramorat and jagdeo, on the backs of the state.


Everybody does not include me or mine or any with any sense. PPP sycophants like you can rile up all you want but in the end he spoke to a structural lacking in our democracy perpetuated by the administrators for no other reason th an decentralization lessen the take these ministers can partake in.


Again, the internal affairs of Guyana involves the People and the People include one half that did not vote for the PPP and they,  through their spokesperson, say the ambassador was well within the scope of his duties to advise the government publicly of their failure.


Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that. Ambassadors are Filthy Rick friends of the President who don't worry about being Diplomatic when they are leaving the Post. He is DEFINITELY meddling in the INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF GUYANA!!!!   He has nothing to lose so he can say and do what he likes. The GOG MUST send a strong condemnation to Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless America..Happy Fourth of July America..

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that. Ambassadors are Filthy Rick friends of the President who don't worry about being Diplomatic when they are leaving the Post. He is DEFINITELY meddling in the INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF GUYANA!!!!   He has nothing to lose so he can say and do what he likes. The GOG MUST send a strong condemnation to Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!


Simple question Buddy Nehru. Was America and Jimmy Carter meddling in Guyana internal affairs when they ensured that Hoyte and the PNC hold democratic elections in 1992? 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that. Ambassadors are Filthy Rick friends of the President who don't worry about being Diplomatic when they are leaving the Post. He is DEFINITELY meddling in the INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF GUYANA!!!!   He has nothing to lose so he can say and do what he likes. The GOG MUST send a strong condemnation to Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope the PNC run the country again or beat ayuh muddah so and so and tek the country and see how u kullie razz gonna beg the USA to have compassion. They should round up backside and ship u back to Bihar-that is where u belong.  

Originally Posted by Vish M:



Lesson 101 in US Foreign Policy


We always back up our Ambassadors.


The US President was probably briefed on her outrage.


She has HURT  and may have even damaged Guyana.



He set her up it seems.  He should have controlled his guests more and not have them heckle and shout her down.  The Ambassador was out of line, diplomatically.  I think he meddle too much in local politics.  As they say in Guyana, get into crab-dance, expect lil mud.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
He set her up it seems.  He should have controlled his guests more and not have them heckle and shout her down.  The Ambassador was out of line, diplomatically.  I think he meddle too much in local politics.  As they say in Guyana, get into crab-dance, expect lil mud.

baseman, pause and think some before babbling stupidly about things u know little of


reflect lil on the shyte u posted on the other thread, arite?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Vish M:



Lesson 101 in US Foreign Policy


We always back up our Ambassadors.


The US President was probably briefed on her outrage.


She has HURT  and may have even damaged Guyana.



He set her up it seems.  He should have controlled his guests more and not have them heckle and shout her down.  The Ambassador was out of line, diplomatically.  I think he meddle too much in local politics.  As they say in Guyana, get into crab-dance, expect lil mud.

you out of all thing should know about crab,you walk like a crab you talk like a crab guess what you are

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
He set her up it seems.  He should have controlled his guests more and not have them heckle and shout her down.  The Ambassador was out of line, diplomatically.  I think he meddle too much in local politics.  As they say in Guyana, get into crab-dance, expect lil mud.

baseman, pause and think some before babbling stupidly about things u know little of


reflect lil on the shyte u posted on the other thread, arite?

I have watched/listened to him for a while, sooner or later he had to get a response, and he got it.  He meddles too much in Guyana's affairs.  Seems he loaded to deck with hostile audience as he expected problems from the Govt.  I wonder how many nations are left where diplomats can mess in local politics for so long and not get expelled.  It's unfortunate, but he needed to be reined in, I hope his boss caution him.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
He set her up it seems.  He should have controlled his guests more and not have them heckle and shout her down.  The Ambassador was out of line, diplomatically.  I think he meddle too much in local politics.  As they say in Guyana, get into crab-dance, expect lil mud.

baseman, pause and think some before babbling stupidly about things u know little of


reflect lil on the shyte u posted on the other thread, arite?

I have watched/listened to him for a while, sooner or later he had to get a response, and he got it.  He meddles too much in Guyana's affairs.  Seems he loaded to deck with hostile audience as he expected problems from the Govt.  I wonder how many nations are left where diplomats can mess in local politics for so long and not get expelled.  It's unfortunate, but he needed to be reined in, I hope his boss caution him.

that's not what i am talking about . . .


nice try @ misdirection u red herring spreading klown


Thank you Vish. M for posting the headline post.


Quoted  ----

Hardt told the media yesterday that Manickchand’s public embarrassment of him at his residence on July 2nd was a personal attack intended to divert attention from issues that are paramount to the development of Guyana.

“I think you probably notice in the course of the attack, there was no substantive response to the issues that I raised,” Hardt said when approached for a comment on Thursday, July 3rd.




This is the substance of the issue in true PPP style, they divert, distract and distort with much NOISE.


Can we expect any substance from a FAT PIG?


FAT took over her brain.



Hardt is going and anadda rasta gon tek him place.

The burning issue of the absence of local government elections for nearly 20 years cannot be swept under the carpet.

Politically, the AFC and APNU which together represent 51 percent of the electorate are demanding local government elections.

Besides the political parties, civil society want local government elections too.

The US Ambassador who replaces Mr Hardt will be briefed accordingly and will not be tight-lipped on the issue.

The British High Commissioner spoke up against the denial of LGE, as did the EU representative.

The PPP regime can look forward to more widespread protests against its refusal to hold local government elections.



What is the main reason for not holding the LGE? By not having the elections, they put themselves through ridicule. They grind those 28 years of PNC rule and begged for free and fair elections. And the same governments who demanded fairness from the PNC in favour of a PPP victory are now branded as meddling in Guyana politics. Wasn't those foreign countries also wrong to meddling with the affairs of PNC. I am certain those foreign countries did not forget their contributions in the affairs of Guyana in the past. I honestly hope they never forget, because they have helped a communist regime to strangle the progress of the country. They MUST GO-overthrown, a coup or by constitutional means bended as Proportional Representation. The Peoples Progressive Party has always been an embarrasament to the people Guyana-they show great disrespect towards their citizens muchless foreigners. They worded that speech and gave it to Priya-a young woman with lots of life remaining who will live to regret her mistake. Any other Minister acting in that capacity would have refused make such a speech-they know better. It would intersting to know how many turned the opportunity down. Where was the Foreign Minister, maybe she excused her herself. But the noted pompous big mouth woman was prodded by Gail-and Priya fell for it.


The Peoples Progressive Party in the 1950's never tell the voters of their communist leanings, but they blamed Kennedy and the USA for banishing the Jagans out of power-and they hammered that point home, making Guyanese hating the Americans. Once again, the Peoples Progressive Party is at it again-blaming the Americans. And the PPP is guilty for their willful disrespect for good goverance in the country. It is time the Combined Opposition tell the voters of this present scenerio. They must listen-many have visa for the USA. They cannot be that daft believe the spinners of the Peoples Progressive party.  

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Vish M:



Lesson 101 in US Foreign Policy


We always back up our Ambassadors.


The US President was probably briefed on her outrage.


She has HURT  and may have even damaged Guyana.



He set her up it seems.  He should have controlled his guests more and not have them heckle and shout her down.  The Ambassador was out of line, diplomatically.  I think he meddle too much in local politics.  As they say in Guyana, get into crab-dance, expect lil mud.

It was a prepared speech-typical 1950 style-attacking imperialism-and the authorship of soviet trained covert operators. Communism is alive and well in Guyana. I hope their next move is not arresting dissidents.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Vish M:



Lesson 101 in US Foreign Policy


We always back up our Ambassadors.


The US President was probably briefed on her outrage.


She has HURT  and may have even damaged Guyana.



He set her up it seems.  He should have controlled his guests more and not have them heckle and shout her down.  The Ambassador was out of line, diplomatically.  I think he meddle too much in local politics.  As they say in Guyana, get into crab-dance, expect lil mud.

It was a prepared speech-typical 1950 style-attacking imperialism-and the authorship of soviet trained covert operators. Communism is alive and well in Guyana. I hope their next move is not arresting dissidents.

Siggy, the PPP cabal is using Stalinist methods to suit crony capitalism.

That approach leads to fascism. Arresting dissidents in that scenario is normal.

Originally Posted by seignet:

They worded that speech and gave it to Priya-a young woman with lots of life remaining who will live to regret her mistake. Any other Minister acting in that capacity would have refused make such a speech-they know better. It would intersting to know how many turned the opportunity down. Where was the Foreign Minister, maybe she excused her herself.  

Foreign Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett was in Antigua attending the 35th CARICOM summit with President Ramotar and Attorney-General Anil Nandalall.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that..

So in 1990 when the USA told Hoyte to hold free and fair elections, or else, were they wrong and undiplomatic?


If not why then different rules when the PPP behaves in an undemocratic way by saying that they aren't hosting LGE because the don't control parliament?  That is undemocratic  and a disgrace.  Indeed by refusing to host LGE, and then forcing in PPP operatives, rather than allowing Guyanese to select their own leadership is as bad as the PNC's rigging of elections.

Originally Posted by seignet:

.. I am certain those foreign countries did not forget their contributions in the affairs of Guyana in the past. I honestly hope they never forget, because they have helped a .  

I am sure that this ambassador is fully aware of the role that a fellow Democrat,  Jimmy Carter, played in ensuring the return of democracy to Guyana.  So the USA feels obligated to ensure that Guyana doesn't slide back into dictatorship.


By refusing to host LGE, because the PPP is afraid, is nonsense and the PPP was told so.  They are angry because they are dictators who refuse to understand that democracy means working with people who one disagrees with, and attempting to find compromise.


The days of its "my way or the highway" and rants assuming that "Guyanese" people agree with them are GONE.  51% of the voters do NOT support the PPP, and the PPP needs to understand this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that..

So in 1990 when the USA told Hoyte to hold free and fair elections, or else, were they wrong and undiplomatic?


If not why then different rules when the PPP behaves in an undemocratic way by saying that they aren't hosting LGE because the don't control parliament?  That is undemocratic  and a disgrace.  Indeed by refusing to host LGE, and then forcing in PPP operatives, rather than allowing Guyanese to select their own leadership is as bad as the PNC's rigging of elections.

Point taken.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that..

So in 1990 when the USA told Hoyte to hold free and fair elections, or else, were they wrong and undiplomatic?


If not why then different rules when the PPP behaves in an undemocratic way by saying that they aren't hosting LGE because the don't control parliament?  That is undemocratic  and a disgrace.  Indeed by refusing to host LGE, and then forcing in PPP operatives, rather than allowing Guyanese to select their own leadership is as bad as the PNC's rigging of elections.

Point taken.

Base, yuh tek in Carib point so early Saturday marning?

Yuh seh in anadda thread: "Nothing good comes easy."

Keep yuh head on.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that..

So in 1990 when the USA told Hoyte to hold free and fair elections, or else, were they wrong and undiplomatic?


If not why then different rules when the PPP behaves in an undemocratic way by saying that they aren't hosting LGE because the don't control parliament?  That is undemocratic  and a disgrace.  Indeed by refusing to host LGE, and then forcing in PPP operatives, rather than allowing Guyanese to select their own leadership is as bad as the PNC's rigging of elections.

Point taken.

Base, yuh tek in Carib point so early Saturday marning?

Yuh seh in anadda thread: "Nothing good comes easy."

Keep yuh head on.


The point was the Carter involvement in national elections and now the US involvement in the LGE issue.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that..

So in 1990 when the USA told Hoyte to hold free and fair elections, or else, were they wrong and undiplomatic?


If not why then different rules when the PPP behaves in an undemocratic way by saying that they aren't hosting LGE because the don't control parliament?  That is undemocratic  and a disgrace.  Indeed by refusing to host LGE, and then forcing in PPP operatives, rather than allowing Guyanese to select their own leadership is as bad as the PNC's rigging of elections.

Point taken.

Base, yuh tek in Carib point so early Saturday marning?

Yuh seh in anadda thread: "Nothing good comes easy."

Keep yuh head on.


The point was the Carter involvement in national elections and now the US involvement in the LGE issue.

Me know, base. Me just want insert some comic interlude into dis contentious ground.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that..

So in 1990 when the USA told Hoyte to hold free and fair elections, or else, were they wrong and undiplomatic?


If not why then different rules when the PPP behaves in an undemocratic way by saying that they aren't hosting LGE because the don't control parliament?  That is undemocratic  and a disgrace.  Indeed by refusing to host LGE, and then forcing in PPP operatives, rather than allowing Guyanese to select their own leadership is as bad as the PNC's rigging of elections.

Point taken.

Base, yuh tek in Carib point so early Saturday marning?

Yuh seh in anadda thread: "Nothing good comes easy."

Keep yuh head on.


The point was the Carter involvement in national elections and now the US involvement in the LGE issue.

Base that's a 90 degrees turn. 90 more to go bhai.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Hardt is WRONG and everybody knows that..

So in 1990 when the USA told Hoyte to hold free and fair elections, or else, were they wrong and undiplomatic?


If not why then different rules when the PPP behaves in an undemocratic way by saying that they aren't hosting LGE because the don't control parliament?  That is undemocratic  and a disgrace.  Indeed by refusing to host LGE, and then forcing in PPP operatives, rather than allowing Guyanese to select their own leadership is as bad as the PNC's rigging of elections.

Point taken.

Base, yuh tek in Carib point so early Saturday marning?

Yuh seh in anadda thread: "Nothing good comes easy."

Keep yuh head on.


The point was the Carter involvement in national elections and now the US involvement in the LGE issue.

Base that's a 90 degrees turn. 90 more to go bhai.

Nah, I said that a few times.  I do have some issues with the PPP but they are still the best game in town.  I agree that the LGE is part of the democratic process and should by upheld by the PPP however, the PPP is still the legit govt of the land.


When yuh Stupid yuh done STUPID. Carter Center was against THIEFING OF BALLOTS, ARMY SEIZING BALLOTS, OVERSEAS BOXES STUFF WITH PNC VOTES. I can go on and on like the Energizer Bunny BUT the Rawandan type RACIST will never understand. Even old, matured and experience people are FOOLS from reading their comments.

Originally Posted by baseman:
, the PPP is still the legit govt of the land.

As is the AFC and APNU who control parliament.  NONE of these entities enjoy the unbridled support of the Guyanese voters.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

When yuh Stupid yuh done STUPID. Carter Center was against THIEFING OF BALLOTS, ARMY SEIZING BALLOTS, OVERSEAS BOXES STUFF WITH PNC VOTES. I can go on and on like the Energizer Bunny BUT the Rawandan type RACIST will never understand. Even old, matured and experience people are FOOLS from reading their comments.

i wonder what he will say about the phantom,the ppp corruption,and the ppp undemocratic behaviour just to name a few  

Originally Posted by Nehru:

When yuh Stupid yuh done STUPID. Carter Center was against THIEFING OF BALLOTS, ARMY SEIZING BALLOTS, OVERSEAS BOXES STUFF WITH PNC VOTES. I can go on and on like the Energizer Bunny BUT the Rawandan type RACIST will never understand. Even old, matured and experience people are FOOLS from reading their comments.

Oh yes and when they said this I bet you didn't condemn for being undiplomatic and interfering in a sovereign nation's affairs.


Well they "interfered" then and are doing so now when the PPP boasts that had they controlled parliament there would have held LGE.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Baseman why are you hiding in the US? why don't you go and live in Guyana?


I am sure Nandlall can set you up wid a nice thief man wuk? no?

Nuff Thiefman wuk available...

he can choose between the PPP or PNC.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Baseman why are you hiding in the US? why don't you go and live in Guyana?


I am sure Nandlall can set you up wid a nice thief man wuk? no?

Nuff Thiefman wuk available...

he can choose between the PPP or PNC.

Whhatax Jalil!!


Tief man deh in both the PNC and PPP.


But that krulli crab in Camp Granja, Tyrone trying to paint the PNC as SAINT Gabriel.


Who the hell does he think he is fooling?




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