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Here are some comments on the video,names are
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Progression where?? Where is Guyana Airways?? Why does Guyana still have black outs in 2015? No good medical thats y Jagdeo does fly out to get fix. Trash all about the place. Yall cant be serious...

come may 10  2015,judgement day for the ppp/c (Plant Paddy punish Coolie party).when the APNUAFC coalition win and progress in guyana start to move foward you  dont bother return to guyana.
Just to clarify for all you anti-PPP bloggers most Guyanese who departed Guyana did so prior to 1992. Guyana continues to develop Under this PPP/C Government.
We do not want a return to PNC rule. APNU=PNC. PNC recked our country for 28 years.
Yeah development is taking place but you still cant pronounce the word correctly, Mister Blackbush you should come home, vote PPP, and enjoy the Success too. I wonder if you gentlemen left before or after 1992...mmmm smh
Most stupidest shit I seen today.. Then why y'all leff Guyana? This has to be paid actors
Last edited by Django

Words are out that PNC making a hero out of Courtney. Hamilton Green said at Courtney's funeral that a monument should be erected in his honor. He also said, the area where he was fun down should be renamed Courtney's square. I really don't mind, but they must also inscribed every hatred words he said on his Facebook page about Indians. This is one more reason to denounce PNC for supporting a racial, bigot as their hero.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Words are out that PNC making a hero out of Courtney. Hamilton Green said at Courtney's funeral that a monument should be erected in his honor. He also said, the area where he was fun down should be renamed Courtney's square. I really don't mind, but they must also inscribed every hatred words he said on his Facebook page about Indians. This is one more reason to denounce PNC for supporting a racial, bigot as their hero.

Oi man, the banna got gun down not fun down. Is what derass wrong with you dis here time a day eh, drunk aready?


Oh and by the way cobra, crumewing may have had some bad words for some people but your hero was instrumental in the deaths of many, yes cobra, his orders have snuffed out many lives.

Last edited by cain

Brooklyn, New York







NEWS SOURCE, MARCH 21 --- With temperatures failing below freezing, scores of Guyanese braved a cold New York Friday night to meet with the APNU+AFC Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidates.

The fundraising event was held at the Woodbine Hall in Brooklyn and the Guyanese who gathered there were told by the candidates that “it is time for Guyana to change”.

Presidential Candidate David Granger told the gathering that an APNU+AFC government would set up a Department of the Diaspora which would focus on the needs of Guyanese living overseas who still have an interest in Guyana and who still want to return to Guyana and invest or remigrate. That department, according to Mr. Granger, will allow Guyanese who live overseas to be more connected to business back home and to prepare a path for them that would make doing business in Guyana much easier.

He said he understands the concern of many Guyanese who live overseas and want to pay a meaningful contribution but are at times turned off by an inefficient system to cater for them. The APNU+AFC government will change that, Granger said.


Mr. Granger encouraged the fundraising crowd to  keep paying attention to what is happening in Guyana and to keep in contact with their families and ensure they encourage them to head out and vote for change. 

Granger said a government under his watch would do more to encourage Guyanese to return to Guyana and invest.

The current administration he said, has led the way in encouraging others to take  out many of Guyana’s raw products with little benefits to the country. He spoke about poverty across the Guyana landscape and the absence of basic infrastructure for many Guyanese who are still home.


The PPP, he said, has “deliberately underdeveloped” much of Guyana and has left Guyana in the current state it is in.

Mr. Granger told the gathering that the APNU+AFC team offers hope for a new Guyana and he wants that hope to be embraced by Guyanese at home and abroad.

“North America, tonight I bring you a message of hope.But I want you to understand that this is a sober decision that we have made. It is good to have fun but the possession of our nation is what is at stake. We want to ensure that every Guyanese child could have that good life to which you aspire”, Granger said.

He said he gets very emotional about Guyana because the country should not be at the bottom of the ladder of human development, and the country does not have to be crime ridden and poverty stricken. “These things have been brought about because a few greedy men have been depriving a large number of needy people of a good life. The greedy must not overwhelm the needy and this is what the PPP has been doing for the past 23 years.”


Granger’s running mate, Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo told the crowd that Guyana has moved away from the dreams of its fore-parents and it was now time to rescue the nation from the PPP.

According to Nagamootoo, the struggle ahead will be tough but it  is one that could be won.

He said the APNU+AFC Coalition is seeking victory for the small man because “indeed we are fighting Goliath who has imbibe in the ass kicking culture because they know that culture well because you can kick if you know to receive kick backs.”

Nagamootoo said the task for Guyana is to  move forward and it is time to part to the Guyana sea before it becomes the Guyana dead sea. He said Guyana must be built through cooperation between Guyanese at home and Guyanese in the diaspora. The struggle in Guyana he said is not an easy one and it is not a walk over.

The audience was told that Guyana needs national unity and a system whereby the winner does not take all.  That system is what the APNU+AFC has to offer.

The candidates will travel to a number of other communities in the New York and New Jersey area over the weekend as they continue their Unity Campaign

Originally Posted by Honest:

The PPP is not living up to their historical promise to be dynamic. No new leader. Ramjattan was jetteson and is now in the opposition. He, however, runs away from a real fight. Is he going to stand up for his beliefs? Or Granger is going to let him be his errand boy.

cobra can lead the ppp,with his side kick nehru it cannot be too hard,you think  the ppp can go any lower 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
did the two of yous dutty dhoti wearin Bihari eunuchs watched de video? Please explain to me wha sense that moron makes? He's mumblin sheer bullp!ss and yuh two clannish chamars are impressed

Typical your style!!

Some details please.

please do not be hard on them,they both brainwash,and it was a simple job they was not too smart anyway,and cobra was rape by the black brothers and i don't know how much more he can take

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Oi Councie, where else have you ever heard of a Government picketing the opposition? Banna, is scared dem guys scared yeh.


Did you ever read the thread where I thought you were one tuff dude for answering to the name "Councie"...did you see that? I'm quite impressed you can accept such a name quite fitting of someone so distinguished as yourself.


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