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A Berbice-born woman, who returned to Guyana from the United States for the Jubilee celebrations, is now stranded here as on her way out last Saturday, her passport was misplaced after she handed it over to two check-in agents at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), Timehri.

The woman, Lilawattie Persaud, 49, who left Number 47 Village, Corentyne about 18 years ago, has been travelling back and forth from Queens, New York to Guyana for many years. However, after her latest experience, she has sworn never to return.

Persaud related to Stabroek News that she arrived at the airport last Saturday at around midday to check in for a flight which was leaving Guyana at 4pm.

Lilawattie Persaud
Lilawattie Persaud

However, the aircraft left without her as during check-in, her passport was misplaced after she handed it to the agents.

“From one table to the next table, the girl and boy that was there, they take the passports from my hand to their counter, then they take the passport and bring it to the next counter while the girl check the foodstuff I was carrying,” she related. “From their hand, it never come back in my hand,” Persaud said.

The woman was travelling with her husband and 18-year-old son, whose passports were returned. Persaud’s husband was then told to go ahead and pay the departure tax for him and the teen while she was told that her passport was missing. Her husband and son refused to board the plane without her.

Persaud said she waited at the airport until evening when everyone started to leave. “I kept asking them if them find it, but them keep telling me give them two minutes,” she recounted. “I tell them look and see the camera must show what happen to the passport because the camera was right overhead,” she said. She related that after the personnel checked the cameras, they told her they saw nothing.

The woman recalled that she broke down in tears and one attendant told her: “You don’t have to cry, it’s not the end of the world.”

After waiting for hours, Persaud was escorted to the Timehri Police Station to make a report of the missing passport. She then had to hire a vehicle which cost $30,000 to take her to Number 47 village.

After searching unsuccessfully for a travelling document that would permit her to return to the US, Persaud contacted Gobin Harbhajan, the representative of the Prime Minister in Region Six. He told Stabroek News that he contacted the US Embassy and a date for an interview for new travel documents for Persaud was set.

The woman will have to provide additional documents to acquire the new set of travel documents but she is all too willing as all she wants “is to go back home.” Persaud is also worried about her and her husband’s jobs as she was supposed to return to work last Monday while her husband was supposed to return last Sunday.

“Me a study we jobs, plus me son got to go back, he took two weeks off to come with us and he got to go back to start a course,” she said. Persaud, who travels annually to Guyana added that “when I go over back, me never a come back.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It is tough when you loose your travel Document,there are some guide lines in the information page of your US passport (1) make two copies of the data page keep one with you (when traveling) and the other at home.(2) Lost or Theft (when traveling) report to the US Embassy.

The copy carried with you(when traveling) will come in very handy when reporting missing passport at the US Embassy.

Last edited by Django

The woman is a regular traveler to Guyana. She wasn't there for prostitution day. I know her personally. The incompetents at the airport thief her passport and caused the woman to lost work and spend unnecessary money to get her travel documents to return the States. The supervisor or manager should have stepped in and check the cameras themselves, rather than putting the woman through that much stress. The agent who said it's not the end of the world should been fired on the spot. This is when you know that Guyana is running by an incompetent Afro-Guyanese to punish a hardworking Indian woman and her family. The woman should never set foot on that black surface of Guyana again. Guyana is now a land of neemakarams and coolie poke eaters. 


Funny cobra writes this and then screams when I call him a brown KKK.

How does he know that the airline personnel were black?  And why is the celebration of him as a Guyanese now prostitution day.

One can query whether Cobra even calls himself Guyanese, because if he did he would celebrate being Guyanese, and if the APNU attempted to deny him that right, he would insist that they cease.

Cobra posted:

The woman is a regular traveler to Guyana. She wasn't there for prostitution day. I know her personally. The incompetents at the airport thief her passport and caused the woman to lost work and spend unnecessary money to get her travel documents to return the States. The supervisor or manager should have stepped in and check the cameras themselves, rather than putting the woman through that much stress. The agent who said it's not the end of the world should been fired on the spot. This is when you know that Guyana is running by an incompetent Afro-Guyanese to punish a hardworking Indian woman and her family. The woman should never set foot on that black surface of Guyana again. Guyana is now a land of neemakarams and coolie poke eaters. 

Quit your racist bull crap and address the fact that there is a problem with thieving all across guyana. My mother got robbed twice in the same week. Once on her arrival from the airport and again when leaving the cambio. Obviously airport workers and also at the cambio were in collusion with the crooks. That was under the PPP regime. Also, my sister lost her wallet passport to a pickpocket in TT. He called and wanted to ransom her documents! Thievery is a problem and indeed we need an improved security infrastructure. The airport especially should be trustworthy.

Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:

The woman is a regular traveler to Guyana. She wasn't there for prostitution day. I know her personally. The incompetents at the airport thief her passport and caused the woman to lost work and spend unnecessary money to get her travel documents to return the States. The supervisor or manager should have stepped in and check the cameras themselves, rather than putting the woman through that much stress. The agent who said it's not the end of the world should been fired on the spot. This is when you know that Guyana is running by an incompetent Afro-Guyanese to punish a hardworking Indian woman and her family. The woman should never set foot on that black surface of Guyana again. Guyana is now a land of neemakarams and coolie poke eaters. 

Quit your racist bull crap and address the fact that there is a problem with thieving all across guyana. My mother got robbed twice in the same week. Once on her arrival from the airport and again when leaving the cambio. Obviously airport workers and also at the cambio were in collusion with the crooks. That was under the PPP regime. Also, my sister lost her wallet passport to a pickpocket in TT. He called and wanted to ransom her documents! Thievery is a problem and indeed we need an improved security infrastructure. The airport especially should be trustworthy.

If I have to answer you appropriately, I would definitely get banned today. So don't piss me off.

Cobra posted:

If I have to answer you appropriately, I would definitely get banned today. So don't piss me off.

You and your ilk are allowed to engage in all sorts of bigotry so you will not be banned.

It will be those who confront you who might be.

Then folks will wonder why GNI is seen in many quarters as a hate site.  Anti black and anti Muslim.


That does not add up.  if you lose your Passport, go striaght to the US embassy, they issue emergency Passport in such instances. No need to go to a local rep or travel agent.  You are a US citizen and the document is USG property.  My passport was stolen in Spain, I went staight to the US embassy, they took my other US id, asked a few question, they even ask about my US relatives to verify and they promptly issued man emergency Passport good for one year.

But is good she experience lil bit PNC Guyana!!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:


But is good she experience lil bit PNC Guyana!!

So she was traveling on Dynamic and black people are blamed.

Where did you see me referring to ay race?  Not everyone in like you!!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:


But is good she experience lil bit PNC Guyana!!

So she was traveling on Dynamic and black people are blamed.

Where did you see me referring to ay race?  Not everyone in like you!!

PNC Guyana is your code word for black.  The PNC doesn't run Dynamic, or their handling agents so why you bring up their name?

Cobra posted:

If I have to answer you appropriately, I would definitely get banned today. So don't piss me off.

Pissing you off is easy. One just have to address the incessant racist nonsense you post.


Under the PPP every incident at the airport was blamed on the govt. Now we have the same set of folks who demonized the PPP,  exculpating the PNC from accountability.  What a disgrace, but notice how this piece of news was not reported in the PNC mouth organ newspapers.  


The government was blamed for drug smuggling.  It is the gov'ts responsibility to deal with this issue.

An airline agent who mishandles a passport is the responsibility of the handling agents.

Get back to me when you find out that an airport employee was the guilty party.

cain posted:

It is fricken idiotic what happened to that woman. Donkey years now we have heard many stories about various incidents at the airport, there is absolutely no excuse for this.

Wrong, there is an excuse, PNC running things!

ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

It is fricken idiotic what happened to that woman. Donkey years now we have heard many stories about various incidents at the airport, there is absolutely no excuse for this.

Wrong, there is an excuse, PNC running things!

There is a reason I specifically stated "Donkey years now" hope you do know that term.

ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

It is fricken idiotic what happened to that woman. Donkey years now we have heard many stories about various incidents at the airport, there is absolutely no excuse for this.

Wrong, there is an excuse, PNC running things!

That's your racist code for saying black man running things.

Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

It is fricken idiotic what happened to that woman. Donkey years now we have heard many stories about various incidents at the airport, there is absolutely no excuse for this.

Wrong, there is an excuse, PNC running things!

That's your racist code for saying black man running things.

What do you think?  I don't think the staff in question has changed one bit from the previous admin.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

The govt is the final authority at the airport.  Notice so far no criminal charges were made against the passport thieves. 

The govt controls what govt officials do, and it controls the overall security and functioning of the airport.

The govt is NOT responsible for actions of airlines, or those who act on their behalf, and if the PPP was in power you would be saying exactly that.

ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

It is fricken idiotic what happened to that woman. Donkey years now we have heard many stories about various incidents at the airport, there is absolutely no excuse for this.

Wrong, there is an excuse, PNC running things!

That's your racist code for saying black man running things.

What do you think?  I don't think the staff in question has changed one bit from the previous admin.

Who do you think hires the people who work for Gerry Gouveia, Gerry, or Granger?

ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

It is fricken idiotic what happened to that woman. Donkey years now we have heard many stories about various incidents at the airport, there is absolutely no excuse for this.

Wrong, there is an excuse, PNC running things!

That's your racist code for saying black man running things.

What do you think?  I don't think the staff in question has changed one bit from the previous admin.

This is a PPP/C legacy to the Coalition.

Drugb posted:

Under the PPP every incident at the airport was blamed on the govt. Now we have the same set of folks who demonized the PPP,  exculpating the PNC from accountability.  What a disgrace, but notice how this piece of news was not reported in the PNC mouth organ newspapers.  

Who is excusing them? The ought to have solved this problem a long time ago. They solved the problem of the touts bullying travelers and are in the process of solving the cabs so this is a must.  Everything should be on 360 record.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The govt is the final authority at the airport.  Notice so far no criminal charges were made against the passport thieves. 

The govt controls what govt officials do, and it controls the overall security and functioning of the airport.

The govt is NOT responsible for actions of airlines, or those who act on their behalf, and if the PPP was in power you would be saying exactly that.

Yes they are,  there is a systematic policy in place by the Granger administration to harass Indians till they flee Guyana. This was no accident.  Those behind the counter were acting on innuendos from the Granger administration that Indians are second class citizens and are to be treated like dogs. 

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

Under the PPP every incident at the airport was blamed on the govt. Now we have the same set of folks who demonized the PPP,  exculpating the PNC from accountability.  What a disgrace, but notice how this piece of news was not reported in the PNC mouth organ newspapers.  

Who is excusing them? The ought to have solved this problem a long time ago. They solved the problem of the touts bullying travelers and are in the process of solving the cabs so this is a must.  Everything should be on 360 record.

Who said they solved any problems? They touts are back in full force, this was only a jubilee one off. 


So I was correct after all, the KNews reports that it was the PNC immigration officers who misplaced the passports. 

Immigration officers lose passport of visiting Guyanese


…US embassy helps stranded woman

A Guyanese national is now able to return to the United States although the local immigration agents misplaced her passport at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport last Saturday. She was scheduled to return to work last Monday

Drugb posted:

So I was correct after all, the KNews reports that it was the PNC immigration officers who misplaced the passports. 

Stupidity man, where in the report does it show PNC involvement?

The only thing you rass does do correct here is log off.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

So I was correct after all, the KNews reports that it was the PNC immigration officers who misplaced the passports. 

Stupidity man, where in the report does it show PNC involvement?

The only thing you rass does do correct here is log off.

By the same token that the police and army are PNC operatives, so are the immigration officers by virtue that 99.99% of them are Black and beholden to the PNC. 

Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

So I was correct after all, the KNews reports that it was the PNC immigration officers who misplaced the passports. 

Stupidity man, where in the report does it show PNC involvement?

The only thing you rass does do correct here is log off.

By the same token that the police and army are PNC operatives, so are the immigration officers by virtue that 99.99% of them are Black and beholden to the PNC. 

Suh what the PPP was doing for 23 yrs they couldn't color it a little,alyuh need to stop bit.....hing.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

So I was correct after all, the KNews reports that it was the PNC immigration officers who misplaced the passports. 

Stupidity man, where in the report does it show PNC involvement?

The only thing you rass does do correct here is log off.

By the same token that the police and army are PNC operatives, so are the immigration officers by virtue that 99.99% of them are Black and beholden to the PNC. 

Suh what the PPP was doing for 23 yrs they couldn't color it a little,alyuh need to stop bit.....hing.

The PNC in power now, stop looking to the past to justify today's incompetency.  During PPP time the PNC still controlled all govt sectors. The PPP were purposely reserving these jobs for Afro's so as not to face the wrath of "mo fiah slow fiah".  We all know that the PPP bent over backwards to appease Blacks and got the shaft. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

So I was correct after all, the KNews reports that it was the PNC immigration officers who misplaced the passports. 

Stupidity man, where in the report does it show PNC involvement?

The only thing you rass does do correct here is log off.

By the same token that the police and army are PNC operatives, so are the immigration officers by virtue that 99.99% of them are Black and beholden to the PNC. 

Suh what the PPP was doing for 23 yrs they couldn't color it a little,alyuh need to stop bit.....hing.

The PNC in power now, stop looking to the past to justify today's incompetency.  During PPP time the PNC still controlled all govt sectors. The PPP were purposely reserving these jobs for Afro's so as not to face the wrath of "mo fiah slow fiah".  We all know that the PPP bent over backwards to appease Blacks and got the shaft. 

One of the reasons Guyana can't progress "it's we time" and "abee time" added with the poisoning of the minds of their supporters,the division continues.

Quote from Nehru


Lincoln Lewis write wan good letter take a peak.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

So I was correct after all, the KNews reports that it was the PNC immigration officers who misplaced the passports. 

Stupidity man, where in the report does it show PNC involvement?

The only thing you rass does do correct here is log off.

By the same token that the police and army are PNC operatives, so are the immigration officers by virtue that 99.99% of them are Black and beholden to the PNC. 

Suh what the PPP was doing for 23 yrs they couldn't color it a little,alyuh need to stop bit.....hing.

The PNC in power now, stop looking to the past to justify today's incompetency.  During PPP time the PNC still controlled all govt sectors. The PPP were purposely reserving these jobs for Afro's so as not to face the wrath of "mo fiah slow fiah".  We all know that the PPP bent over backwards to appease Blacks and got the shaft. 

One of the reasons Guyana can't progress "it's we time" and "abee time" added with the poisoning of the minds of their supporters,the division continues.

Quote from Nehru


Lincoln Lewis write wan good letter take a peak.

A good letter is all relative as to which side of the fence you are standing on.


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