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US cancels Dynamic Airways’ Guyana operations

August 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

As recent as last Friday, the United States authority on aviation,  Department of  Transportation (DOT) published its list of Public charters for 2014 and Dynamic Airways’ operation on the Georgetown/ New York route was listed as being cancelled; effective August 6; two days before it was scheduled to re-enter the Guyanese market.




Dynamic Airways which recently entered Guyana’s aviation sector had to “temporarily” terminate its services after it was unable to operate out of the John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK). The company’s last flight out of Guyana was on July 15, but it was optimistic about returning to the market by August 8.


However, there has been no word to the Guyanese public about the cancellation and when the service might be back up. In an interview with the company’s local representative, Captain Gerry Gouveia last Sunday told Kaieteur News that the company is looking at a November restart in Guyana, since there are many outstanding issues that the company has to address.
Gouviea told the publication that he recently returned from the US where he engaged in a meeting with top and senior company executives, and the issue of moving the company back to Guyana was discussed. He added that along with his senior staffers, Dynamic’s local partner, Roraima Airways, has developed a task force to work on the re-implementation of the service, given that all goes well in the company’s quest to reclaim US authorization to operate out of Guyana.
Gouviea explained also that he will ensure that all matters pertaining to operations will be addressed, “I will make sure we cover all the bases. Before I couldn’t do it, I was not a part of the company. I would have been presumptuous.” However, Dynamic, according to Gouveia, is still committed to the Guyanese market.
The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) said that Dynamic Airways informed that it would be suspending services and hopes to restart later in the year. Director General of the GCAA Zulphicar Mohamed told Kaieteur News that the company is conducting chartered flights.
During the company’s introduction to the Guyanese market; its promoters were adamant in their address to media workers that the company was conducting scheduled flights.
Mohamed said that Dynamic is authorized by the American authorities to operate chartered flights to Guyana while they are awaiting clearance to further function as a scheduled operator. The Director added that Dynamic has advised the Authority that it is facing the same problem which is related to the loss of its ground handler. He explained that in the US, airline charters are attached to an airport authorized handling service which would secure time slots and gate positions. The loss of the handler complicated operations out of NY for Dynamics.
The company’s inaugural flight was marred with delays and strict security interventions in the US. Passengers had been escorted by security personnel and were later subjected to in-depth searches on their belongings.
The company was then selling tickets to JFK but was landing at alternate airports and shuttling passengers via bus to JFK. When the plane pulled out of Guyana, passengers were left stranded and were asked to pay for return flights to the US and Guyana with a promise of being repaid.
Passengers however complained that they were facing difficulty in getting their monies refunded. One man had told this newspaper that he was seeking legal advice since apart from the constant back and forth to get his money; he was paid less in local currency than the return flight to Guyana had cost.

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Passengers however complained that they were facing difficulty in getting their monies refunded. One man had told this newspaper that he was seeking legal advice since apart from the constant back and forth to get his money; he was paid less in local currency than the return flight to Guyana had cost.


Tourism officer suspended for criticising Dynamic Airways

July 31, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) employee landed himself a five day suspension after he voiced his opinion that the embattled airline Dynamic Airways was “unreliable and unethical” on Facebook’s social media website.
Ramesh Sukhdeo, one of the agency’s tourism officers traveled with Dynamic Airways on its complimentary familiarization tour to New York and after having to pay for his trip from Miami to New York and then from New York to Guyana, the gentleman criticized the airline for the treatment he had received.
According to information reaching Kaieteur News, Sukhdeo’s Facebook comments were brought to the attention of his employers by a named official of Dynamic Airways’ local handler, following which action was taken against him.
Since the inaugural flight of the United States based airline, Dynamic Airways has experienced significant setbacks that have caused great embarrassment to the company. Up to now, the airline is unable to operate out of the John F. Kennedy (JFK) Airport since they have not filed all the relevant documentation that would allow them to do so.
Director of the local ground handling team Roraima Airways’ Gerry Gouveia had told the media that the company had to fire the ground handling team at JFK since they caused a major screw up when they allowed several untagged bags onboard the flight and therefore, brought unwanted attention from security personnel.
The loss of ground handlers caused the loss of gate position and the flight arrived severely late on its first trip to Guyana. On its return to New York from Guyana, Dynamic Airways was grounded by airport officials and passengers had endured serious security checks since according to the officials, the plane did not have clearance to land there.
However, on subsequent flights, passengers bound for New York were taken to other States in the US and then transported by bus to NY. In the tourism official’s case, the flight had taken him to Miami and he then had to pay for his trip to NY. He was also told that the flight could not accommodate him to return to Guyana and again he had to foot the bill, this time to get home.
Kaieteur News was told that Sukhdeo was accused of “misconduct” and was suspended. The GTA is an agency connected to the Ministry of Tourism. That Ministry had hosted the launch of Dynamic Airways and President Donald Ramotar had welcomed the airline saying its services would be good for Guyana.
Dynamic pulled out of Guyana earlier this month and promised to return to the Guyanese market in early August.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

I guess the Capt will fix this new "set-back"



What a joker....we are the USA ....a law abiding country and laws are to protect the innocent and not the selected

This chap conspired with the PPP to force Delta out of Guyana so they could transfer all the services Delta provided to EZ Jet.


The PPP was so confident that EZ jet would solve all their woes they did all they can to frustrate Delta and eventually Delta said to hell with this and they left.


Today now who are the people suffering? Guyanese. But Guyanese will not step up and say enough is enough. They will still continue to support crooks and thiefman in government.


Some are still stuck in the 50's all they can do is reiterate racist drivel daily. Meanwhile they have to tuck their tails in and live in a country with a Black President, You would think that would have forced them to tear up their passport and run back to Guyana. But the hypocrisy is too much even for them.


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