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From SN

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) yesterday defended its Leader, President David Granger over his description in a US diplomatic cable of June 27, 1974, while a GDF Major, as an “anti-East Indian racist”.

In a statement in response to the publication of the contents of the cable in yesterday’s Sunday Stabroek, the PNCR said that “Granger has dedicated his entire working life to public service and at all times a major pillar of his written works and his personal philosophy has been the pursuit of national unity.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There are three cables from SN that is very alarming. I hope GNI members will read and acknowledge the seriousness of these diplomatic cables. Grainger is anti east Indian racist. Folks, please go to SN and look for the rigging of 1973.

In 2003, in Chile, Mr. Granger presented a paper entitled “Civil Violence, Domestic Terrorism and Internal Security in Guyana, 1953 – 2003”, wherein he referred to the sinking of MV Sun Chapman when 40 African Guyanese were killed as “the most alarming slaughter of the ‘disturbances’ between the period 1953 – 2004.

Yet, nowhere in this work were the beatings, rape and murder of hundreds of innocent Indian Guyanese residing in Wismar ever mentioned. Indians were forced out of their own homes, which were then permanently occupied by the perpetrators; yet this was not considered in Granger’s writing of the history of civil violence in Guyana.

If this is not blatant racism and intellectual dishonesty on the part of Mr. Granger then what is? Was Mr. Granger trying to portray an image that the Wismar massacre never occurred, or should not be considered civil violence? 

Please tell us why this horrific event never made its way into your report, Sir? It should also be noted that in this lecture no mention was made of January 12, 1998, when supporters of the PPP were beaten, robbed and stripped, with females–even young students being molested on the streets of Georgetown.

Last edited by randolph
Originally Posted by Cobra:
There are three cables from SN that is very alarming. I hope GNI members will read and acknowledge the seriousness of these diplomatic cables. Grainger is anti east Indian racist. Folks, please go to SN and look for the rigging of 1973.

the man is not a racist he only hate u 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
There are three cables from SN that is very alarming. I hope GNI members will read and acknowledge the seriousness of these diplomatic cables. Grainger is anti east Indian racist. Folks, please go to SN and look for the rigging of 1973.

How come you all do not focus on the wikileaks that Jagdeo was consorting with a criminal, and ones released earlier which stated that Sat Sawh was murdered by the PPP, because he refused RK a forest grant?


Wikileaks indicate that BOTH Forbes Burnham and Bharat Jagdeo were two vicious and nasty men.  King Kong, and Baby Kong.

Originally Posted by randolph:


Yet, nowhere in this work were the beatings, rape and murder of hundreds of innocent Indian Guyanese residing in Wismar ever mentioned.


And when do Indo KKK racists like you admit to the role of the PYO in burning up and killing blacks, inclusive of the Sun Chapman.


Maybe Granger focused on that part, because the PPP has done a good job in hiding its own savagery, especially of 1964, so Granger saw fit to highlight it.


You will NOT get away with the fithy lie that only Indians were victimized during the early 60s.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by randolph:


Yet, nowhere in this work were the beatings, rape and murder of hundreds of innocent Indian Guyanese residing in Wismar ever mentioned.


And when do Indo KKK racists like you admit to the role of the PYO in burning up and killing blacks, inclusive of the Sun Chapman.


Maybe Granger focused on that part, because the PPP has done a good job in hiding its own savagery, especially of 1964, so Granger saw fit to highlight it.


You will NOT get away with the fithy lie that only Indians were victimized during the early 60s.

u watch out for them men in white bed sheet 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by randolph:


Yet, nowhere in this work were the beatings, rape and murder of hundreds of innocent Indian Guyanese residing in Wismar ever mentioned.


And when do Indo KKK racists like you admit to the role of the PYO in burning up and killing blacks, inclusive of the Sun Chapman.


Maybe Granger focused on that part, because the PPP has done a good job in hiding its own savagery, especially of 1964, so Granger saw fit to highlight it.


You will NOT get away with the fithy lie that only Indians were victimized during the early 60s.

Why defend this racist man Granger? What do you owe him? His failure to acknowledge that Indians were harmed in Guyana is evidence enough of his racist nature. You might be the only black person to acknowledge that harm was done to Indians in Guyana.   No one knows for sure the perpetrators of the Sun Chapman incident, for all we know it could have been the PNC making a strategic sacrifice to cause racial division. Notice how the apnu retained the services of Clifton Hicken who allegedly ordered the murder of Lindeners in the recent riot for electricity.  He is now an Assistant Commissioner. This gives credence to my assertion that the 3 shot in Linden were pawns in an old pnc game. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why defend this racist man Granger? What do you owe him? His failure to acknowledge that Indians were harmed in Guyana is evidence enough of his racist nature. You might be the only black person to acknowledge that harm was done to Indians in Guyana.   No one knows for sure the perpetrators of the Sun Chapman incident, for all we know it could have been the PNC making a strategic sacrifice to cause racial division. Notice how the apnu retained the services of Clifton Hicken who allegedly ordered the murder of Lindeners in the recent riot for electricity.  He is now an Assistant Commissioner. This gives credence to my assertion that the 3 shot in Linden were pawns in an old pnc game. 

1.  Where is the proof that Granger is a racist.  Some one wrote that he had that reputation.  Now I can say that you have reputation for being a drug addicted moron, but that doesnt mean that it was true.


2.  Do you ever acknowlegde that Africans were harmed during that period.  NO!  The whole narrative which teh RACIST Janet Jagan has spread around teh world is about these poor meek Indians being attacked during the 60s.  In fact she even developed the LIE that blacks bombed the Sun Chapman when the reports indicate that there was no proof of this, and logic indicates that it would have been part of the tit for tat violence which BOTH the PYO and the YSM engaged in.


3.  I am glad that you finally admit that Lindeners were murdered, and please note that PPPites JUSTIFIED the murder of those people, you being among them I recall.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why defend this racist man Granger? What do you owe him? His failure to acknowledge that Indians were harmed in Guyana is evidence enough of his racist nature. You might be the only black person to acknowledge that harm was done to Indians in Guyana.   No one knows for sure the perpetrators of the Sun Chapman incident, for all we know it could have been the PNC making a strategic sacrifice to cause racial division. Notice how the apnu retained the services of Clifton Hicken who allegedly ordered the murder of Lindeners in the recent riot for electricity.  He is now an Assistant Commissioner. This gives credence to my assertion that the 3 shot in Linden were pawns in an old pnc game. 

1.  Where is the proof that Granger is a racist.  Some one wrote that he had that reputation.  Now I can say that you have reputation for being a drug addicted moron, but that doesnt mean that it was true.


2.  Do you ever acknowlegde that Africans were harmed during that period.  NO!  The whole narrative which teh RACIST Janet Jagan has spread around teh world is about these poor meek Indians being attacked during the 60s.  In fact she even developed the LIE that blacks bombed the Sun Chapman when the reports indicate that there was no proof of this, and logic indicates that it would have been part of the tit for tat violence which BOTH the PYO and the YSM engaged in.


3.  I am glad that you finally admit that Lindeners were murdered, and please note that PPPites JUSTIFIED the murder of those people, you being among them I recall.

I was not around during the Sun Chapman incident. I can only rely on what my elders tell me. From their perspective, the blacks have always been bullies to the Indian and they find it impossible that Indian would be bold enough to carry out such a travesty considering the impending wrath the Blacks would bring down on their heads. This gives credence to the opinion that this was another PNC setup to cause racial unrest and the subsequent rise to power of their leaders. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I was not around during the Sun Chapman incident. I can only rely on what my elders tell me.

Well I was, and we had to flee to G/town when PYO goons were burning down black people at night, chopping them up when they fled their homes, and rubbing themselves with oil so they slipped out of people's hands when they were caught.


Given that you are such a racist, whose main belief of blacks is that we are lazy, and criminal, and bullies, I can well believe that this is part of your family's culture.


The violence was on BOTH sides.  Blacks attacked Indians in G/town and Indians attacked blacks in places where they were the majority.  BOTH blacks and Indians had to flee places where they were not the majority.


Even Odeen Ishmael, a PPP man, admits that BOTH groups engaged in violence. Each attack was met by revenge attacks.  So quit your nonsense about the innocent Indo.  In those days Indos were known among blacks, as having hot tempers, and being very adept at using their cutlasses on humans when drunk.  The fear was on BOTH sides.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I was not around during the Sun Chapman incident. I can only rely on what my elders tell me.

Well I was, and we had to flee to G/towns when PYO goons were burning down black people at night, chopping them up when they fled their homes, and rubbing themselves with oil so they slipped out of people's hands when they were caught.


Given that you are such a racist, whose main belief of blacks is that we are lazy, and criminal, and bullies, I can well believe that this is part of your family's culture.

No one believes these incredulous tales of "big bad Indians" beating the poor black man. It is the other way around and has always been this way in Guyana. You are living in a parallel universe where Indians are physically superior to Blacks. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I was not around during the Sun Chapman incident. I can only rely on what my elders tell me.

Well I was, and we had to flee to G/towns when PYO goons were burning down black people at night, chopping them up when they fled their homes, and rubbing themselves with oil so they slipped out of people's hands when they were caught.


Given that you are such a racist, whose main belief of blacks is that we are lazy, and criminal, and bullies, I can well believe that this is part of your family's culture.

No one believes these incredulous tales of "big bad Indians" beating the poor black man. It is the other way around and has always been this way in Guyana. You are living in a parallel universe where Indians are physically superior to Blacks. 

I suggest that you scream at Odeen Ishmael who admitted that in 1964 BOTH groups committed violent acts against each other.


Janet Jagan created the myth of the effeminate Indian male who gets beaten up by black WOMEN. Pity that post 1964 so many Indian MEN bought into this myth, and now suffer from a crisis of masculinity.



  If the US said that you are a racist then you better believe that as Gospel.


Also, in an essay titled, “The New Road,” Granger wrote, with respect to 1973 elections, “…in an abortive attempt to forestall an obvious and overwhelming PNC victory, a campaign of violence and resistance was planned by the PPP. The GDF was called in to aid the civil power and prevent a breakdown of law and…planned by the gangsters…The soldiers behaved splendidly…The GDF…performed really creditably”.
Granger failed to mention that two East Indians, Jagan Ramessar and Parmanad Bholanauth, were killed on July 16, 1973 by soldiers who seized the ballot boxes. He also failed to mention the massive fear that swept the Corentyne in the face of this atrocity; the intimidatory tactics of the military forces both before and after the elections – constantly marching through Indian areas, running fully armed into people’s yards and bottom houses, summarily ordering citizens to make way and shut up et al. And he failed to explain the incongruity of a party whose members were completely unarmed, planning “a campaign of violence and resistance” against one of the then most militarized governments in the world, thereby setting up its members to be massacred.

Originally Posted by caribny:

I suggest that you scream at Odeen Ishmael who admitted that in 1964 BOTH groups committed violent acts against each other.


Janet Jagan created the myth of the effeminate Indian male who gets beaten up by black WOMEN. Pity that post 1964 so many Indian MEN bought into this myth, and now suffer from a crisis of masculinity.

If you had mentioned that Whites were the culprit then it would be more believable as they seem to strike fear into the hearts of Blacks. But Indians being the aggressors? not likely, even RK had to outsource to Blacks to take down PNC criminals.  

Originally Posted by randolph:


  If the US said that you are a racist then you better believe that as Gospel.



Jimmy Carter called the PPP racists, which is why he was determined to see them evicted.


Bet you scream a different tune now.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
 even RK had to outsource to Blacks to take down PNC criminals.  

yes because thanks to Janet Jagan, after 1964 Indian men have had a crisis in masculinity and cry like bitches when a black woman buses them out.


Look at cobra cowering in fear after the election because of PNC women with super cyats.


It is the Indian fear ofr whites that resulted in you all letting a white woman emasculate the bunch of you.  No wonder she used to jump on Fat Boy, everytime she had the urge for a real man.


The notion that blacks are scared of whites is interesting when one sees that whites describe black men as hypermasculine, and white men are as terrified of us, as you lot are.

Last edited by Former Member

 The calling of Granger a Racist have allyuh kit and kit in full buse out mode typical of bullies.


Some more to prove the racist label


As head of the army during the  “kick down the door” banditry of the early 80s that targeted mostly Indians, Granger took no action to stop these acts when many of the victims provided proof that military personnel were involved and were harassed by the security forces for so doing?  In fact, when an army unit was having creditable success in dealing with this banditry in Berbice, it was recalled to Georgetown because too many bandits were being killed. Not long after, the unit commander, an Indian, resigned.



Guyana will never heal as long as we keep digging up long gone history. We need to move forward as a nation and look ahead instead of the constant bickering and looking back.


At this point in time the history has been repeated so many times that those alive or not at that time it occurred all know about it.


Move the hell on or perish! 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
 even RK had to outsource to Blacks to take down PNC criminals.  

yes because thanks to Janet Jagan, after 1964 Indian men have had a crisis in masculinity and cry like bitches when a black woman buses them out.


Look at cobra cowering in fear after the election because of PNC women with super cyats.


It is the Indian fear ofr whites that resulted in you all letting a white woman emasculate the bunch of you.  No wonder she used to jump on Fat Boy, everytime she had the urge for a real man.


The notion that blacks are scared of whites is interesting when one sees that whites describe black men as hypermasculine, and white men are as terrified of us, as you lot are.

What a joker, writing sheer Bull Crap.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I was not around during the Sun Chapman incident. I can only rely on what my elders tell me.

Well I was, and we had to flee to G/town when PYO goons were burning down black people at night, chopping them up when they fled their homes, and rubbing themselves with oil so they slipped out of people's hands when they were caught.


Given that you are such a racist, whose main belief of blacks is that we are lazy, and criminal, and bullies, I can well believe that this is part of your family's culture.


The violence was on BOTH sides.  Blacks attacked Indians in G/town and Indians attacked blacks in places where they were the majority.  BOTH blacks and Indians had to flee places where they were not the majority.


Even Odeen Ishmael, a PPP man, admits that BOTH groups engaged in violence. Each attack was met by revenge attacks.  So quit your nonsense about the innocent Indo.  In those days Indos were known among blacks, as having hot tempers, and being very adept at using their cutlasses on humans when drunk.  The fear was on BOTH sides.

Carij...this discussion seems to touch a nerve banna. I know there was violence on both sides...Sun Chapman, Wismar Massacre, etc...but I think you are falling off the deep end with this business of rubbing oil and that its mentioned in Odeen's book. I have the man's book, nothing of the sort is mentioned here. Frankly, it is the first time I am hearing about this.


I think you are letting these boys get to you...letting the emotion run to your head, you are stretching the reality too far brother.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I was not around during the Sun Chapman incident. I can only rely on what my elders tell me.

Well I was, and we had to flee to G/town when PYO goons were burning down black people at night, chopping them up when they fled their homes, and rubbing themselves with oil so they slipped out of people's hands when they were caught.


Given that you are such a racist, whose main belief of blacks is that we are lazy, and criminal, and bullies, I can well believe that this is part of your family's culture.


The violence was on BOTH sides.  Blacks attacked Indians in G/town and Indians attacked blacks in places where they were the majority.  BOTH blacks and Indians had to flee places where they were not the majority.


Even Odeen Ishmael, a PPP man, admits that BOTH groups engaged in violence. Each attack was met by revenge attacks.  So quit your nonsense about the innocent Indo.  In those days Indos were known among blacks, as having hot tempers, and being very adept at using their cutlasses on humans when drunk.  The fear was on BOTH sides.

Carij...this discussion seems to touch a nerve banna. I know there was violence on both sides...Sun Chapman, Wismar Massacre, etc...but I think you are falling off the deep end with this business of rubbing oil and that its mentioned in Odeen's book. I have the man's book, nothing of the sort is mentioned here. Frankly, it is the first time I am hearing about this.


I think you are letting these boys get to you...letting the emotion run to your head, you are stretching the reality too far brother.

vish banna . . . where in gawd's name did caribny say that Odeen wrote about "rubbing oil . . ."?


look, i have no plans to take part in the discussions on this thread; but right now, i can't help but express the utter contempt i feel for you PPP types who pull cold LIES out of thin air, climb on, proceed to whip am with 'indignation' and ride around


what the hell are they feeding y'all at Freedom House nowadays?


you people are sick . . . the other PPP masquerademan Jalil has spun fine cloth for camouflage out of this same kind of shit but hasn't yet realized that even minimal sunlight does mek the whole thing 'see-thru'



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by randolph:


Yet, nowhere in this work were the beatings, rape and murder of hundreds of innocent Indian Guyanese residing in Wismar ever mentioned.


And when do Indo KKK racists like you admit to the role of the PYO in burning up and killing blacks, inclusive of the Sun Chapman.


Maybe Granger focused on that part, because the PPP has done a good job in hiding its own savagery, especially of 1964, so Granger saw fit to highlight it.


You will NOT get away with the fithy lie that only Indians were victimized during the early 60s.

Sun Chapman was an Afro/CIA undertaking and Granger knows that.  The fact that the Indians of Wismar was left to the mercy of marauding African terrorists speaks to the fact that no one knew it was coming.  Blacks hope to rewrite history by repeating a lie enough and hope it becomes the truth.


In those days, how the heck would an Indian operative get on a Wismar bound boat to plant a bomb and no one recalled anything.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
 even RK had to outsource to Blacks to take down PNC criminals.  

yes because thanks to Janet Jagan, after 1964 Indian men have had a crisis in masculinity and cry like bitches when a black woman buses them out.


Look at cobra cowering in fear after the election because of PNC women with super cyats.


It is the Indian fear ofr whites that resulted in you all letting a white woman emasculate the bunch of you.  No wonder she used to jump on Fat Boy, everytime she had the urge for a real man.


The notion that blacks are scared of whites is interesting when one sees that whites describe black men as hypermasculine, and white men are as terrified of us, as you lot are.

So after 1964 Indians lost their balls due to a statement by Janet Jagan?  And this affected Indians worldwide? Because strangely enough Indians all over the world are mostly pacifists and targeted by bullies as they present soft targets. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
So after 1964 Indians lost their balls due to a statement by Janet Jagan? And this affected Indians worldwide? Because strangely enough Indians all over the world are mostly pacifists and targeted by bullies as they present soft targets. 

are you high?



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
 even RK had to outsource to Blacks to take down PNC criminals.  

yes because thanks to Janet Jagan, after 1964 Indian men have had a crisis in masculinity and cry like bitches when a black woman buses them out.


Look at cobra cowering in fear after the election because of PNC women with super cyats.


It is the Indian fear ofr whites that resulted in you all letting a white woman emasculate the bunch of you.  No wonder she used to jump on Fat Boy, everytime she had the urge for a real man.


The notion that blacks are scared of whites is interesting when one sees that whites describe black men as hypermasculine, and white men are as terrified of us, as you lot are.

So after 1964 Indians lost their balls due to a statement by Janet Jagan?  And this affected Indians worldwide? Because strangely enough Indians all over the world are mostly pacifists and targeted by bullies as they present soft targets. 

Carib thinks Guyana is only for negroes. He is advocating th starvation of Indians thereby exterminating the race. Black KKK.


Well, Granger is exposed. Why are we surprised, hasn't this man been promoting cooolie haters since he took office.


It is good that Jagdeo is around to keep this cooolie hater at bay.


East Indians must band together for their existence in Guyana.


What else does he have in his past?

Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
...but I think you are falling off the deep end with this business of rubbing oil and that its mentioned in Odeen's book. I have the man's book, nothing of the sort is

Unlike you I don't have to read history book to know what happened.  All I need to do is to recall the conversations that I heard as a 6 year old boy.


I stated Odeen admitted that violence was on both sides with each attack leading to another attack and with both sides suffering as a result.  Putting a lie to your rant that Indian MEN sat crying on their homes will legions of black WOMEN were outside screaming for their blood.


This is what happened when Indians attacked blacks.


1.  PYO goons used to set fire to black people's homes.


2.  When people tried to escape they were met with PYO savages with sharpened cutlasses, who set out to kill them.


3.  The PYO thugs used to wipe oil on their skins so that if anyone tried to hold them down, they would slip out of their hands, so these savages were then hard to restrain.


Now resume reading your history book or recalling what people claimed happened long after the time that it happened, by which time Janet's myth of the weak and defenseless Indo male who is terrified of black WOMEN, began to hold sway.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Well, Granger is exposed. Why are we surprised, hasn't this man been promoting cooolie haters since he took office.


It is good that Jagdeo is around to keep this cooolie hater at bay.



As I knew would happen, you whine that "negroes" must admit to what they did to Indians, but of course you REFUSE to admit what "coolies" did to black people.


Jagdeo is a known black hating racist.  Allegations of Granger's racism was from 40 years ago. Allegations for Jagdeo was a scant 6 months ago.  Granger might have grown up and understood the error of his ways.  Jagdeo is a grown man, and remains an unrepentant racist, presiding over his "coolie" party.


But a black hating racist like you cannot fathom this.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Carib thinks Guyana is only for negroes. He is advocating th starvation of Indians thereby exterminating the race. Black KKK.

Given that you are so confident that I made these comments, why don't you point them out.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I was not around during the Sun Chapman incident. I can only rely on what my elders tell me.

Well I was, and we had to flee to G/town when PYO goons were burning down black people at night, chopping them up when they fled their homes, and rubbing themselves with oil so they slipped out of people's hands when they were caught.


Given that you are such a racist, whose main belief of blacks is that we are lazy, and criminal, and bullies, I can well believe that this is part of your family's culture.


The violence was on BOTH sides.  Blacks attacked Indians in G/town and Indians attacked blacks in places where they were the majority.  BOTH blacks and Indians had to flee places where they were not the majority.


Even Odeen Ishmael, a PPP man, admits that BOTH groups engaged in violence. Each attack was met by revenge attacks.  So quit your nonsense about the innocent Indo.  In those days Indos were known among blacks, as having hot tempers, and being very adept at using their cutlasses on humans when drunk.  The fear was on BOTH sides.

Carij...this discussion seems to touch a nerve banna. I know there was violence on both sides...Sun Chapman, Wismar Massacre, etc...but I think you are falling off the deep end with this business of rubbing oil and that its mentioned in Odeen's book. I have the man's book, nothing of the sort is mentioned here. Frankly, it is the first time I am hearing about this.


I think you are letting these boys get to you...letting the emotion run to your head, you are stretching the reality too far brother.

vish banna . . . where in gawd's name did caribny say that Odeen wrote about "rubbing oil . . ."?


look, i have no plans to take part in the discussions on this thread; but right now, i can't help but express the utter contempt i feel for you PPP types who pull cold LIES out of thin air, climb on, proceed to whip am with 'indignation' and ride around


what the hell are they feeding y'all at Freedom House nowadays?


you people are sick . . . the other PPP masquerademan Jalil has spun fine cloth for camouflage out of this same kind of shit but hasn't yet realized that even minimal sunlight does mek the whole thing 'see-thru'



My apologies,,,,I misread the quote from another post above and attributed it to Carib.

There is too much heat on this thread. We need to move on, dwelling on past misdeeds on both sides will only further divide us...I am saying this to everyone

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I was not around during the Sun Chapman incident. I can only rely on what my elders tell me.

Well I was, and we had to flee to G/town when PYO goons were burning down black people at night, chopping them up when they fled their homes, and rubbing themselves with oil so they slipped out of people's hands when they were caught.


Given that you are such a racist, whose main belief of blacks is that we are lazy, and criminal, and bullies, I can well believe that this is part of your family's culture.


The violence was on BOTH sides.  Blacks attacked Indians in G/town and Indians attacked blacks in places where they were the majority.  BOTH blacks and Indians had to flee places where they were not the majority.


Even Odeen Ishmael, a PPP man, admits that BOTH groups engaged in violence. Each attack was met by revenge attacks.  So quit your nonsense about the innocent Indo.  In those days Indos were known among blacks, as having hot tempers, and being very adept at using their cutlasses on humans when drunk.  The fear was on BOTH sides.

Carij...this discussion seems to touch a nerve banna. I know there was violence on both sides...Sun Chapman, Wismar Massacre, etc...but I think you are falling off the deep end with this business of rubbing oil and that its mentioned in Odeen's book. I have the man's book, nothing of the sort is mentioned here. Frankly, it is the first time I am hearing about this.


I think you are letting these boys get to you...letting the emotion run to your head, you are stretching the reality too far brother.

vish banna . . . where in gawd's name did caribny say that Odeen wrote about "rubbing oil . . ."?


look, i have no plans to take part in the discussions on this thread; but right now, i can't help but express the utter contempt i feel for you PPP types who pull cold LIES out of thin air, climb on, proceed to whip am with 'indignation' and ride around


what the hell are they feeding y'all at Freedom House nowadays?


you people are sick . . . the other PPP masquerademan Jalil has spun fine cloth for camouflage out of this same kind of shit but hasn't yet realized that even minimal sunlight does mek the whole thing 'see-thru'



My apologies,,,,I misread the quote from another post above and attributed it to Carib.

There is too much heat on this thread. We need to move on, dwelling on past misdeeds on both sides will only further divide us...I am saying this to everyone

All of you on this thread are a reflection why a younger generation of Guyanese will never be able to live in peace. Theres lies, lies and more lies....on both sides. I hope you all have US and Canadian citizenship, so we Guyanese dont have to deal with this shyte for another 100 years 

Originally Posted by baseman:

Sun Chapman was an Afro/CIA undertaking and Granger knows that. 

The bomb was -placed when the boat was in G/town.  Given that Indians lived in Linden at the time I am just curious as to why you think that it would have been impossible for a PYO operative to get on the boat, leave a bag, and then get off.


Your attempt to pretend as if the PYO wasnt bloodthirsty is a lie as those of us who were around then know way better than that.  In fact not too long ago some ageing PYO were boasting about how many bombings they were connected to.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

All of you on this thread are a reflection why a younger generation of Guyanese will never be able to live in peace. Theres lies, lies and more lies....on both sides. I hope you all have US and Canadian citizenship, so we Guyanese dont have to deal with this shyte for another 100 years 

Guyanese IN Guyana vote race, hire people based on race, and see Guyana through the lens of race.


They do NOT need overseas based Guyanese to be blamed for this, as May 11th proved how obsessed with race those who live in Guyana remain.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Sun Chapman was an Afro/CIA undertaking and Granger knows that. 

The bomb was -placed when the boat was in G/town.  Given that Indians lived in Linden at the time I am just curious as to why you think that it would have been impossible for a PYO operative to get on the boat, leave a bag, and then get off.


Your attempt to pretend as if the PYO wasnt bloodthirsty is a lie as those of us who were around then know way better than that.  In fact not too long ago some ageing PYO were boasting about how many bombings they were connected to.

Stop making up far-fetched stories and have no basis in reasoning.


Fact quoted by randolph:


"In 2003, in Chile, Mr. Granger presented a paper entitled “Civil Violence, Domestic Terrorism and Internal Security in Guyana, 1953 – 2003”, wherein he referred to the sinking of MV Sun Chapman when 40 African Guyanese were killed as “the most alarming slaughter of the ‘disturbances’ between the period 1953 – 2004.

Yet, nowhere in this work were the beatings, rape and murder of hundreds of innocent Indian Guyanese residing in Wismar ever mentioned. Indians were forced out of their own homes, which were then permanently occupied by the perpetrators; yet this was not considered in Granger’s writing of the history of civil violence in Guyana."

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Sun Chapman was an Afro/CIA undertaking and Granger knows that. 

The bomb was -placed when the boat was in G/town.  Given that Indians lived in Linden at the time I am just curious as to why you think that it would have been impossible for a PYO operative to get on the boat, leave a bag, and then get off.


Your attempt to pretend as if the PYO wasnt bloodthirsty is a lie as those of us who were around then know way better than that.  In fact not too long ago some ageing PYO were boasting about how many bombings they were connected to.

Stop making up far-fetched stories and have no basis in reasoning.

Carib thinks by branding his stories he does not have to provide proof of his facts. He manufactures his own facts to glorify the negroes. He is a negro KKK. The KKK can use him in Texas to barbecue for them. The KKK does accept negroes for their convenience.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Sun Chapman was an Afro/CIA undertaking and Granger knows that. 

The bomb was -placed when the boat was in G/town.  Given that Indians lived in Linden at the time I am just curious as to why you think that it would have been impossible for a PYO operative to get on the boat, leave a bag, and then get off.


Your attempt to pretend as if the PYO wasnt bloodthirsty is a lie as those of us who were around then know way better than that.  In fact not too long ago some ageing PYO were boasting about how many bombings they were connected to.

Stop making up far-fetched stories and have no basis in reasoning.

Stop making up far fetched stories that tell a LIE that many blacks weren't killed by Indians in 1964.   The report said that there was no proof of who did it. 


LOGIC dictates that the PYO did it. The PNC had ample supplies of explosives at their disposal in McKenzie so had no reason to transport it there.  Almost 100% of the bauxite workers were blacks, and it would have been easy for them to gradually steal explosives over time. The PYO had AMPLE supplies of explosives, supplied to them by their buddy Fidel Castro.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Skeldon man, baseman and the rest of the Indo KKK thins by branding his stories they do not have to provide proof of their facts. They manufacture his own facts to glorify the Indians.

OK now this tells the truth.


Here is what caribny says.  BOTH the PPP and the PNC engaged in violence and both Indians suffered.


The Indo KKK says that ONLY the PNC engaged in violence and only Indians suffered.


Any analysis of this will show that caribny is right, and the ones who set out to engage in that "bad black man, good Indians" are racist LIARS.


Unless your scenario includes PPP violence the Indo KKK merely proves that they are bigots.

Last edited by Former Member

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