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US donates patrol boat to Guyana

March 22, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

By Latoya Giles
With more emphasis being placed on strengthening the borders and better patrolling the waterways in Guyana, three spanking new 500 horsepower boats were handed over to the Guyana Defence Force Coast Guard by the United States government yesterday.
The boats which were built in the US by Metal Shark Aluminum Boats at a total cost of

Two of the Metal Shark Aluminum Boats

Two of the Metal Shark Aluminum Boats

US$l.7M were handed over to President Donald Ramotar by US Ambassador D. Brent Hardt. This was done in the presence of Army Chief, Brig. Mark Phillips.
According to Ambassador Hardt, the boats are the first U.S.-built boats that will be used by the Guyana Defence Force’s Coast Guard. Hardt said that he is positive that the boats will be a valuable addition to the Coast Guard fleet.
Ambassador Hardt asserted that the boats come equipped with state of the art communications capabilities to ensure timely sharing of information and operational coordination.  “Today’s handover of the Metal Shark vessels marks the beginning of a new chapter in Guyana-United States relations as we deepen our work together to combat trans-national organized crime, ensure freedom of commerce and navigation on inland waterways and, most importantly, ensure the safety and security of the people of Guyana,” Ambassador Hardt posited.
He noted that in preparation for the handover, U.S and Guyanese military forces have been conducting training in the operation and maintenance of the vessels and in marine patrols and interdiction.
The Ambassador explained that the handover of the state of the art patrol boats, communications equipment and ongoing training and support represent part of a broader and more comprehensive regional security partnership through the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI), which was initiated by President Obama at the 2009 Summit of the Americas and jointly launched with Caribbean countries in Washington in 2010.
He said that through the CBSI initiative the United States has also delivered an integrated biometrics fingerprint system to digitize Guyana’s fingerprint records system and introduce multilateral information sharing within CARICOM and with U.S. law enforcement agencies.
Commander- in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Donald Ramotar said that Guyana has a long relationship with the US on security matters.

US Ambassador D Brent Hardt hands over the keys to President Donald Ramotar

US Ambassador D Brent Hardt hands over the keys to President Donald Ramotar

The President told the gathering that he is confident that the boats will make a valuable contribution to the work of the security forces in Guyana and while Guyana is still a poor country with many needs to be fulfilled, especially the need to ensure that the nation is secured and its people are protected.
He noted that the collaboration between the two countries must be commended. President Ramotar said that the boats will definitely enhance the army’s capability to combat crime. He was fulsome in praise for Ambassador Hardt who he said took a personal interest in Guyana’s defence capability. The Ambassador was also responsible for the heightened improvement in the relations between Guyana and the United States.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Wonder why the Corrupt PPP/C did not refuse this gift and tell the USA to mind their own business, as they did in another aid package.


I hope and pray that the GDF and Police do not use this boat to kidnap and murder businessman as was done sometime ago, I do not even know what happened with the case. 

Originally Posted by Lucas:

US donates to Israel around $10 billions a year...

I guess they are in more need than Guyana.

Right on Lucas. Sometimes the truth hurts depending on which sideline you are standing.


Quote "He (Guyana President) was fulsome in praise for Ambassador Hardt who he said took a personal interest in Guyana’s defence capability. The Ambassador was also responsible for the heightened improvement in the relations between Guyana and the United States."unquote


How stupidity Roger Luncheon must now be looking, was he the dotish fool who told the USA to go mind their own business?

Last edited by Former Member
The boats which were built in the US by Metal Shark Aluminum Boats at a total cost of US$l.7M were handed over to President Donald Ramotar by US Ambassador D. Brent Hardt.

thank God this was a gift


can you imagine what "procurement" of these 3 boats by the tiefman PPP would have cost the Guyanese taxpayer !!?

Originally Posted by asj:

I would not be surprised (knowing Guyana) that these boats are used for narcotics movement.........I hope that the USA can keep their satalite focussed.

Asj, you have a wild imagination. You fell short of calling Ramotar a beggar for receiving a gift from the US. Many on GNI used to call Jagdeo a beggar, walking with a bowl around the world asking for money and now you calling him a thief. Therefore, Jagdeo gain his wealth by begging and not by stealing. Would you agree?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by asj:

I would not be surprised (knowing Guyana) that these boats are used for narcotics movement.........I hope that the USA can keep their satalite focussed.

Asj, you have a wild imagination. You fell short of calling Ramotar a beggar for receiving a gift from the US. Many on GNI used to call Jagdeo a beggar, walking with a bowl around the world asking for money and now you calling him a thief. Therefore, Jagdeo gain his wealth by begging and not by stealing. Would you agree?

Bai did you know the story of why GAC was closed down, after being fined many times by the USA? Try to find out.

All I am saying here is the the USA should keep their satalite focussed on these boats, knowing that Guyana is involved is so many natcotics incident (which had passed through the different ports of shipment undectected with containers scanner) I would not be surpriesed if the same thing happened with these boats. I do not trust the Police and GDF, and even the Government of Guyana, I do have my own problem with the President, if anything I should have called him a lier, and a big one at that....


I do believe in karma, the evil that men do will live after them, if it is with Jagdoe then so be it. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by asj:

I would not be surprised (knowing Guyana) that these boats are used for narcotics movement.........I hope that the USA can keep their satalite focussed.

Asj, you have a wild imagination. You fell short of calling Ramotar a beggar for receiving a gift from the US. Many on GNI used to call Jagdeo a beggar, walking with a bowl around the world asking for money and now you calling him a thief. Therefore, Jagdeo gain his wealth by begging and not by stealing. Would you agree?

 What would you can someone who take the money/donation/grant they beg for to benefit the poor people of the nation  and enrich themselves?...a tek man....


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