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US fed with bogus intel by Israel moles: Dean



“Dear Israeli mole in the Pentagon who was the HUMIT second source confirmation behind the bogus satellite trajectories, which were based on Israeli psyops bogus wire intercepts, if they bring me in to hunt you down I will have you in 48 hours.” …Jim W. Dean

The dual press conference Thursday in Japan with John Kerry and Chuck Hagel was a minor earthquake event in the American Intel community.

Kerry called the thought of pursuing a military resolution on Iran's nuclear case “diplomatic malpractice,” a term I had never heard used before but fell in love with immediately. Chuck Hagel then dropped the other shoe, “engagement is not appeasement, it is not surrender.” They cut Netanyahu off at the knees.

This was of course carefully choreographed against Bibi for his attempt to threaten 'going rogue' with an Iran attack on its own. He blatantly delivered this not only at the UN last week but in his meeting with Obama on Monday. It seemed that common sense had finally returned to the White House, but we wondered why the dramatic shift...why delivered so forcefully with a double punch, and in Asia. We sniffed something in the air known as...retribution.

Gordon Duff's Press TV article America’s “Netanyahu Shut Down,” published on Wednesday, described how Obama began moving, away from the red lines, while Israel was deploying its American intelligence assets in media and AIPAC to car jack Obama's policy toward a diplomatic solution.

The Zionists tried to flank Obama publicly that he was still pursuing diplomacy with the military threat, which opened the way for Israel to do the same, minus any diplomatic effort.

We had earlier been concerned about the apparent 'disconnection' that Kerry was presenting in his public appearances during the Syrian gassing attack crisis. None of it made any sense by even the most rudimentary intelligence analysis. Something had to be going on behind the scenes. Was it stupidity? Was AIPAC driving the policy? Was bogus Intel being fed in?

Were the military and civilian Intel heads asleep at the wheel? It seemed to us almost an impossibility that large a group of top people could be buying the “Assad did it” version of the attack and all on-board the attack on Syrian train despite all the huge and obvious risks involved, especially General Dempsey. Why? Sometimes these things are done as a feint, for something to follow, so we were watching events unroll very carefully.

When no proof was forthcoming that triggered more concern, of maybe even a debate going on inside the White House that what they had might not fly with the public, the world, or even the independent Intel community. So we began digging around for what they were afraid of. At the top of the list was our suspicion that the 'proof' was based on Israeli sources.

Why? We knew the Israelis were desperate to see Assad finished off via their favorite method, using the American military and taxpayers' money. We knew that if they saw their desired end result with Syria begin to slip away that they would obviously do everything in their power to trigger the chemical weapon 'red line' trigger. This was foolishly and needlessly put out much earlier, and helped create what happened with the gassing. Whoever had pitched that red line strategy to Obama, they should find a new line of work.

What had us perplexed is we knew the military would not trust going on Israeli sourced Intel only. They are aware of Israel's long history of false flags and manufacturing bogus Intel and threats. That we tolerate such a close relationship with a country that has such an extensive criminal history is part of the embarrassment of serving in the US military and civilian security community. And yes, it does not take long for the new people coming in to see that political corruption is the driving engine for our disastrous Israeli and Mid East foreign policy.

We knew the top brass was aware that the Israeli IDF 8200 unit was a long known psyops unit, as in “fraudulent communications intercepts-R-US.” When Kerry's people finally trotted out their 'proof,' this is what they used. But they also added a confirmation with our satellite Intel...that the trajectories they observed came from Syrian controlled areas. And here is where it gets a little tricky for folks unfamiliar with how these Intel games are played.

How did the US know the areas the rockets came from were Syrian controlled? Street fighting is very fluid combat. You can hold a street corner, but only three blocks down one way, and one block down the other. And even if you are expanding your perimeter, that can change constantly with counter attacks. You can have enemy units cut off behind your own lines.

Then there was a huge problem with how the sarin was deployed, using rockets. Why?...because you can have a half kilometer variance on where they are going to land when they are fired off from tube launchers. This is why they would generally not be use in street fighting, but to bombard a town that you were on the outskirts of.

A professional army would typically only deploy such weapons in close street fighting using mortar munitions, and only then after registration fire and observating that they had the range correctly. And personally I would not want to be along the flight part due to the danger of 'shorts.' Artillery is also an option, but you can kill the same number of people with just conventional munitions, and not trigger a red line.

So as we suspected the 'additional' satellite confirmation was not 'additional' at all because the determination that the rockets came from the Syrian lines was again the Israeli intercept bogus Intel, what is jokingly called a 'circular confirmation,' as in 'You lie, and I'll swear to it!”

That left us in a quandary as to how Intel so skimpy could be used to trigger the deployment of nuclear bomber wings, major shifts of nuclear ordinance, and a major Navy and Air Force strike units. We sensed there had to have been something else, a kind of Intel that would be difficult to mention. HUMIT, or human intelligence was the prime category as you typically never want to even mention using it.

We have confirmed from the highest sources that that is what took place. There was a HUMIT source that was added to the confirmation mix. But there is more. We have also confirmed that this source was bogus, but had worked its way up the line to being included in top level briefings through the assistance of a highly placed Israeli mole. This was someone in the chain of command, someone high enough to assure that lower level people would not block it coming up the line.

The mole was part of or a Pentagon espionage network that filtered and altered incoming intelligence reports. In the Bush (43) this was done openly. The Obama White House has been being fed 'unvetted' intelligence...something that would take years of penetration work to get into a position to do. A similar operation was done to feed bogus material on Iran's nuclear program.

The Israelis risked a deep cover agent to do exactly what they are placed where they are to be activated for something considered absolutely critical to accomplish at a particular time. If not already identified, the mole is being hunted as I type. The lists of possibilities is short, and would go up to those actually briefing the presidential state and state department.

Washington is absolutely filled with dual citizen Israelis and Israeli firster non-Jewish Americans. It's a horrible security situation. There are so many they don't even stand out any more.

It is difficult and even dangerous for our counter intelligence people to do their jobs effectively because these deep cover agents, the ones that require Congressional confirmation, have powerful political patrons. That is how the Israelis protect all of their top people.

That said, the politicians do not always know they are 'agents.' These deep cover people will always have stellar resumes, all part of the grooming needed to get them into top slots. The State Department is covered up with them, and it is so open that they are thick as thieves with the AIPAC people, which makes them in a way, not very deep cover.

We will be following this situation closely since we see Israel has burned a major bridge here, one that would be totally consistent with the major shift we are seeing. Netanyahu and his Likudites are in a panic to keep the Mid East on a war footing and the US on their string. But they have suffered a full and open defeat here, plus AIPAC ran into a brick wall despite their usual efforts.

Will this signal to prosecutors that it is now safe to start bringing criminal cases against more Israeli agents here? We hope so, of course. And our offer to assist the FBI in doing so is simple. Just ask anyone in the community who has been around a long time, and the retired people.

And don't forget to go through your own files for the investigations that were closed due to political obstruction of justice. That will keep you busy, and you will have a long list in no time. And yes, we can send a VT crew in to help, with the understanding that we don't acknowledge 'protected entities.'

Jim W. Dean comes from an old military family dating back to the American Revolution. His father was a WWII P-40 and later P-51 Mustang fighter pilot. Jim's mother was a WWII widow at 16, her first husband killed with all 580 aboard when the SS Paul Hamilton, an ammunition ship with 7000 tons of explosives aboard, was torpedoed off the coast of Algiers. He has appeared on PBS most recently on the Looking for Lincoln documentary with Prof. Henry Lewis Gates and lectured at the Army Command and General Staff School at Fort Gordon. His current writing focus is on national security, intelligence, black and psyops, military/Intel history including personal video archives, and the current wars. Jim Dean is the managing editor of Veterans Today.


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