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The current foreign policy of the US cannot be described as “American exceptionalism” but as “disastrous,” says Jim W Dean, managing editor and columnist at Veterans Today.

A recent New York Times and CBS News poll, which was taken before President Barack Obama’s UN speech, has found that about half of the American people disapprove of Obama’s foreign policy when it comes to Iran and Syria

“The American policy [of] carrot and stick, you know, do what we want and we will give you this but if you don’t we’re going to hit you with a military strike, we don’t really see this as American exceptionalism, we just consider it a disastrous policy,” said Dean in a phone interview with Press TV on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Dean praised Iran’s call for diplomatic negotiations with the West to resolve the standoff over its nuclear energy program and said Iran’s attitude has left Washington with no option but to seek diplomacy.

“With the tremendous diplomacy that Iran has used, it really kind of boxed the West and the US and they’re really having no option now but to pursue some kind of diplomatic resolution,” said Dean.

However, on the issue of US policy towards Syria, Dean said Obama “is still in this crazy mode of standing in front of the UN and saying we want to reset diplomacy with Iran but with Syria we want to pursue diplomacy but we want to hold a gun to their head with a military option.”

According to the New York Times and CBS News poll, some 68 percent of Americans believe Washington does not have a responsibility to do something about the conflict in Syria.

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Mullah Karahi, Posting a report and then making a single comment, does not qualify as one 'talking to one self' Understanding seems to be your problem, and lack of understanding, you should know what that makes you. It is too early to cuss you up, and put you in the category of being an AH


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