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Guyana receives $190M grant from US


…to help remove corrupt, inefficient elements from justice system

By Kiana Wilburg
A US$946,000 (G$190M) grant from the United States is expected to go a long way in

 Evelyn Neaman, Project Manager of the Justice Education Society during her presentation.

Evelyn Neaman, Project Manager of the Justice Education Society during her presentation.

removing the “corrupt and inefficient” elements of Guyana’s criminal justice system while instilling in it, mechanisms that are guaranteed to strengthen it.
This was revealed yesterday during a press conference held by the U.S Embassy at its Duke and Young Streets office.
The ceremony was attended by US Ambassador Perry Holloway; Vice-President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan; US Department International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) Coordinator to Guyana, Leon Carr; Project Manager of the Justice Education Society, Evelyn Neaman; Chancellor of the Judiciary, Carl Singh; Director of Public Prosecutions, Shalimar Ali-Hack and members of the Diplomatic Community.
Carr in his brief address to the media said that the programme will be implemented by the Justice Education Society (JES) over a 31-month period. He noted that JES is a non-profit organization which was established in 1989.
The INL Coordinator said that over the years, JES has managed several programmes regarding the strengthening of justice systems in many parts of the world. He expressed that he is elated to have the body’s assistance in a similar regard in Guyana.
Following Carr’s introduction were statements from Ambassador Holloway.
The US Diplomat said that (on behalf of the INL and the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative), he was pleased to be the one to formally launch the implementation of the “Strengthening the Criminal Justice in Guyana” programme.
Holloway said, “We are very proud to facilitate this programme through the Justice Education Society of British Colombia. I am confident this programme will strengthen the integrity and responsiveness of Guyana’s justice system.”
The Ambassador expressed that the Embassy has been working alongside the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the Director of Public Prosecutions to strengthen Guyana’s justice system.

[From left) US Department International Narcotics and Law Enforcement [INL) Coordinator to Guyana, Leon Carr; US Ambassador Perry Holloway and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan

(From left) US Department International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) Coordinator to Guyana, Leon Carr; US Ambassador Perry Holloway and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan

He said that during these engagements, the Embassy recognized that each component agency has an independent and constitutional role and function.
“We also recognize that outcomes are enhanced when each agency understands the work of the other and has confidence that best practices are being utilized when carrying out those responsibilities.”
Holloway expressed that between 2012 and early 2014, agencies of the United States government including the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs completed a series of assessment reports which identified challenges existing in the justice system of Guyana extending from police investigative procedures through the criminal prosecution process.
The American envoy stated that in January 2015, the Embassy and the diplomatic community combined efforts to identify and address issues within the Justice Sector.
He said that a series of meetings and seminars with representatives of the Guyanese policing, prosecuting and judicial authorities were conducted to ascertain the expertise and methodology to develop a structured justice reform programme for Guyana.
Holloway asserted that the information gathered from these engagements provided the team with assistance in developing a programme with subject matter from experts who possess the required expertise in justice sector reform to address the issues Guyana faces in their criminal justice system.
The US Ambassador said that the main objective of this programme will be to increase effective criminal investigation in Guyana that leads to strong prosecutions and trials by boosting the technical capacity of the police, prosecutors, and magistrates to work with criminal evidence in a supportive environment.
“We want to continue to assist the Government of Guyana’s Criminal Justice entities to improve their knowledge, skills, abilities and collaboration with one another. Increased knowledge, skills, abilities and collaboration means increased capacity to get better results. That is something we all want and will continue to strive for,” the Ambassador asserted.
Expressing support for Holloway’s statements was Minister Ramjattan.
He said that the programme which will see the further strengthening of the justice system is most welcomed by the Guyana Government. He said that Government knows that indeed there are a number of deficiencies, defects and deficits in the system.
The Public Security Minister noted, however, that the Government is pleased that the US embassy, and of course, other ABC countries, are doing a great lot for ensuring that Guyana has the finest systems to facilitate the rule of law.
Ramjattan said that over all, he is “impressed” with the programme.
“What happened recently in certain instances is that we came across allegations of police taking some rather uncouth steps towards getting evidence and the appreciation of the civil rights during the course of interrogation and investigation is important.”
The Minister continued, “The rule of the law in these parts of the Caribbean area is very important and the priority of course is to do away with what we call the inefficient and corrupt investigative systems and even justice systems so that we do not see a disruption of our democracy and we do not see a disruption of our security.”
The Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) said that it has been observed that when the weaknesses of the justice system are not corrected, it can have a negative impact on trade and investment deals for the country. He is confident however that the JES programme is a significant tool that will go a long way in making the necessary improvements to the criminal justice system.
Ramjattan also stated that an important part of the programme will be the evaluation aspect of it, which will seek to ascertain just how the beneficiaries are applying what they have learnt. He said that this will be a big chunk of the programme. “This is wonderful for Guyana’s police, prosecutors and magistrates,” Ramjattan confidently stated.
Evelyn Neaman, Project Manager of the Justice Education Society thanked the authorities at the event for their support of the programme. She noted that the body has been involved in justice reform work worldwide for over 25 years.
So far, the Project Manager said, JES has established respectful and productive partnerships with the relevant bodies in Guyana’s justice system which will enable a fruitful outcome of the programme.
Neaman said that the project will develop Guyana’s capacity in crime scene management and investigation. She also noted that surveillance evidence also known as forensic video evidence is one of the fastest growing areas of forensic evidence in the world.
“From convenient stores, to banks and traffic intersections, CCTV cameras are virtually everywhere. This project will continue to increase the capacity of specialized forensic video analysis in both the Guyana Police Force and the National Forensic Science Laboratory through training and equipment.”
The Project Manager expressed that these units will be able to analyze this evidence so that it could be admitted as evidence in court.
She noted however that the most remarkable part of this entire programme is that Guyana will become the leader in the Caribbean in forensic video analysis. Neaman said that the programme will further enhance its prominence in the Caribbean.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

Ha ha good heading DrugB,alyuh trying hard wondering who are being fooled.

What is wrong with the heading?  It is appropriate.  Not like the misleading nonsense you post that proves to everyone that you can barely read.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The US better monitor this project carefully or it will be just a matter of time before the funds start to disappear.  Ramjattan being in the middle of all this is an aura of bad news.

What you saying he does put his hand in the cash box,when no one is watching.You got any proof he enriched himself with $$ from the gov't coffers.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Ha ha good heading DrugB,alyuh trying hard wondering who are being fooled.

What is wrong with the heading?  It is appropriate.  Not like the misleading nonsense you post that proves to everyone that you can barely read.

Listen haul you a$$$,you are a supporter of thieves.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The US better monitor this project carefully or it will be just a matter of time before the funds start to disappear.  Ramjattan being in the middle of all this is an aura of bad news.

What you saying he does put his hand in the cash box,when no one is watching.You got any proof he enriched himself with $$ from the gov't coffers.

See what I said that you can't read!!!!!!    

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The US better monitor this project carefully or it will be just a matter of time before the funds start to disappear.  Ramjattan being in the middle of all this is an aura of bad news.

What you saying he does put his hand in the cash box,when no one is watching.You got any proof he enriched himself with $$ from the gov't coffers.

See what I said that you can't read!!!!!!    

Read the bold and highlighted,what are you insinuating,don't hide behind your stupidity using kindergartner antics.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The US better monitor this project carefully or it will be just a matter of time before the funds start to disappear.  Ramjattan being in the middle of all this is an aura of bad news.

What you saying he does put his hand in the cash box,when no one is watching.You got any proof he enriched himself with $$ from the gov't coffers.

See what I said that you can't read!!!!!!    

Read the bold and highlighted,what are you insinuating,don't hide behind your stupidity using kindergartner antics.

Django, Is Kanwa man an attorney? What makes you think that a man who defended scamps and low life thieves, drug dealers, murderers and rapists will not put some cash in his pockets? Think again. It's a trait in most politicians and attorneys(most of whom are politicians).


Hey Django, is it not a fact that the justice system in Guyana is 99.999% PNC supporters? Then the heading is appropriate. But what is flawed is that the US is giving the same set of thieves money to police themselves. If a justice system is deemed corrupt and the members of the justice system is dominated by PNC then one can surmise that the money will be squandered and the exercise will be useless. 

Drugb posted:

Hey Django, is it not a fact that the justice system in Guyana is 99.999% PNC supporters? Then the heading is appropriate. But what is flawed is that the US is giving the same set of thieves money to police themselves. If a justice system is deemed corrupt and the members of the justice system is dominated by PNC then one can surmise that the money will be squandered and the exercise will be useless. 

What the funny fellas was doing in the past 23 yrs,could they not balance it out like reflecting the population,now don't tell me if they had attempted there will be "slow fiah more fiah"

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The US better monitor this project carefully or it will be just a matter of time before the funds start to disappear.  Ramjattan being in the middle of all this is an aura of bad news.

What you saying he does put his hand in the cash box,when no one is watching.You got any proof he enriched himself with $$ from the gov't coffers.

See what I said that you can't read!!!!!!    

Read the bold and highlighted,what are you insinuating,don't hide behind your stupidity using kindergartner antics.

Django, Is Kanwa man an attorney? What makes you think that a man who defended scamps and low life thieves, drug dealers, murderers and rapists will not put some cash in his pockets? Think again. It's a trait in most politicians and attorneys(most of whom are politicians).

What you sayin bhai, all them politicians in the homeland are thieves,looks like duh place guh stay suh forever.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The US better monitor this project carefully or it will be just a matter of time before the funds start to disappear.  Ramjattan being in the middle of all this is an aura of bad news.

What you saying he does put his hand in the cash box,when no one is watching.You got any proof he enriched himself with $$ from the gov't coffers.

See what I said that you can't read!!!!!!    

Read the bold and highlighted,what are you insinuating,don't hide behind your stupidity using kindergartner antics.

Django, Is Kanwa man an attorney? What makes you think that a man who defended scamps and low life thieves, drug dealers, murderers and rapists will not put some cash in his pockets? Think again. It's a trait in most politicians and attorneys(most of whom are politicians).

What you sayin bhai, all them politicians in the homeland are thieves,looks like duh place guh stay suh forever.

This Kanwa man use to run to the US embassy every week to undermine the PPP. He is the lowest form of life on this earth. Like Bloomberg said, "I am a New Yorker and I know a crook when I see one". I don't have to live in NY to know a crook and a thief. Look at his face and eyes when he speaks. They speak volumes of him.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Hey Django, is it not a fact that the justice system in Guyana is 99.999% PNC supporters? Then the heading is appropriate. But what is flawed is that the US is giving the same set of thieves money to police themselves. If a justice system is deemed corrupt and the members of the justice system is dominated by PNC then one can surmise that the money will be squandered and the exercise will be useless. 

What the funny fellas was doing in the past 23 yrs,could they not balance it out like reflecting the population,now don't tell me if they had attempted there will be "slow fiah more fiah"

Indeed there is blame to pass around. The Indian community itself is to blame for not doing their civic duty to ensure their kids join the police force.  But in other instances, the PPP turned out to be their own worse enemy as they seek to appease the Blacks by allowing them and their leadership to occupy the jobs in the civil service: the law courts etc. The Black leadership within the system ensured that their fellow Blacks were favored in job opportunity. Then in comes Granger and whatever few Indians managed to squeeze through the Black wall of cronyism under the PPP, they were expelled in a massive ethnic cleansing exercise. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The US better monitor this project carefully or it will be just a matter of time before the funds start to disappear.  Ramjattan being in the middle of all this is an aura of bad news.

Put it another way.  The USA didn't give this grant under the PPP because they knew that not one cent would have been used for the intended purpose.

Evidently they are a bit more confident that APNU AFC will use most of these funds appropriately.  You will note that they made funds available to APNU AFC even when they were in the opposition.

Drugb posted:
 the PPP turned out to be their own worse enemy as they seek to appease the Blacks by allowing them and their leadership to occupy the jobs in the civil service: the law courts etc.

Druggie you know full well that most Indo lawyers aren't interested in any meager civil servant pay, so of course the courts are dominated by the blacks.

Isnt this the "business orientation" that you boast of while "lazy blacks do lazy man work"?

You are an amazing man. Damning blacks for being lazy because they gravitate to civil service jobs, and then wailing when the mid and lower tiers of the civil service were black dominated under the PPP.

FACT.  The decision makers under the PPP were almost exclusively Indian!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The US better monitor this project carefully or it will be just a matter of time before the funds start to disappear.  Ramjattan being in the middle of all this is an aura of bad news.

Put it another way.  The USA didn't give this grant under the PPP because they knew that not one cent would have been used for the intended purpose.

Evidently they are a bit more confident that APNU AFC will use most of these funds appropriately.  You will note that they made funds available to APNU AFC even when they were in the opposition.

Maybe so, but you must remember that the PPP refused to bend to the British when they wanted to dictate how the police should be run. Along the same line the PPP refused to have the US interfere in the justice system to their own detriment as we see them now out of office. The US will learn the hard way, just as under Burnham where monies disappeared into various PNC party members pockets. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
 the PPP turned out to be their own worse enemy as they seek to appease the Blacks by allowing them and their leadership to occupy the jobs in the civil service: the law courts etc.

Druggie you know full well that most Indo lawyers aren't interested in any meager civil servant pay, so of course the courts are dominated by the blacks.

Isnt this the "business orientation" that you boast of while "lazy blacks do lazy man work"?

You are an amazing man. Damning blacks for being lazy because they gravitate to civil service jobs, and then wailing when the mid and lower tiers of the civil service were black dominated under the PPP.

FACT.  The decision makers under the PPP were almost exclusively Indian!

Nonsense, this is your imagination. Indians out of work will take any job. But they are shut out of the cushy ones  especially those with the opportunity to collect bribes, the Blacks have the monopoly on those. 

Drugb posted:

Maybe so, but you must remember that the PPP refused to bend to the British when they wanted to dictate how the police should be run. Along the same line the PPP refused to have the US interfere in the justice system to their own detriment as we see them now out of office. The US will learn the hard way, just as under Burnham where monies disappeared into various PNC party members pockets. 

And here you are usually screaming that the police were controlled by the PNC. So why didnt the PPP enthusiastically accept help from the UK.

Even YOU know full well that the PPP was in full control over the police force, which is why they REFUSED help from the British, the Americans, and the Canadians to improve it.

So cease excusing the failure of the PPP to improve the police and the courts because the PNC controlled these institutions.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe so, but you must remember that the PPP refused to bend to the British when they wanted to dictate how the police should be run. Along the same line the PPP refused to have the US interfere in the justice system to their own detriment as we see them now out of office. The US will learn the hard way, just as under Burnham where monies disappeared into various PNC party members pockets. 

And here you are usually screaming that the police were controlled by the PNC. So why didnt the PPP enthusiastically accept help from the UK.

Even YOU know full well that the PPP was in full control over the police force, which is why they REFUSED help from the British, the Americans, and the Canadians to improve it.

So cease excusing the failure of the PPP to improve the police and the courts because the PNC controlled these institutions.

Damn Drugb you got whacked.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe so, but you must remember that the PPP refused to bend to the British when they wanted to dictate how the police should be run. Along the same line the PPP refused to have the US interfere in the justice system to their own detriment as we see them now out of office. The US will learn the hard way, just as under Burnham where monies disappeared into various PNC party members pockets. 

And here you are usually screaming that the police were controlled by the PNC. So why didnt the PPP enthusiastically accept help from the UK.

Even YOU know full well that the PPP was in full control over the police force, which is why they REFUSED help from the British, the Americans, and the Canadians to improve it.

So cease excusing the failure of the PPP to improve the police and the courts because the PNC controlled these institutions.

As usual, you completely missed the point and seem to have selective memory. It was a disagreement on sovereignty, the British wanted to control the police force based on a paltry ₤3M aid. Which sovereign nation would allow a foreign govt to take over their police force?  Will Granger allow this?

Drugb posted:

As usual, you completely missed the point and seem to have selective memory. It was a disagreement on sovereignty, the British wanted to control the police force based on a paltry ₤3M aid. Which sovereign nation would allow a foreign govt to take over their police force?  Will Granger allow this?

What point is there to be made?  If the PNC controlled the police, who, according to folks like you, deliberately fostered criminal attacks in Indians, then the PPP should have been glad for what ever help it could get, even if meager.

But as you said the PPP didn't want to cede control that it had of the police force, so refused the help.

Here is the truth.  The PPP was in bed with narco traffickers like RK.  They knew full well that the ABC nations were itching to get intelligence on the activities of these folks, and their ties to the PPP, so they refused help.

After all an inefficient police force suited their purpose, as it allowed them to scream "black man gun kill coolie if PNC get back in power">


In addition druggie, you scream that the PPP had no control over Guyana.  The PNC, according to you, controlled the police/army, the courts, the civil service, and so the PPP lacked power.

So what "sovereign" power did the PPP have, if we accept your rant.

Again you know full well that the PPP had the power to do what it wished, and it had poor Corbin on his hands on knees begging Jagdeo for a little small piece.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

As usual, you completely missed the point and seem to have selective memory. It was a disagreement on sovereignty, the British wanted to control the police force based on a paltry ₤3M aid. Which sovereign nation would allow a foreign govt to take over their police force?  Will Granger allow this?

What point is there to be made?  If the PNC controlled the police, who, according to folks like you, deliberately fostered criminal attacks in Indians, then the PPP should have been glad for what ever help it could get, even if meager.

But as you said the PPP didn't want to cede control that it had of the police force, so refused the help.

Here is the truth.  The PPP was in bed with narco traffickers like RK.  They knew full well that the ABC nations were itching to get intelligence on the activities of these folks, and their ties to the PPP, so they refused help.

After all an inefficient police force suited their purpose, as it allowed them to scream "black man gun kill coolie if PNC get back in power">

The British wanted to take over the operations of police force with their dangling carrot of ₤3M.  Luncheon disagreed with this as he stated the price was too high to pay.  In fact they wanted to put even more PNC operatives in charge. 

Drugb posted:

The British wanted to take over the operations of police force with their dangling carrot of ₤3M.  Luncheon disagreed with this as he stated the price was too high to pay.  In fact they wanted to put even more PNC operatives in charge. 

Let us look at your screams.

1. Blacks controlled the police and the courts and were using these to attack, rob and kill Indians.

2. The PPP had no control over the courts or the police because of this.

So given this shouldn't the PPP have been happier to have the police controlled by the UK than by the PNC?

You fell into a deep pit with slimy mud, and cannot crawl out of this one.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The British wanted to take over the operations of police force with their dangling carrot of ₤3M.  Luncheon disagreed with this as he stated the price was too high to pay.  In fact they wanted to put even more PNC operatives in charge. 

Let us look at your screams.

1. Blacks controlled the police and the courts and were using these to attack, rob and kill Indians.

2. The PPP had no control over the courts or the police because of this.

So given this shouldn't the PPP have been happier to have the police controlled by the UK than by the PNC?

You fell into a deep pit with slimy mud, and cannot crawl out of this one.

Not really. The British couldn't even control their own country and they trying to tell Guyana how to run theirs. The PNC crooks was the lesser of the two evils. Now let us see if Granger turn over full control to the British for their paltry ₤3M.

Drugb posted:

Not really. The British couldn't even control their own country

Really.  On what way are the British unable to control their country.  Compare homicide rates in London, with NYC.  Note that NYC is the safest large US city.  The demographics are similar as is the economy so this isn't an unfair comparison.

In fact the UK is one of the most closely monitored nations in Europe, with cameras and people observing the images that are shown.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe so, but you must remember that the PPP refused to bend to the British when they wanted to dictate how the police should be run. Along the same line the PPP refused to have the US interfere in the justice system to their own detriment as we see them now out of office. The US will learn the hard way, just as under Burnham where monies disappeared into various PNC party members pockets. 

And here you are usually screaming that the police were controlled by the PNC. So why didnt the PPP enthusiastically accept help from the UK.

Even YOU know full well that the PPP was in full control over the police force, which is why they REFUSED help from the British, the Americans, and the Canadians to improve it.

So cease excusing the failure of the PPP to improve the police and the courts because the PNC controlled these institutions.

As usual, you completely missed the point and seem to have selective memory. It was a disagreement on sovereignty, the British wanted to control the police force based on a paltry ₤3M aid. Which sovereign nation would allow a foreign govt to take over their police force?  Will Granger allow this?

Correct DrugB.

1. Granger will forcefully state that he is in charge.

2. The British had other views, including the control of the police force.

Demerara_Guy posted:

2. The British had other views, including the control of the police force.

So did the PPP control the police force, or did they not?  If it was PNC controlled, as they always scream, then why did they ensure that it remained under PNC control by refusing to allow reform.

The PPP stitches itself in its own lies, and no has no idea of the truth.

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

2. The British had other views, including the control of the police force.

So did the PPP control the police force, or did they not?  If it was PNC controlled, as they always scream, then why did they ensure that it remained under PNC control by refusing to allow reform.

The PPP stitches itself in its own lies, and no has no idea of the truth.

As usual, your irrelevant and unrelated comments.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The US better monitor this project carefully or it will be just a matter of time before the funds start to disappear.  Ramjattan being in the middle of all this is an aura of bad news.

Put it another way.  The USA didn't give this grant under the PPP because they knew that not one cent would have been used for the intended purpose.

Evidently they are a bit more confident that APNU AFC will use most of these funds appropriately.  You will note that they made funds available to APNU AFC even when they were in the opposition.

Here we go again with your crazy assumptions.  The US realized they installed a failing government so now it's their responsibility to put on a band aid in an effort to put lipstick on the pig.  If they don't step in and try to curb the madness they will have a bigger problem on their hands.  

Bibi Haniffa
Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

2. The British had other views, including the control of the police force.

So did the PPP control the police force, or did they not?  If it was PNC controlled, as they always scream, then why did they ensure that it remained under PNC control by refusing to allow reform.

The PPP stitches itself in its own lies, and no has no idea of the truth.

As usual, your irrelevant and unrelated comments.

No more unrelated than your comments about the UK taking over Guyana's police force.

Given that the UK was in a rush to dump us, and we didn't fire one bullet for our independence please tell me why the UK would have wanted to control a police force of an unknown swampy, nation run by a criminal gov't, which refused to reign in its narco trafficking friends.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Here we go again with your crazy assumptions.  The US realized they installed a failing government

The USA was happy to let Iraq become a war lord tribal state, so why would they care about Granger?  And this is even with the potential for terrorism.

You all people really think that Guyana is important.   It isn't. 

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Here we go again with your crazy assumptions.  The US realized they installed a failing government

The USA was happy to let Iraq become a war lord tribal state, so why would they care about Granger?  And this is even with the potential for terrorism.

You all people really think that Guyana is important.   It isn't. 

Guyana to the US is "Don't bother me". Obama is the biggest crook I ever voted for. He is all for Negroes.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe so, but you must remember that the PPP refused to bend to the British when they wanted to dictate how the police should be run. Along the same line the PPP refused to have the US interfere in the justice system to their own detriment as we see them now out of office. The US will learn the hard way, just as under Burnham where monies disappeared into various PNC party members pockets. 

And here you are usually screaming that the police were controlled by the PNC. So why didnt the PPP enthusiastically accept help from the UK.

Even YOU know full well that the PPP was in full control over the police force, which is why they REFUSED help from the British, the Americans, and the Canadians to improve it.

So cease excusing the failure of the PPP to improve the police and the courts because the PNC controlled these institutions.

" PPP refused to bend to the British when they wanted to dictate how the police should be run. "


The real reason behind their reluctance to accepting foreign assistance was because they did not wish to be exposed as thieves.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Here we go again with your crazy assumptions.  The US realized they installed a failing government

The USA was happy to let Iraq become a war lord tribal state, so why would they care about Granger?  And this is even with the potential for terrorism.

You all people really think that Guyana is important.   It isn't. 

Guyana to the US is "Don't bother me". Obama is the biggest crook I ever voted for. He is all for Negroes.

SAY WHAT????? You are grovelling so low soooo lowwww.


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