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US Government signals its commitment to working with President Granger; Carter also offers congratulations

In a statement, the embassy said "it is our hope that President Granger will work to repair the divisions in Guyanese society that have emerged during the election period and will work to promote inclusive governance and national development in the best interests of all of the people of Guyana.

US Government signals its commitment to working with President Granger; Carter also offers congratulations

The Embassy of the United States of America in Guyana offered congratulations to President David on his swearing-in as the new President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on Saturday.

In a statement, the embassy said “it is our hope that President Granger will work to repair the divisions in Guyanese society that have emerged during the election period and will work to promote inclusive governance and national development in the best interests of all of the people of Guyana. The United States of America pledges its willingness to work collaboratively with the new government in this regard.”

The embassy also offered its appreciation to former President Donald Ramotar and the members of his government for their service to the people of Guyana.

“The Embassy congratulates President Ramotar for the numerous achievements that his government made in the socio-economic development of the country and in strengthening the relationship between Guyana and the United States of America. We look forward to continuing to work closely with President Ramotar’s Peoples Progressive Party/Civic in its new role as loyal opposition.”

And the US Embassy also offered congratulations to the people of Guyana on a democratic and peaceful elections and transfer of power and the leadership and staff of the Guyana Elections Commission on a free, fair, and credible electoral process.

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It said that wi‎th the election campaign concluded and all ballots cast, counted, and verified, it is time for Guyana to move forward.

And former US President Jimmy Carter also dispatched a congratulations message of his own and said “I would like to congratulate President David Granger and the APNU/AFC coalition on their success in the 2015 election. I have great expectations that the new government will reach out and promote healing and reconciliation in Guyana. It is now time for all Guyanese to unite and work together to realize the great potential of their country.”

The Carter Center deployed more than 50 observers throughout all 10 regions of Guyana for the 2015 general and regional elections. Its observers remained in the country to monitor the process of tabulating and declaring results.

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Originally Posted by KishanB:

This committment was also on the table for Ramotar in 2011.  What did he do.  HE kicked it away.


Why - it comes with transparency and accountability.



Petty-Commie Jagdeo's arrogance.  The PPP remained an anti-US ideologue.  Young leaders with more Western leaning ideas were excluded from the inner circle.  Jagdeo viewed himself as some type of "Grand Ayatollah" who had last say in any critical decision.


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