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US Govt ready to work with Guyana – Mike Pompeo tells President Ali

United States (US) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a steadfast agitator for democracy in Guyana during the five months of attempted election rigging, has reached out to President Dr Irfaan Ali to extend congratulations and to pledge the support of the US on developmental issues.

President Dr Irfaan Ali

This was revealed from the official social media account of Pompeo, where he revealed that he spoke with President Ali on Monday and personally congratulated him on his victory in the March 2 General and Regional Elections.
“Democracy ultimately prevailed in Guyana. The United States stands ready to work with our Guyanese neighbor after this historic transition,” Pompeo announced on his social media account.
Meanwhile, a statement from Spokesperson for the United States Department of State, Morgan Ortagus, revealed that Pompeo had told Ali about the desire of the US to work with his Administration on a range of issues including economic prosperity.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

“Secretary Pompeo congratulated President Ali on his electoral victory, which reflected a free, fair, credible, and transparent electoral process that respects the rule of law and the will of the Guyanese people.”
“The Secretary added that the United States looks forward to working with Guyana to advance shared values, economic prosperity, and security in the region,” Ortagus said in her statement on Monday.
ABCE diplomats that included US Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah-Ann Lynch, UK High Commissioner Greg Quinn, Canadian High Commissioner Lilian Chatterjee and EU Ambassador Fernando Ponz-Canto, were among the first to congratulate President Ali after his swearing-in on August 2.
The community made it clear that much needs to be done by the new Government, in terms of addressing the social and economic needs of the people and pledged their support for Guyana’s future development.
“We look forward to working with President Ali and his Government as it confronts many immediate challenges, including the need to address the social and economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and the development needs of Guyana’s people,” the ABCE representatives stated.
“We also look forward to seeing this government at its onset reach across political divisions to united Guyanese of all ethnicities, races and regions, around meaningful progress on constitutional reform and reconciliation. As friends of Guyana, we look forward to working with all to continue to support Guyana’s development for the benefit of all its people.” the envoys added

Spokesperson for the US State Department, Morgan Ortagus

Besides President Ali and the PPP/C, the diplomats had also extended thanks to all the other parties and observers (domestic and international), as well as Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Chair, Retired Justice Claudette Singh who declared Ali the President and initiated the process for him to be sworn in.
It was Justice Singh who persisted despite numerous attempts to undermine her, in ensuring that the certified results of the recount were used to declare the President. The ABCE country representatives, therefore, thanked her for her courage in upholding Guyana’s Constitution.
All four ABCE diplomats have, in fact, played crucial roles in ensuring that democracy prevailed in Guyana. One of the most pivotal moments in the elections was on March 13, when the four diplomats walked out of the tabulation process for District Four at the Region Four command centre in Ashmins building.
At the time, former Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo was using figures that did not correspond with the Statements of Poll (SoPs) in the possession of political party representatives and observers, to tabulate and make a declaration.
Mingo’s figures would have resulted in a win for the APNU/AFC. The diplomats registered their disapproval and non-acceptance of the RO’s conduct by walking out and subsequently issuing a strongly-worded statement alerting Guyana and the world to what was happening.
The rest is history. The lack of credibility in Mingo’s two declarations resulted in then Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo and then President David Granger agreeing to a National Recount, which eventually showed that the PPP/C won the elections with 233,336 votes, while the APNU/AFC coalition garnered 217,920.
Amid APNU/AFC’s refusal to accept the results, the ABCE countries and other international and regional partners had maintained pressure on the former Government to concede defeat. This was especially the case with the US, which led the way by slapping visa restrictions on a number of senior functionaries who it deemed to be “undermining democracy” in Guyana.

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@kp posted:

US Govt ready to work with Guyana – Mike Pompeo tells President Ali

United States (US) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a steadfast agitator for democracy in Guyana during the five months of attempted election rigging, has reached out to President Dr Irfaan Ali to extend congratulations and to pledge the support of the US on developmental issues. Dr Irfaan Ali
This was revealed from the official social media account of Pompeo, where he revealed that he spoke with President Ali on Monday and personally congratulated him on his victory in the March 2 General and Regional Elections. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
“Democracy ultimately prevailed in Guyana. The United States stands ready to work with our Guyanese neighbor after this historic transition,” Pompeo announced on his social media account.
Meanwhile, a statement from Spokesperson for the United States Department of State, Morgan Ortagus, revealed that Pompeo had told Ali about the desire of the US to work with his Administration on a range of issues including economic prosperity. for the US State Department, Morgan Ortagus

Similar to the US_of_A, support from other countries on assistance and support will be available to Guyana as it continues with governance and progress.

Last edited by Former Member
@Tola posted:

Careful lil bhai Ali, wid 'friends' who bear free gifts. The US don't do anything fa nothing. 

Maybe. But no other country does more for the rest of the world than the US does.

@Former Member posted:

Maybe. But no other country does more for the rest of the world than the US does.

Only if the opportunity benefits the USA and yet the Americans are probably the most hated around the world.

@Former Member posted:

Maybe. But no other country does more for the rest of the world than the US does.

Didn’t Libya come calling on Guyana for unpaid debts from the Gadaffi/Burnham era? 

@Mitwah posted:

Only if the opportunity benefits the USA and yet the Americans are probably the most hated around the world.

Who does not give aid for something?  Every global power gets their share of hate. The Chinese coming into their fair share. 

Guyana is indebted to the US for rescuing the nation from another dark era. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Didn’t Libya come calling on Guyana for unpaid debts from the Gadaffi/Burnham era? 

Because of the PNC almost every country had to call on Guyana for unpaid debts. Look how much money Lowenfield got from Canada to conduct the elections and after it was done he has spent all his time trying desperately to convince the world of how incompetent he was in conducting it.

@Mitwah posted:

Only if the opportunity benefits the USA and yet the Americans are probably the most hated around the world.

I have a ton of respect for what the US does around the world. But what is often lost is that it is not asymmetric benevolence. There is a reason why the US is the most powerful economic and military power in the world. It’s due in large part to the significant returns from its “investments” around the world. 

In April 1917 President Woodrow Wilson decided to enter the US into WWI to as he said it “to make the world safe for democracy”. This was three years after the start of WWI. What he failed to mention is that he was coming under increasing pressure from the business community because the German U-boats were wreaking havoc on mercantile trade with Europe

@cain posted:

Sure, all countries should just get rid of their forces and just have the US troops take over, yeah right.

The US will not like anything better than to rule the entire world and Guyana is jus a lil mosquito.  

@Former Member posted:

Maybe the US and Guyana can sign a defense agreement and make the GDF obsolete.

The PPP should forge a strategic defense relationship with the US just as the Israelis did. As a small country, Guyana stands no chance against our main adversary.


Pompeo should be informed of some Guyanese cussing down his administration and being ungrateful like Namakharam Moses.

Some of our Guyanese are shameless and are joining forces with the likes of Jeffries. They need to have their brain cells examined.

Indo Guyanese could have been kicking bricks in the streets of Guyana without Trump and Pompeo intervening and stopping the racist PNC cabal.

Some Kuiles are like crab dawgs.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Pompeo should be informed of some Guyanese cussing down his administration and being ungrateful like Namakharam Moses.

Some of our Guyanese are shameless and are joining forces with the likes of Jeffries. They need to have their brain cells examined.

Indo Guyanese could have been kicking bricks in the streets of Guyana without Trump and Pompeo intervening and stopping the racist PNC cabal.

Some Kuiles are like crab dawgs.

You failed to see the whole picture. It was not the United States alone that forced PNC to relinquish power. What happened to the EU, the OAS, CARICOM, Canada, and the rest of the world? Even the UN was involved. I agree America played a part. If America was not involved, Granger would have tried to bully longer. Time was not on his side. Even though America put pressure on him, he still defied the sanctions and stayed on.


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