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US has no problem with Israeli crimes: Mark Dankof
Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Dankof, political commentator, about a new video footage showing foreign-backed militants in Syria killing seven captured government soldiers execution style.

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Well once again we are seeing just another horrific crime that has been committed by these insurgents. The more we see at these various video clips it seems they are more adamant that the United States and its allies want to support these terrorists. Why is that the case?

Dankof: Well it's clearly the case because Israel gets whatever it wants. The fact of the matter is between the Zionist ...[entity] of Israel and the Zionist occupied American government.

War crimes are okay as long as they are being committed by people that control the Israeli government or people who are fulfilling the Israeli agenda.

The United States had no problem with Saddam Hussein using chemical gas during the Iran-Iraq war against Iran, the United States has said nothing about Israel use of white phosphorous munitions both in Gaza, Operation Cast Lead in 2009 or Israeli induced white phosphorous murders in southern Lebanon in that conflict.

But the fact of the matter is what is most revelatory here is that a global research article that came out today, Michel Chossudovsky site shows that Americans opposed this conflict overwhelmingly, an American involvement in this conflict by surfing like a 499 to 1 margin in regard to calls being made to their congressmen and senators and yet obviously most people have concluded that the vote is going to go the other way because of the Israeli lobbies that control the American Congress and Senate as well as the executive branch of the government.

One other thing is that there are several polls that have been conducted by Israeli newspapers that show that Israel wants an attack on Syria, but it does not overwhelmingly, its people do not want the Israeli defense forces doing it. They want the United States and European powers to do it on their behalf.

This is what's going on here. It's clearly illegal, it is dreadful, it is murderous and once again the criminality of the Zionist regime over many years is unfortunately now mirrored by the criminality of an American government that has been in league with these people since the late 1940’s.

Press TV: Well, we are looking at these type of individuals and these horrific crimes that they have committed. How likely is the United States support for this type of element likely to backfire when you are training, when you are funding, when you are arming people that appeared to not have any type of moral conscience, then isn’t it likely that it will basically come back and hunt them?

Dankof: Well I think that that's true in terms of international opinion and blowback. What I'm waiting for is to see whether or not the people of the United States get off their high dance and turn off Thursday night football tonight, the opening of the NFL season and start caring about what these policies that their government is supporting are doing not only to our image in the world but in fact they are going to result in more of hundreds and millions and billions of dollars ultimately being spent by the United States government on these murderous activities as well as the deaths not only a thousands, potentially a millions of innocent people in the Middle East over time but the deaths of more American men and women for absolutely nothing other than the Israeli agenda.

And until the American public figures this out, it seems that the Zionist occupied government of United States and the media, the American media that is aiding these people would just continue but more of the same.

But Paul Craig Roberts is in effect correct. They will run out of men, they will run out of money at some point, they are already out of credibility and the fact of the matter is that there is a super whining in all of this, it is that the American empire is quite likely ultimately to collapse as the result of these policies and maybe to be replaced again by what my forefathers would have referred to as the old American Republic that was ruled by a constitution and a rule of law.

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