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April 1, 2021


Cecil Sampat

Cecil Sampat

-mentions arrest of Christopher Jones, death of Cecil Sampat

The refusal of the APNU+AFC government to accept defeat in the March 2, 2020 elections, the arrest of Opposition Chief Whip Christopher Jones and the killing of a man by the police last year were some of the issues highlighted in the US State Department’s 2020 Country Report on Human Rights Practices here.

In looking at the country’s elections and political participation, the report pointed to the December 2018 successful no-confidence motion against the coalition government which mandated that national elections be held by March of the following year.

“Several rounds of litigation initiated by the coalition government and opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) delayed the elections until March 2, 2020,” the report said.

The report then referenced APNU+AFC’s refusal to accept the elections result that showed their loss and which created a five-month post-elections impasse, and included a national recount, refusal to accept the results of the recount, and litigation at the Caribbean Court of Justice – the country’s court of final instance.

“The PPP/C won by a margin of 15,000 votes against the APNU+AFC coalition, and Mohamed Irfaan Ali of the PPP/C was installed as president on August 2. The general elections resulted in the return of the PPP/C to government after a five-year hiatus from a previous 23-year administration. International observers concluded the March 2 national and regional elections were free and fair,” the report declared.

Meantime, last August’s arrest of Jones by the police was referred to under the arbitrary arrests section of the report.

“In August police arrested Christopher Jones, a senior member of the opposition, and searched his home, although Jones had a court-issued injunction preventing the search,” the report said.

Following his controversial arrest in the wee hours after police stormed into his home, the Opposition Chief Whip, who is also the former Director of Sports, condemned the operation as a coordinated political attack which he believed was aimed at embarrassing and intimidating, not just him, but the main opposition.

Jones was subsequently released on $100,000 station bail by police, who seized equipment from his property as part of an investigation into the alleged simple larceny of barbershop equipment purchased under a government-funded project.

The manner in which the police carried out the operation, including the deployment of dozens of ranks, an attempt to execute a search without a warrant, and their alleged disregard for a court order barring them from proceeding, sparked public outrage and condemnation, became a stain on the new Irfaan Ali-led PPP/C administration.

Jones is yet to be charged over the incident and has since filed a matter in the High Court in an effort to recover the barber ship chairs.

Cecil Sampat

And the July 2020 killing of John Fernandes Limited worker Cecil Sampat was also mentioned in the report under arbitrary or unlawful killing.

“There were reports that the government or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killing. In July police shot and killed Cecil Sampat, an unarmed civilian. According to police, Sampat was one of three passengers in a car who opened fire on the police. No gun was found in Sampat’s vehicle, however, nor was there gunshot residue on Sampat or the other passengers. In August the government charged the police officers who allegedly shot and killed Sampat,” the report said.

While two police officers, Police Constable Troy Munroe, and Police Corporal Godwin Thomas, were initially charged with murder in December last year, the Director of Public Prosecutions withdrew those charges. The DDP then advised that Munroe be charged with the lesser offence of manslaughter. Additionally, the police were advised to conduct investigations in relation to the ballistic evidence. The findings will be returned to the DPP for further advice on Thomas and another police rank.

Also referenced in the US report were the May 2020 arrest of anti-government political protesters which officials stated were because of the protesters’ violation of supplemental legislation that prohibited public gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report noted that while the law provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, and the government generally respected these rights in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government put in place a curfew from 6 pm to 6 am from April to September and 9 pm to 4 am from October to protect public health and announced that violators would be fined. Police, it said, have arrested and fined more than 2,000 persons for curfew violations as of October.

According to the 2020 report, significant human rights issues included: unlawful or arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings; harsh prison conditions; and laws that criminalise consensual same-sex sexual conduct between adult men.

It said that prison and jail conditions, particularly in police holding cells, were reportedly harsh and potentially life-threatening due to overcrowding, physical abuse, and inadequate sanitary conditions.

According to the report, in October, the Guyana Prison Service reported there were 1,761 prisoners in seven facilities with a combined design capacity of 1,505. Overcrowding was in large part due to a backlog of pre-trial detainees, who constituted approximately 30 per cent of the total prison population.

And in Guyana, the report added, domestic violence and violence against women, including spousal abuse, was widespread during the period of the report.

The Department of State will release an addendum to the report in mid-2021 that expands the subsection on Women to include a broader range of issues related to reproductive rights.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“The PPP/C won by a margin of 15,000 votes against the APNU+AFC coalition, and Mohamed Irfaan Ali of the PPP/C was installed as president on August 2. The general elections resulted in the return of the PPP/C to government after a five-year hiatus from a previous 23-year administration. International observers concluded the March 2 national and regional elections were free and fair,” the report declared.

Report states Irfaan Ali was installed as president.

@Django posted:

“The PPP/C won by a margin of 15,000 votes against the APNU+AFC coalition, and Mohamed Irfaan Ali of the PPP/C was installed as president on August 2. The general elections resulted in the return of the PPP/C to government after a five-year hiatus from a previous 23-year administration. International observers concluded the March 2 national and regional elections were free and fair,” the report declared.

Report states Irfaan Ali was installed as president.

What is your point?  The PPP won fair and square. Dr. Ali was the Presidential nominee for the PPP.

Burnham was installed in 1964 and then continue to rig all the elections until 1992 when they got their ass kicked in a free and fair election.

In 2015, GECOm helped the Coalition win back the Government. For five years they did nothing to help improve the lives of Guyanese. Instead, they depend on a couple of disgruntled Ex-PPP activists, who tried to destroy the PPP and failed. They succeeded in Bankrupting the country. There are lots of APNU's members who are now charged with fraud.

IF as you claimed that Ali was installed, It was a brilliant idea because I fought for him a whole year for him to get elected.

The stage is set for a brilliant recovery from the state the Coalition left the country in.

It does not matter how much your posters cussed and insult me, it would not change the fact the Country is getting better. It would change the fact that infrastructure is being rebuilt.  The PPP has 5 years not 8 months to implement their promises that are well documented in PPP 2020 manifesto.

@Django posted:

US Reports says different ,no credibility of the Elections was mentioned.

In that article maybe. But all the observers said that the election was free and fair.  That is credible to me. That is now water under the bridge.

You should worry about the Coalition getting wiped out in 2025.

@Ramakant-P posted:

In that article maybe. But all the observers said that the election was free and fair.  That is credible to me. That is now water under the bridge.

You should worry about the Coalition getting wiped out in 2025.

Read the US 2020 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTS ,the US bigger than you.

Good luck ,regarding 2025 Elections.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Read the US 2020 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTS ,the US bigger than you.

Good luck ,regarding 2025 Elections.

The report says that the coalition refused to accept defeat. The Human right report carries no weight because all over the world nobody pays attention to them.

The report then referenced APNU+AFC’s refusal to accept the elections result that showed their loss and which created a five-month post-elections impasse, and included a national recount, refusal to accept the results of the recount, and litigation at the Caribbean Court of Justice – the country’s court of final instance.

That's the PNC for you. This is the party you support.  They are wrong and they are playing strong.  They know how to file petitions and they know how to sue people but do they know how to run a country?

They know how to obstruct justice.  They know how to create disturbances.  They know how to kick down doors and rob Indians using the black clothes police. They how to terrorize the country using the so-called Freedom fighters (terrorists). 

What else do they know how to do?

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

The report says that the coalition refused to accept defeat.

The Human right report carries no weight because all over the world nobody pays attention to them.

The report then referenced APNU+AFC’s refusal to accept the elections result that showed their loss and which created a five-month post-elections impasse, and included a national recount, refusal to accept the results of the recount, and litigation at the Caribbean Court of Justice – the country’s court of final instance.

That's the PNC for you. This is the party you support.

They are wrong and they are playing strong.  They know how to file petitions and they know how to sue people but do they know how to run a country?

They know how to obstruct justice.  They know how to create disturbances.  They know how to kick down doors and rob Indians using the black clothes police. They how to terrorize the country using the so-called Freedom fighters (terrorists).

What else do they know how to do?

Oh yeah !!! US State Department Reports have no weight ? you all need some reality check .

Which orbuculum tells my support ?

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

The report says that the coalition refused to accept defeat.

The Human right report carries no weight because all over the world nobody pays attention to them.

The report then referenced APNU+AFC’s refusal to accept the elections result that showed their loss and which created a five-month post-elections impasse, and included a national recount, refusal to accept the results of the recount, and litigation at the Caribbean Court of Justice – the country’s court of final instance.

That's the PNC for you. This is the party you support.  They are wrong and they are playing strong.  They know how to file petitions and they know how to sue people but do they know how to run a country?

They know how to obstruct justice.  They know how to create disturbances.  They know how to kick down doors and rob Indians using the black clothes police. They how to terrorize the country using the so-called Freedom fighters (terrorists).

What else do they know how to do?

@Django posted:

Oh yeah !!! US State Department Reports have no weight ?  you all need some reality check .

Which orbuculum tells my support ?

Breaking News .... Swampy said US report has no weight, it means nothing.. this HYPOCRITE . If he has any red blood running in his veins he would have condemned the rigging of the 2020 election. The margin of defeat should have tell him and his Acolytes how far Guyanese has moved on and forgotten the racist defenders of Afro Guyanese.

This barely literate former poster ,reading my post  ,spreading FALSE information on  another forum ,daily this is done and some folks cheer him. These are Ratman followers .

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

What is your point?  The PPP won fair and square. Dr. Ali was the Presidential nominee for the PPP.

Burnham was installed in 1964 and then continue to rig all the elections until 1992 when they got their ass kicked in a free and fair election.

In 2015, GECOm helped the Coalition win back the Government. For five years they did nothing to help improve the lives of Guyanese. Instead, they depend on a couple of disgruntled Ex-PPP activists, who tried to destroy the PPP and failed. They succeeded in Bankrupting the country. There are lots of APNU's members who are now charged with fraud.

IF as you claimed that Ali was installed, It was a brilliant idea because I fought for him a whole year for him to get elected.

The stage is set for a brilliant recovery from the state the Coalition left the country in.

It does not matter how much your posters cussed and insult me, it would not change the fact the Country is getting better. It would change the fact that infrastructure is being rebuilt.  The PPP has 5 years not 8 months to implement their promises that are well documented in PPP 2020 manifesto.

I end of 2021, Tota! I've already.posted.I would give.Ali a.chance before criticizing him! I hope he doesn't allow Jagdeo to run.the.government as a backseat driver!

@Ramakant-P posted:

The report says that the coalition refused to accept defeat. The Human right report carries no weight because all over the world nobody pays attention to them.

The report then referenced APNU+AFC’s refusal to accept the elections result that showed their loss and which created a five-month post-elections impasse, and included a national recount, refusal to accept the results of the recount, and litigation at the Caribbean Court of Justice – the country’s court of final instance.

That's the PNC for you. This is the party you support.  They are wrong and they are playing strong.  They know how to file petitions and they know how to sue people but do they know how to run a country?

They know how to obstruct justice.  They know how to create disturbances.  They know how to kick down doors and rob Indians using the black clothes police. They how to terrorize the country using the so-called Freedom fighters (terrorists).

What else do they know how to do?

You say no one pays attention to Human rights report, it carries no weight yet you enjoy them speaking out against they only have weight when speaking out against the opposition? You friken hypocrite.


That's the PNC for you. This is the party you support.  They are wrong and they are playing strong.  They know how to file petitions and they know how to sue people but do they know how to run a country?

They know how to obstruct justice.  They know how to create disturbances.  They know how to kick down doors and rob Indians using the black clothes police. They how to terrorize the country using the so-called Freedom fighters (terrorists).

What else do they know how to do?

Cain, You are the bloody Hypocrite!
US State Department: No question PPP/C won the elections

THE US Department of State has noted the stubbornness of the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition Government to give up power after they lost the March 2, 2020 elections, in its 2020 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.
Prior to the elections, the APNU+AFC Government had lost a no-confidence motion in Parliament in December 2018. The lost meant that elections should have been held in three months as provided for in the Constitution. The Coalition had initially accepted defeat but later challenged the motion all the way to the Caribbean Court of Justice, where it lost the case.

After the long delay, Elections were set for March 2, 2020. The US Department of State noted that the Coalition lost the elections but sought to contest the results, leading to numerous rounds of litigation before finally accepting defeat.
This happened five months after the March 2, 2020 regional and general elections.
“The APNU+AFC Coalition’s refusal to accept the elections result that showed their loss created a five-month post-elections impasse, which included a national recount, refusal to accept the results of the recount, and litigation in the Caribbean Court of Justice, the country’s court of final instance.

The PPP/C won by a margin of 15,000 votes against the APNU+AFC Coalition, and Mohamed Irfaan Ali of the PPP/C was installed as President on August 2,” a summary of the US Department of State report stressed.

The elections resulted in the return of the PPP/C to Government after a five-year hiatus from a previous 23-year administration.
“National and regional elections took place in March, and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won both the presidency and a majority of representational seats. International and local observers considered the elections free and fair,” the report stated.
Before the no-confidence motion and the March 2, 2020 Regional and General Elections, the electorate went to Local Government polls in 2018. The APNU and the AFC had contested the Local Government Elections separately and the results showed a significant decline in support for both of them.

The government mouthpiece ,quoted Irfaan Ali was INSTALLED. Big difference between the words ELECTED and INSTALLED ,also there was no mention in the US Report  May ,2020 Elections are CREDIBLE.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Oh yeah !!! US State Department Reports have no weight ? you all need some reality check .

Which orbuculum tells my support ?

Orbuculum? I've heard that word used somewhere before but I.can't!  word.uword.used somewher

For a cretin's additions, see.above! A proud Canadian cretin who still.doesn't.know

his ass from.a twat, for that!

@Former Member posted:

Orbuculum? I've heard that word used somewhere before but I.can't!  word.uword.used somewher

A crystal ball, also known as an orbuculum or crystal sphere, is a crystal or glass ball and common fortune-telling object. It is generally associated with the performance of clairvoyance and scrying in particular.

Crystal ball - Wikipedia


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Last edited by Django
@Django posted:
US State Department: No question PPP/C won the elections

THE US Department of State has noted the stubbornness of the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition Government to give up power after they lost the March 2, 2020 elections, in its 2020 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.
Prior to the elections, the APNU+AFC Government had lost a no-confidence motion in Parliament in December 2018. The lost meant that elections should have been held in three months as provided for in the Constitution. The Coalition had initially accepted defeat but later challenged the motion all the way to the Caribbean Court of Justice, where it lost the case.

After the long delay, Elections were set for March 2, 2020. The US Department of State noted that the Coalition lost the elections but sought to contest the results, leading to numerous rounds of litigation before finally accepting defeat.
This happened five months after the March 2, 2020 regional and general elections.
“The APNU+AFC Coalition’s refusal to accept the elections result that showed their loss created a five-month post-elections impasse, which included a national recount, refusal to accept the results of the recount, and litigation in the Caribbean Court of Justice, the country’s court of final instance.

The PPP/C won by a margin of 15,000 votes against the APNU+AFC Coalition, and Mohamed Irfaan Ali of the PPP/C was installed as President on August 2,” a summary of the US Department of State report stressed.

The elections resulted in the return of the PPP/C to Government after a five-year hiatus from a previous 23-year administration.
“National and regional elections took place in March, and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won both the presidency and a majority of representational seats. International and local observers considered the elections free and fair,” the report stated.
Before the no-confidence motion and the March 2, 2020 Regional and General Elections, the electorate went to Local Government polls in 2018. The APNU and the AFC had contested the Local Government Elections separately and the results showed a significant decline in support for both of them.

The government mouthpiece ,quoted Irfaan Ali was INSTALLED. Big difference between the words ELECTED and INSTALLED ,also there was no mention in the US Report  May ,2020 Elections are CREDIBLE.

So what if he was installed.  What was Burnham and Hoyte in the days when they were thieves.  The Whole of the PNC were thieves. They stole elections after elections and you worried that Ali was installed. The PPP won the election the PNC did not. So stop bytching about the President was installed. There is nothing you can do about that. You and all those Crazy token Indians who support the thieves.

@Django posted:

A crystal ball, also known as an orbuculum or crystal sphere, is a crystal or glass ball and common fortune-telling object. It is generally associated with the performance of clairvoyance and scrying in particular.

Crystal ball - Wikipedia

So, yuh wuz ah obeah maan awl dis tyme, eh?

Ar ah see-far.maan! Sow, tell.mih whuh gun hoppen koalishun in.2025?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Uh, jangles, the PPP party was ELECTED as the government! The party President!

That's not it ,browse the past reports.  Americans have their way with words ,when they want to send a message.

@Django posted:

That's not it ,browse the past reports.  Americans have their way with words ,when they want to send a message.

Americans have their own problem. They still have to prove that the Democrats didn't rig the election.

@Ramakant-P posted:

So what if he was installed.

What was Burnham and Hoyte in the days when they were thieves.  The Whole of the PNC were thieves. They stole elections after elections and you worried that Ali was installed. The PPP won the election the PNC did not.

So stop bytching about the President was installed. There is nothing you can do about that. You and all those Crazy token Indians who support the thieves.

The same people put you on a pedestal does knock you down.

Who is bytching ???  the Elections CREDIBILTY is still in the courts ,the LAW provides for that.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

That's not it ,browse the past reports.  Americans have their way with words ,when they want to send a message.

So, are the Americans claiming that they.INSTALLED Ali, through Exxon's.request? Well, I WAS suspicious of the CCJ's interference! All to the good.anyway! The thieves.have been flushed out!

To make way for.another set!

@Former Member posted:

So, are the Americans claiming that they.INSTALLED Ali, through Exxon's.request? Well, I WAS suspicious of the CCJ's interference! All to the good.anyway! The thieves.have been flushed out!

To make way for.another set!

It's interesting the State Department under POTUS Joe Biden ,used installed instead of elected.

Bigger set of thieves took over from the flushed out set of thieves ,the cycle continues.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The same people put you a pedestal does knock you down.

Who is bytching ???  the Elections CREDIBILTY is still in the courts ,the LAW provides for that.

Who put me on a pedestal.  Don't lie! You are bytching!  The petition is in  court. The credibility has been certified by the external diplomats and GECOM.  Lowenfield certified the recount.  The PNC went about threatened to create trouble if they did not win the election. They lost. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Who put me on a pedestal.

Don't lie! You are bytching! The petition is in  court.

The credibility has been certified by the external diplomats and GECOM.  Lowenfield certified the recount.

The PNC went about threatened to create trouble if they did not win the election. They lost.

Statement was general and not directed to you.

Why should I lie ? I am aware what happened  who and who tried to steal and who stole the elections.

2020 Elections wasn't certified as CREDIBLE.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

No court will overturn the election, and if they do, they can only order a new election within a year. Then the PNC will lose again because there would be no coalition.

Who told you that ?  who says there is no Coalition ,Ratman ?

@Django posted:

Who told you that ?  who says there is no Coalition ,Ratman ?

I should have said that there isn't going to be any coalition.  The AFC has no support now. Their indo_members are running for cover.  Ramjattan insulted APNU and blame them for losing the election.  APNU/AFC had no plan or Manifesto.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I should have said that there isn't going to be any coalition. The AFC has no support now. Their indo_members are running for cover.  Ramjattan insulted APNU and blame them for losing the election.  APNU/AFC had no plan or Manifesto.

You're joking !!!  some of the people already realize they were fooled by the PPP .

Who said they had no plan ,Ratman ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

It's interesting the Statothe Department under POTUS Joy hook or by crook! Biden ,used in!stalled instead of elected.

Bigger set of thieves took over from the flushed out set of thieves ,the cycle continues.

Trouble is, jangles, an animal and, like the.other animals, seeks to gain, unless restrained, whatever.he wants, whether by hook or by crook! Fk the philosophers! A bunch of dreaming ******s

@Former Member posted:

Trouble is, jangles, an animal and, like the.other animals, seeks to gain, unless restrained, whatever.he wants, whether by hook or by crook! Fk the philosophers! A bunch of dreaming ******s

You speak in forked tongues.  You know nothing. You use the "FK' word so frequently that it becomes your norm and is condoned by the admin because you and he is cut from the same cloth.

@Former Member posted:

Otoh, your 'tongue' is managed by a fked brain! Now, try to tell me what you offends you with fk!

Let it be known that I am not interested or impressed by your rhetorics. Just the facts.


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