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US, India fight to disown global orphan Kairi Abha Shepherd


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India urges US to treat Kairi case with compassion

May 25, 2012

Source - First Post


Kairi Shepherd. File image. Image courtesy Anjali Pawar/ Sakhi


New Delhi: India today asked the United States to treat with β€œutmost compassion” the issue of deportation of Indian-American orphan Kairi Abha Shepherd who faces the prospect of being sent back to her country of birth where she was adopted by an American woman 30 years ago.


β€œIt’s a tragic humanitarian issue and should be treated by the US with utmost compassion”, Foreign secretary Ranjan Mathai told reporters in New Delhi.


He said the Indian Consulate in San Francisco had written to concerned US authorities on the issue but was yet to get any response from them.


Shepherd, who said that deportation would be like β€œdeath sentence” to her, under US laws she can’t be sent back to India unless Indian government provides necessary travel documents for her.


β€œBefore carrying out a deportation, ICE (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement) must first obtain a travel document to ensure the receiving country will admit the alien who is being returned,” ICE spokesperson Lori K Haley said without commenting on the deportation case of Shepherd.




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