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Another sourpuss story. A last ditch effort to say democrat could have won if Russia didn't meddle. On the day when congress come together to count the electoral college votes and give Trump the official stamp to the white house, come another rabbit from the magic hat. Putin told the Democrats to put up or shut up if you can show solid evidence.


Even giants get old. America bullied every country on the face of the earth. We all know about tiny Guyana. Whether American likes or not, nations emerge. And dominate. History has given us volumes of it. And the Russians have a history in their part of the world. Cyber space has made America acessible.

The Chinese are going to be a force to contend with. White people have to be unified. Who better than the Russians to be an ally. World War 2 and even WW1, the Russians were sought after by the ABC countries as an ally. Suh, family cutlass duz only bend. It doan bruk. White people know their strengths.

Trump is no fool. He sees ahead. HE should muzzle McCain and Graham. Dem 2 like thorn among the rose. Trump being the ROSE. 

RiffRaff posted:

Putin ordered hacking to influence election

In the end the election was lost in the voting booth, but the damage was  already done to Hillary and the Dems as a result of the hacking

How about Hillary and her lies?  How about Hillary and her arrogance, pulling ads from [Blue-Wall] areas where she was trashed by Sanders?  How about Trump campaigning in these areas?

Did Putin influenced those actions?

Hillary lost because Hillary lost!  Nothing more, nothing less!

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Putin ordered hacking to influence election

In the end the election was lost in the voting booth, but the damage was  already done to Hillary and the Dems as a result of the hacking

How about Hillary and her lies?  How about Hillary and her arrogance, pulling ads from [Blue-Wall] areas where she was trashed by Sanders?  How about Trump campaigning in these areas?

Did Putin influenced those actions?

Hillary lost because Hillary lost!  Nothing more, nothing less!

Hillary lost because blacks did not turn out to vote. Trump predicted this, the reason he said that blacks have a lazy trait in them.

Chief posted:
cain posted:

True dat chief but you could try dah blue pill or Chinese brush or both.

I am losing my hair rapidly , are you saying Chinee Brush will replace it.

IS blue pill good for hair growth as well?

Bai Chief, leh me tell you. Don't worry about brush or pill. Go directly to the source: "Hairclub for men". A friend of mine had some implants done. I can't afford it. So don't ask me if I tried it. I still do have some of my hair. Don't need it.


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