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The United States will be in Afghanistan for another 50 years and they will still end up bringing home their troops in body bags, and it will take yet another 50 years to realize what the British and the Russians already knows.


The Americans legacy will read "Murderers of the Women and Children and Babies of Afghanistan"


US-led air raids kill 2 kids in northeast Afghanistan

US fighter jets conduct an airstrike in an area of Afghanistan. [File photo)


At least two Afghan children have been killed and several others injured in airstrikes by US-led forces in the country’s troubled northeast, Press TV reports.

Local security officials say the airstrikes happened at 9 AM local time in two villages in Badakhshan Province.

Sources say several civilians, including women and children were also injured in the attacks.

US-led foreign forces have killed thousands of people, including many civilians, in airstrikes and nocturnal raids since they invaded the country in 2001.

Washington claims that its airstrikes target militants, but local sources say civilians have been the main victims of the attacks.

The Afghan government has on numerous occasions warned Washington to stop attacks on innocent civilians.

Civilian casualties caused by foreign forces have been a major source of tension between Kabul and Washington.

The casualties inflicted by US-led troops have sparked massive anti-US protests in the past.

The US-led war in Afghanistan, which has caused record-high civilian and military casualties, has become the longest military conflict in the American history.




Afghan security forces inspect the site of a car bomb attack in the capital, Kabul. [File photo)

Militants attack NATO headquarters in Kabul International Airport

Militants have attacked a US-led military base inside Kabul International Airport in the Afghan capital, Press TV reports.

The attack was carried out shortly after dawn on Monday. Large explosions and gunfire were also heard in the area.

The US Embassy in the diplomatic area of Kabul also sounded its ‘duck and cover’ alarm.

The assailants, armed with machine guns and rocket propelled grenades, are said to have seized control of a building under construction near the airport, from which they targeted the base.

The Taliban militant group has claimed responsibility for the attack. It said several US-led soldiers were killed during the assault.

The militant group said in April that it had begun its ‘spring offensive’ against the US-led foreign forces in the country.

Hashmat Stanikzai, Kabul’s police chief said that a group of attackers “entered a building in Qasaba road, west of Kabul airport, and started sporadic shooting.”

“Now the area is sealed off by the security forces and a stand-off between security forces and the attackers is ongoing,” the police chief added.

Kabul International Airport is home to the NATO Joint Command headquarters, and all flights in and out of the airport have been canceled due to the attack. Other NATO bases across the Afghan capital were also locked down.

The large NATO headquarters at the Kabul airport runs the day-to-day operations of the foreign forces in Afghanistan.

The Afghan capital last came under attack on May 24, when the Taliban militants carried out an assault on a compound of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).


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