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Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

When the Muslim terrorists blew up the hundred years old statue of Buddha, we did not see Buddhist followers take to the streets and kill Muslims. They are the real saints.


The Muslim community must take responsibility for their horrible actions and must speak out against acts of violence and death to others just because they do not subscribe to their beliefs.


This madness for Muslims to kill others just because they have a different viewpoint is disgusting. Shame on them.


Freedom of speech and expression must always be respected. Those who disagree can move to the middle east and mingle with like minded madmen.


Who vex, vex.

If you saying insulting or denigrating someone is freedom of speech, then you have a poor idea of what freedom of speech is. You could be arrested for insulting a black man or a homosexual. People get jailed for saying there was no holocaust. The idea of respecting someone who insulting you is ludicrous. When the civilized people were rioting in England recently, where were you deporting them to? The English countryside? Everyone knows the Arabs have a short fuse; they also know the Palestinians are treated as dogs. Well, if you want to pick on them they will react violently. Granted there are a lot of ignorant people in the middle east, but if you are condoning insulting people, then you shouldn't be surprised at the reaction Insult a man enough and one day he going to come for you.

To the contrary; you have a flawed understanding of what it is. No one is obliged to parse speech to accommodate views not our own.  Muslims know that well when they say Christ is not  the son of son and  god at the same time since to them a triune god makes little sense so they say it even if it is sacrilegious to Christians. I do not see Christians in the streets en mass against Muslims.


The matter here is not freedom of speech but the presumption that if one is offended by speech one can has little regard for self control and do as one pleases even if it means murder and mayhem.


There is no general principle to jail anyone per jewish protestations across the globe and it is silly to say holocaust deniers are jailed en mass. Guilt tripped nations do that since they feel the truth, and it is the truth that they survived mass genocide, is a thing too odious to be denied. Even so, no one goes out en mass protesting and killing others because some fool believed jews did not die as history relates it.


Even the Palestinian question is a red herring. Christians and Jews and atheists all protese on their behalf. Many Americans are the Palestinains best friend even if the national policy is against them.


Muslims who murder on account of perceived slights to their faith do not get my sympathy. That in principle many Muslims feel they have a right to defend perceived slights to their faith with violence  is an odium, a toxic sentiment detrimental to their faith itself. This film, however odious it may be ( not many have seen it to judge the status of its propositions with respect to the Koran) would be been deemed prophetic if as surmised, it  stated Islam is a religion of hate.


He never did such thing. Whathe did is overthrow the stalls set up by traders around the place of worship. His complaint was that traders were taking liberties with worshippers. It's the origin of the idea that Sunday should be a day of rest and free from commercial burden. But modern societies have gone back to trading on a Sunday. They never learn.

Google blocks access to US-made anti-Islam movie in India

The logo of internet search engine company Google at the headquarters in Mountain View in Silicon Valley, south of San Francisco.[file photo)

The logo of internet search engine company Google at the headquarters in Mountain View in Silicon Valley, south of San Francisco.(file photo)
Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:20PM GMT

In connection with recent events we would like to reiterate that India has always strongly condemned all acts that disparage religious beliefs and hurt religious sentiments"


India’s spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, Syed Akbaruddin

Google has blocked access to the anti-Islam movie produced by an Israeli-American in the United States, following a request by New Delhi.

"The Ministry of External Affairs is in touch with US officials who share our concerns on the matter. Google India has, in compliance with Indian law, blocked access to the offensive material” said India’s spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, Syed Akbaruddin on Sunday.

"In connection with recent events we would like to reiterate that India has always strongly condemned all acts that disparage religious beliefs and hurt religious sentiments” the Indian official added.

Several other countries including Malaysia and Indonesia have also asked Google to block access to the controversial film.

Earlier on Friday, Indian security forces arrested 86 people during a protest against the insulting film after enraged protesters attempted to attack the US consulate in the port city of Chennai.

The protesters also burnt an effigy of US President Barack Obama and the US flag, while others threw stones and others lifted iron barricades placed in front of the main gate to break windows.

Meanwhile, the anti-Islam film has drawn condemnation from many countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Britain, Egypt, France, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria , Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia and Yemen as well as the Vatican in Rome.

On Tuesday, US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other consulate staff members were killed in Benghazi after clashes involving a group of angry demonstrators near the consulate building.

At least four Yemeni protesters were killed on Thursday after US embassy guards in Sana'a opened fire on protesters trying to break into the building.

Sam Bacile, a real estate developer, has assumed responsibility for the film released on the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, which he said was made thanks to Zionists donations totaling $ 5 million.
Anti-Islam movie criminal filmmaker misled cast: Pastor
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Related Interviews:
A political analyst says that the controversial anti-Islam film was made by a man with a criminal record who “grossly” deceived the blasphemous movie’s cast, Press TV reports.

“The entire cast and crew who made the film have repudiated it. They have said that they were grossly misled by its intent and purpose. Their words in the film were overdubbed with new statements.” Pastor Stephen Sizer told Press TV during an interview on Sunday.

The pastor condemned the film’s intent saying it aimed at inciting violence.

“First of all let me say that the Christian community completely denounces the practice of insulting and slandering adherence of other religions or their founders.”

Sizer said that Nakula Basseley Nakula or Sam Bacile, already “a convicted felon” faces “further convictions in the United States” for the way he made the film.

According to Sizer, before making headlines in the media, the controversial clip went on YouTube instead of being shown on the television or in the cinemas. It was then “exploited by eccentric extremist religious leader Terry Jones”.

The analyst went on to say that the film was then “picked up by a religious leader in Egypt who showed samples of the video on his program and clearly upset people in Egypt who had never even heard of the film.”

He added that the violence, misunderstanding, and hatred resulting from the film is repudiated in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

The film's supposed writer and director, a man calling himself Sam Bacile, has said the movie was meant to be a provocative political statement in condemnation of Islam.

The movie’s trailer has caused outrage in many countries across the world.

Pakistani protesters torch two cinemas in Peshawar

A protester in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, holds a placard in support of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH) during a demonstration against a US-made anti-Islam film, September 20, 2012.

A protester in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, holds a placard in support of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) during a demonstration against a US-made anti-Islam film, September 20, 2012.
Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:28AM GMT
Pakistani protesters have set fire to two cinemas in the northwestern city of Peshawar, condemning an anti-Islam film produced in the United States.

Police said the angry protesters torched the cinemas on Friday as Pakistan began a day of national protest against the blasphemous movie that disrespects Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

According to reports, one protester was injured after a cinema guard at the Firdaus picture house opened fire at demonstrators, who set the furniture on fire.

Furious protesters also attacked the Shama cinema, smashed its windows and set it ablaze.

Tens of thousands of Pakistani people are expected to stage demonstrations across the country as the government called September 21 a national holiday in honor of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and called for peaceful protests against the US-made film.

On Thursday, violent clashes erupted between thousands of anti-US protesters and security forces near the US embassy in the capital, Islamabad, leaving about 50 people injured.

Over the past few days, protests have also been held in Karachi, Lahore and Quetta.

Pakistan is the epicenter of an anti-West uprising, triggered by the release of the controversial movie and a French magazine’s recent publication of insulting cartoons of Islam’s holiest figure.
Pakistan shows US ad condemning anti-Islam film

Pakistani demonstrators torch a US flag during a protest against an anti-Islam movie in Peshawar on September 17, 2012.

Pakistani demonstrators torch a US flag during a protest against an anti-Islam movie in Peshawar on September 17, 2012.
Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:44PM GMT

Since our founding the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others."

US President Barack Obama


The United States has spent $70,000 to air an advertisement on Pakistani television stations in a bid to reduce public rage at the production of a US-made anti-Islam movie.

The US State Department announced on Thursday that the American Embassy in Islamabad had compiled clips that feature President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denouncing the film.

"After the video came out, there was concern in lots of bodies politic, including in Pakistan, whether this represented the views of the US government," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters in Washington.

"So in order to ensure we reached the largest number of Pakistanis, some 90 million as I understand in this case with these spots, it was the judgment that this was the best way to do it," she added.

The 30-second ad shows Obama and Clinton rejecting the contents of the movie and praising American tolerance for all religions.

Obama is shown saying: "Since our founding the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others."

Clinton then says: "Let me state very clearly, the United States has absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its contents. America's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation."

On Thursday, violent clashes erupted between thousands of anti-US protesters and security forces near the US Embassy in Islamabad, leaving about 50 people injured.

Meanwhile, the US State Department has issued a travel warning for its citizens traveling to Pakistan ahead of major anti-West protests on Friday.

In response to the sacrilegious film, the government of Pakistan declared September 21 a national holiday in honor of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and called for peaceful protests against the film.

Earlier on Thursday, students gathered at the Karachi University in peaceful protest, calling for the expulsion of American diplomats from Muslim countries.

Pakistan is the epicenter of an anti-West uprising, triggered by the release of the controversial movie and the recent publication of insulting cartoons of Islam’s holiest figure by a French magazine.

Originally Posted by TI:

...and let bigots and racists know that they should not insult others with impunity.

 Dude, you will make all the excuse you can for what is complete ignorance in the name of Islam and that is the sin in all of this. It is the open neglect of good Muslim to address bad ones that ruins its public face. The film, idiotic as it is, extends to the extreme end of this continuum.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TI:

...and let bigots and racists know that they should not insult others with impunity.

 Dude, you will make all the excuse you can for what is complete ignorance in the name of Islam and that is the sin in all of this. It is the open neglect of good Muslim to address bad ones that ruins its public face. The film, idiotic as it is is the extreme end of this continuum.

Muslims don't need to make excuses. The insult is directed at both good and bad Muslims. Reaction is different but there will be reaction. When people like to play with fire, one day they will get burnt.  Now the subways are plastering ads that the Palestinians are savages.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TI:

...and let bigots and racists know that they should not insult others with impunity.

 Dude, you will make all the excuse you can for what is complete ignorance in the name of Islam and that is the sin in all of this. It is the open neglect of good Muslim to address bad ones that ruins its public face. The film, idiotic as it is is the extreme end of this continuum.

Muslims don't need to make excuses. The insult is directed at both good and bad Muslims. Reaction is different but there will be reaction. When people like to play with fire, one day they will get burnt.  Now the subways are plastering ads that the Palestinians are savages.

Well...some of those ME idiots do act like savages


I have a couple of questions about this whole controversy.


1. If it's all really about the movie, why didn't the protests start in June, when the movie trailer was released? 


2. The US government doesn't seem to have much to do with the movie per se (unless there is something to the theory that the film's producer, a former government informant, was acting as some sort of agent.) I can't help but wonder whether the demonstrations and riots are not motivated, at least in part, by the U.S. government's bully-boy "regime change" policy of picking another government to overthrow every six months or so.


I found an interesting commentary on Yahoo called "Is Anti-Muslim film a Hoax?"

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TI:

...and let bigots and racists know that they should not insult others with impunity.

 Dude, you will make all the excuse you can for what is complete ignorance in the name of Islam and that is the sin in all of this. It is the open neglect of good Muslim to address bad ones that ruins its public face. The film, idiotic as it is is the extreme end of this continuum.

Muslims don't need to make excuses. The insult is directed at both good and bad Muslims. Reaction is different but there will be reaction. When people like to play with fire, one day they will get burnt.  Now the subways are plastering ads that the Palestinians are savages.

 Who insulted whom? Do you think saying Mohamed married a 9 year old is insulting? It is a fact. Similarly with the accusation that he liked lots of women since he had lots of wives.


There are no details as to what he did to  the nine year old  if a dude married a 13 year old  today I would say he is a creep. If he had 14 wives I would see he is looking for work with beyond which he can aptly apply his skills.


Now Muslims have a ready explanation  to these things so why does that not suffice rather than the need to beat the explanation in the heads of others?


Do you think if I said Jesus consorted with prostitutes I would likely be killed walking by some Christians? That is the point.


I do not believe in Mohamed or Jesus. I think the first a schizophrenic and the latter a zealot with a god complex so why should your belief be more "sacred than mine"?


Anti-Islam film abuse of freedom of expression, says Ban Ki-moon


UNITED NATIONS - Secretary General United Nations (UN) Ban Ki-moon has said that anti-Islam filmmaker abused the freedom of expression.
Addressing a news conference on Wednesday, Ban Ki-moon said that the maker of an anti-Islam film that triggered violent protests across the Muslim world abused his right to freedom of expression by making the movie, which he called a "disgraceful and shameful act."
It should be mentioned that the film, posted on the Internet under several titles including "Innocence of Muslims," sparked days of deadly anti-American violence in many Muslim countries, including an assault on the US consulate in Benghazi in Libya in which the US ambassador died.
The UN chief said that freedoms of expression should be and must be guaranteed and protected, when they are used for common justice, common purpose.
"When some people use this freedom of expression to provoke or humiliate some others values and beliefs, then this cannot be protected in such a way."
He said, "My position is that freedom of expression, while it is a fundamental right and privilege, should not be abused by such people, by such a disgraceful and shameful act."
It’s worth mentioning here that a California man convicted of bank fraud was taken in for questioning on Saturday by US authorities investigating possible probation violations stemming from the making of the video. He has denied involvement in the film and has now gone into hiding.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on world leaders to speak out and urge all people to respect the values and beliefs of others following recent incidents of intolerance and hatred that are being exploited.
He said "voices of moderation and calm need to make themselves heard at this time."

Originally Posted by TI:
Storm might ban Ban Ki Moon for that statement. The UN chief migh have to resign

 Why would I have problems with what he said? If one can be assured that there is a methodology to ascertain what it is would cause one to anger then such a system would gladly be entertained.


Note what could be ascertained and what the gentleman also did not condone was voices of malice and habit of predatory marching with the sole purpose to cause mayhem to official residences of emissaries of foreign nations. I am certain he does not condone that.


The turmoil in the ME have little to do with the movie.  What you are seeing is a break out of passions due to the general situation in the Region and the state of the Palestinians.  The muslims are watching the "hope" in Obama fading rapidly as he himself steps up attacks against Muslim groups and regimes which the US don't like.


They watch as the Israelis continue to do as they wish to the point where today US politicians, even Obama and the Israelis are talking about taking the whole of Jerusalem for Israel.  They watch as the US and Israel plan to take down the last real Islamic power still standing, Iran.


Muslims are very frustrated as political hopes fade.  Obama will prove a catastrophic failure for the people of the ME.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The turmoil in the ME have little to do with the movie.  What you are seeing is a break out of passions due to the general situation in the Region and the state of the Palestinians.  The muslims are watching the "hope" in Obama fading rapidly as he himself steps up attacks against Muslim groups and regimes which the US don't like.


They watch as the Israelis continue to do as they wish to the point where today US politicians, even Obama and the Israelis are talking about taking the whole of Jerusalem for Israel.  They watch as the US and Israel plan to take down the last real Islamic power still standing, Iran.


Muslims are very frustrated as political hopes fade.  Obama will prove a catastrophic failure for the people of the ME.

Have to agree with you.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The turmoil in the ME have little to do with the movie.  What you are seeing is a break out of passions due to the general situation in the Region and the state of the Palestinians.  The muslims are watching the "hope" in Obama fading rapidly as he himself steps up attacks against Muslim groups and regimes which the US don't like.


They watch as the Israelis continue to do as they wish to the point where today US politicians, even Obama and the Israelis are talking about taking the whole of Jerusalem for Israel.  They watch as the US and Israel plan to take down the last real Islamic power still standing, Iran.


Muslims are very frustrated as political hopes fade.  Obama will prove a catastrophic failure for the people of the ME.

Have to agree with you.

Same here.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The turmoil in the ME have little to do with the movie.  What you are seeing is a break out of passions due to the general situation in the Region and the state of the Palestinians.  The muslims are watching the "hope" in Obama fading rapidly as he himself steps up attacks against Muslim groups and regimes which the US don't like.


They watch as the Israelis continue to do as they wish to the point where today US politicians, even Obama and the Israelis are talking about taking the whole of Jerusalem for Israel.  They watch as the US and Israel plan to take down the last real Islamic power still standing, Iran.


Muslims are very frustrated as political hopes fade.  Obama will prove a catastrophic failure for the people of the ME.

Have to agree with you.

The more Muslims themselves chant the film as the reason for their anger, the Israelis and Neo-Cons in Washington are cheering and laughing.  It makes Muslims look irrational, frivolous and a bunch of ignoramus when infact there is a ligit and real issue in the background which is really driving passions.


The problem you have, no one in Arab leadership wants to float this as it then forces the question, what have they been doing all these years building relations with the US and Israelis.  The Saudis, and to a lesser extent Jordan, are the chief culprits cooperating with the destruction of Sadaam, sponsoring anti-Shia terrorism in the region and now sponsoring the Syrian conflagration.  The Sunnis powers are now consumed with their desire to bring Iran down that the Israelis and neo-Cons could do and say as they wish with virtual impunity.  Nothing will change for Arabs/Muslims, they will be chanting this crap for the next 50 years while Israel and the US own the region.

Originally Posted by baseman:
The Saudis, and to a lesser extent Jordan, are the chief culprits cooperating with the destruction of Sadaam, sponsoring anti-Shia terrorism in the region and now sponsoring the Syrian conflagration.
And the Saudis, along with the Emirates, are the main British proxies in the region. The Al-Yamamah arms deal between BAE and the Saudis created a mind-boggling US$200 Billion slush fund for various kinds of covert operations, which most likely included the 911 attacks.
Muslim Congress stages first public reaction to US-made film

File photo of protest against the US-made anti-Islam film

File photo of protest against the US-made anti-Islam film
Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:50AM GMT
The Muslim Congress has staged its first public reaction to the US-made movie, which insults Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), as the organization’s demonstrators rallied against instances of affront to divine religions in Los Angeles.

The protesters, mostly women, gathered outside the Federal Building in the city’s Hollywood section on Saturday to denounce hatred and religious insult.

Holding up placards, the non-profit body’s protesters denounced hate-mongering and urged promotion of love and peace. The organization seeks to promote unity among North America’s Muslims.

Waves of anti-US protests rage on across the global community over the film, made by an Israeli-American, who has acknowledged to US media that he has produced and directed the blasphemous movie thanks to Jewish donations totaling USD five million.

Religious leaders in southern California have called for an end to the religious defamation caused by the film.

Federal authorities have identified Nakoula Basselly Nakoula as the key figure behind the film. Authorities say Nakoula used the false name, Sam Bacile when he posted the video on YouTube back in July.

The film has sparked rallies in dozens of countries across the world, including Australia, Belgium, France, Israel, Indonesia, and the Maldives.

Most recently, most schools, shops, and offices were shut down in Bangladesh amid a nationwide strike over the movie.
Originally Posted by baseman:

People are stupid.  The Israelis and Neo-Cons know just how to keep them occupied on such frivolous issues while they lose corn and husk in the ME.

How in the world does a group stupid inclination to defend the absurd, "respect for their religion and prophet" by forcing it down the throat of others be reduced to machinations of anyone but themselves? If some Muslims feel the teleological ends of their religion can be buttressed by violence and all manner of wicked deeds that is their burden.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

People are stupid.  The Israelis and Neo-Cons know just how to keep them occupied on such frivolous issues while they lose corn and husk in the ME.

How in the world does a group stupid inclination to defend the absurd, "respect for their religion and prophet" by forcing it down the throat of others be reduced to machinations of anyone but themselves? 

D2, you are one ignorant sucker. This is oldest tactic in the book. There is a huge overlap between military/intelligence work and anthropology, as geopoliticians seek new ways to manipulate groups based on their cultural or religious profiles. This is the story behind the "Great Game," Lawrence of Arabia, and countless other episodes. It has reached the point where there is now an organization called the "Network of Concerned Anthropologists" that is protesting the use of their discipline for military/intelligence purposes.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

People are stupid.  The Israelis and Neo-Cons know just how to keep them occupied on such frivolous issues while they lose corn and husk in the ME.

How in the world does a group stupid inclination to defend the absurd, "respect for their religion and prophet" by forcing it down the throat of others be reduced to machinations of anyone but themselves? 

D2, you are one ignorant sucker. This is oldest tactic in the book. There is a huge overlap between military/intelligence work and anthropology, as geopoliticians seek new ways to manipulate groups based on their cultural or religious profiles. This is the story behind the "Great Game," Lawrence of Arabia, and countless other episodes. It has reached the point where there is now an organization called the "Network of Concerned Anthropologists" that is protesting the use of their discipline for military/intelligence purposes.

  What is at work is an industry of perceived oppression being leveraged and sold liberally in the name of injustices against religion. I do not need to get into the conspiracy industry to explain this one or rely on Larouche indoctrinated  morons in the business of building epicycles to explain what is  self explained.  Everyone from the mullahs to the fellaheen say they are offended by insults to Islam so seek retribution in violence against the offenders.

Thousands protest anti-Islam film outside US consulate in Canada
A man hold a sign during a demonstration against a US-made anti-Islam film outside the US consulate in Toronto, Canada, on September 22, 2012.
A man hold a sign during a demonstration against a US-made anti-Islam film outside the US consulate in Toronto, Canada, on September 22, 2012.
Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:53PM GMT
Some 1,500 people have gathered outside the US consulate in Canada to protest against a US-made film which insults Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

The protesters converged on University Avenue in Toronto on Saturday, and carried signs that called for the film to be banned and for blasphemy to be made illegal, CTV television network reported.

They also chanted ‘shame, shame USA’ and called on the US government to prosecute the filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (aka Sam Bacile), who has gone into hiding.

A protester, who identified himself as Mohammed, said that hate speech against Islam or any other religion should not be tolerated.

“Free speech does not give you a right to go and attack someone’s faith,” he said.

The man added, “If anybody is attacking the Jewish faith or the Christian faith, Muslims would be hand in hand with them to denounce it. The same thing applies to the Islamic faith.”

Meanwhile, Director of Toronto’s Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought Zafar Bangash said the Canadian government has not done enough to stop the spread of the profane film.

“What it has done is disrupted the social peace and it has created a lot of turmoil in the Muslim world as well as it has angered Muslims wherever they may be,” he stated.

Muslims in Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kashmir, Pakistan, India, Iraq, Gaza, Morocco, Syria, Kuwait, Nigeria, Kenya, Australia, Britain, the United States, France, Belgium, and some other countries have held many demonstrations to condemn the blasphemous film.

Angry protesters across demand the US government apologize to the Muslim world over the anti-Islam movie.

The American-made anti-Islam movie is said to have been made with the help of Zionist donations totaling USD 5 million.

The sacrilegious movie was followed by publication of several cartoons mocking Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo on September 19.
YouTube must remove anti-Islam film: Russian court

A court in Russia says the YouTube must take down the anti-Islam film.

A court in Russia says the YouTube must take down the anti-Islam film.
Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:1PM GMT
This is a ruling of the court that will have to be observed across Russia."


An aide to Chechnya's information Minister, Ruslan Idrisov .

A court in the provincial capital of Russia's Muslim-dominated province of Chechnya has banned a recent film that disrespected Islam and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), officials say.

On Friday, a court in the Chechen capital Grozny issued an order saying that since the distribution of the US-made anti-Islam movie could have serious negative consequences connected to the political destabilization in the entire region including Russia, the Google must take down the video.

"This is a ruling of the court that will have to be observed across Russia," AFP quoted an aide to Chechnya's information Minister Ruslan Idrisov as saying in a statement.

Meanwhile, the Internet search giant has so far refused to remove the video from YouTube.

The American-made anti-Islam movie is said to have been made with the help of Zionist donations totaling USD 5 million.

The sacrilegious movie was followed by publication of several cartoons mocking Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo on September 19.

Muslims in Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Nigeria, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Australia, Britain, the United States, France, Belgium, and several other countries have held many demonstrations to condemn the blasphemous movie over the past week. Protests were also held in Kashmir and the Gaza Strip.
Anti-Islam video sparks protests in Kolkata, American Center closes
Kolkata, September 27, 2012
Hundreds of Muslims on Thursday held protests against an anti-Islam video and tried to march to the American Center in Kolkata, which closed down for the second half of the day. The protestors, belonging to Muslim organisations, including the All-Bengal Minorities Youth Federation, demanding an apology from the US, broke barricades and tried to approach the highly-fortified American Centre on Chowringee in central Kolkata, but were stopped some distance away, police sources said.


Joint Commissioner of Police (Headquarters) Javed Shamim, told reporters that a 1000-1500 strong force was deployed in the area and was successful in preventing the protestors from reaching the American consulate office.

Police sources said an estimated 20,000-25,000 people from the minority community gathered in between Esplanade and Chowringhee to protest against video which was available on the internet.

There was no violence during the protest, Shamim said. Apprehending that the situation might turn violent the American Centre closed down in the second half of day, officials said.

The protest grid-locked traffic bumper-to-bumper on Chowringhee and C R avenue in central Kolkata and had a ripple effect elsewhere, including the south and the north in the metropolis.

The video has sparked anti-US protests across the Muslim world, including in countries like Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia, Sudan and Afghanistan.


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